
作者&投稿:祁从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

听力原文:(Text 1)M: The city government has decided to build a new high school.W: It's about time! I don't know why it took so long.(Text 2)M: Mr. and Mrs. White have engaged a room at one of the best hotels in Beijing and they'll stay there for a week.W: ...

要想提高自己的英语听力能力,在平常就要多练习,下面是我整理的英语四级听力原文,希望能帮到大家! Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, oneor more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the ...

初三上英语听力原文 (只需要1——3单元)
Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section A 1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from the picture above.Boy 1: Hey Gang. There's a big test on Tuesday. I really need some help. Can you tell me how you study for a big test?Voices: Sur...

高考英语听力音频及原文如下:第一节。Text 1。W: Where are you from?M: I’m from Atlanta, but I live in New York now.W: I live in Washington D.C.Text 2。W: OK, John. How much do you pay for electricity and telephone services?M: My electricity bill is about 50 dollar...

英语四级听力原文 Part 1 短对话 Question 1 - M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together last month? - W: Sure。 It’s actually the most impressive one I’ve seen on that topic。 Q:What do we learn about the speakers? A) They admire the courage of...

听力原文 Ⅰ.1. Linda wants to join the music club. 2. Jim usually gets up at 6:45.3. Selina often takes a shower in the morning. 4. My favorite subject is math. It’s interesting. 5. Lana likes playing the guitar very much. Ⅱ.6. Alice, nice to meet you. 7...

2020年7月大学英语四级听力真题原文:短文1 Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a ques- tion, you must choose ...

求2012武汉市中考英语听力稿 或者MP3
听力录音稿:2012年武汉市中考英语听力原文 1. Who is that boy by the window?2. How do you go to the museum?3. What’s in the yellow box?4. Which is Tom’s jacket?5. When are you having breakfast?6. A: Hello! This is Mike speaking.B: Hi! This is Jennifer.7. A:...

上面那个是VOA慢速英语的 all about eyes.原谅如下 Today’s program is all about eyes. When it comes to relationships, people’s eyes can be a window into their hearts. This means that their eyes can tell a lot about how they feel. We will tell a story about a man and woman...

新通用大学英语综合教程第三册听力原文 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Listening Part 1 A Business Meeting in Thailand TERESA: Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Teresa Segovia, from Santiago, Chile. Sawatdee-Kaa. SURAT: Where did you learn the wai? TERESA: Actually, a Thai friend in Chile taught me. ...

闾胡13855536330问: 初中英语听力 - 搜狗百科
竹山县欣贝回答: ()听力原文:Conversation1W:Whatdidyoudolastnight,Tom?M:IwatchedTV……[阅读数:1323]-2007年07月13日-发现类似文章 初一英语听力原文:

闾胡13855536330问: 牛津初中英语 7A unit3 integrated skills 听力原文 是什么? -
竹山县欣贝回答:[答案] And now we have some announcements(通告) about Chinese New Year Celebrations in New York this coming Sunday. Celebrations will start at 1 p.m.with the Chinese lion dance.This will take place in Peel Street---that's P,e,e,l; Street. You can try ...

闾胡13855536330问: 初一上学期英语听力原文EEC -
竹山县欣贝回答:[答案] 音频上传有点麻烦,有配套的磁带,才14元.

闾胡13855536330问: 牛津初中英语8a unit1 itegrated skills 听力原文!. -
竹山县欣贝回答:[答案] A1 Dear Editor: My name is Millie. I am a Grade 8 student. I always try to be __kind____ to people. I have many friends in my class. I feel unhappy when my friends are sad. I try my best to help them. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. Then I ...

闾胡13855536330问: 2012七年级上册英语义务教育Unit7听力原文 -
竹山县欣贝回答:[答案] Unit7 How much are these socks? SectionA1b Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a.Girl: How much is the hat?Woman: It's six dollars.Girl: And how much are these shorts?Woman...

闾胡13855536330问: 初一英语上册,第3单元第一个的听力部分,写出听力原文
竹山县欣贝回答: Section A ,1b Dave:This is my family.Those are my two brothers.And that's my sister. Dave:This is my mother.Mom,this is Lin Hai. Lin Hai:Nice to meet you! Mom:Nice to meet you,Lin Hai! Dave:And these are my grandparents. Grandparents:Hi,Lin ...

闾胡13855536330问: 鲁教版初三英语下册U1听力原文,跪谢. -
竹山县欣贝回答:[答案] Since my school is not far from where I live.I often walk to school.Along the way,I can see many interesting things.Right after I step out of my house,I can see many elderly people jogging around.As I...

闾胡13855536330问: 人教版英语八年级上册三单元的听力原文!急用!!翻译的也可以! -
竹山县欣贝回答: 1b (听力)(1)女孩1:简,假期你打算做什么? 简: 我打算和我的朋友们一起度过. 女孩1:那听起来很有趣. (2)男孩1:莎伦,假期你打算做什么? 莎伦: 我打算去看望我的祖母. (3)女孩3:迈克尔,假期你打算做什么? 迈克尔:我打...

闾胡13855536330问: 初三英语 第三单元sectionA1b的听力内容原文. 我听力材料撕掉了 -
竹山县欣贝回答: 1b Listen and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false). Woman: So, what are you doing this afternoon, Anna? Anna: I'm going to the mall with John. He just got his driver's license. Woman: I'm sorry. You can't go with John. I don't think sixteen-year-...

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