
作者&投稿:生沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The story started at 1866, Aronnax was French, and he was studying a large monster under the sea. At that time, this large monster's massager was traveling around the world. And after the reserch, he would return from abroad, and then he climbed up the chaser of America, ...

《海底两万里》是法国科幻小说作家儒略•凡尔纳的名著,法文原名是 Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers,英文译作 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,按照名从主人原则,凡尔纳的英文名仍然沿用法文原名 Jules Verne。

These days, I looked at one "Seabed 20,000 Miles", this book is extremely interesting.Among them, I iceberg this content deep am moved deeply by "Seabed 20,000 Miles".They in the South Pole area navigation, in on the road which comes back, unfortunate is surrounded by the ...

《海底两万里》写的主要是他们在这十个月里的经历。 《海底两万里》已经有几种中译本,“两万里”也就成了个约定俗成的说法;究其实,这里的“里”指的是法国古里,而古法里又有海陆之分,一古海里约合5.556公里,一古陆里约合4.445公里;既然是在海底周游,这里的两万里,理应为两万古海里。 如此说来,他们在海底行...

海底两万里 英文简介
海底两万里得英文简介如下:Story started at 1866, Aronnax was French, he is a natural historian, and he was studying a large monster under the sea. At that time, this large monster’s massager was traveling around the world. And after the investigation, he would return from ...

谁有《海底两万里》英文版摘抄的好句、好段,越多越好 急!!!
如下,还有喜欢程度排名:“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and...

海底两万里故事 英文梗概 急需!!!

Nautron respoc lorni virch在其他情况下,没有什么特定的意思。但是在小说《海底两万里》中的意思是一切正常,没有任何异常的情况发生。

阿隆那克斯教授 Professor Aronnax 仆人孔赛伊 Servant Conseil 鱼叉手尼德兰 Harpooner Ned Land 尼摩船长 Captain Nemo 鹦鹉螺潜艇 the Nautilus (潜艇的英文是submarine,但鹦鹉螺潜艇直接用the Nautilus 就行了)

向你推荐适合大学生看的中短篇英文原著:弗兰肯斯坦.Frankenstein 环游地球80天.Around.the.World.in.Eighty.Days 圣诞欢歌.A.Christmas.Carol 白鲸.Moby.Dick 时间机器.The.Time.Machine 黑骏马.Black.Beauty 海底两万里.Twenty.Thousand.Leagues.Under.the.Sea 飘.Gone.with.the.wind 简爱.Jene.Eyer ...

公蝶18751232854问: 求一篇海底两万里的读后感要用英文,100个次就够了,初二水平,拜托了,兄弟们 -
筠连县葫芦回答: Do you know Vingt mille lieues sous les mers?This is a very interesting story.Jules Gabriel Verne,author of the book. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers is a science fiction.This book is about biologist Pierre Aronnax,Conseil,Ned Land and Capitaine ...

公蝶18751232854问: 急求《海底两万里》的英文读后感!!!越多越好!!英语水平最好高一
筠连县葫芦回答: 我的够多了,不止一千字:"海底两万里" Book "海底两万里" the author of Jules. Verne is a nineteenth-century French science fiction writer amazing imagination, he ...

公蝶18751232854问: 海底两万里读后感(英语) -
筠连县葫芦回答: These days, I looked at one "Seabed 20,000 Miles", this book is extremely interesting.Among them, I iceberg this content deep am moved deeply by "Seabed 20,000 Miles". They in the South Pole area navigation, in on the road which comes ...

公蝶18751232854问: 海底两万里的英语读后感 -
筠连县葫芦回答: After reading this book, I will think of a filling the rich world, a vast ocean, Captain Nemo took us to explore the wonderful. In this book, I can feel the usually do not feel, can think we usually can't imagine. In this book, you can know the forest can walk, ...

公蝶18751232854问: 跪求5篇英语读后感!5篇英语读后感(最好是电影读后感),初一水平的,麻烦诸位啦~ -
筠连县葫芦回答:[答案] 八十天环游地球This summer,my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books,"Around the World in 80 Days," "海底两万里." The "Around the World in 80 Days" This book is my favorite one of the books.On th...

公蝶18751232854问: 海底两万里英语读后感帮忙翻译一下
筠连县葫芦回答:这些天来,我看着一个“海底20000万里通” ,这本书是极其interesting.Among他们,我的冰山此内容深切感到深深的感动“海底20000英里. ” 他们在南极地区航行,在这些道路上回来,不幸的是周围的冰山一角,但他们用自己的智慧拯救...

公蝶18751232854问: 求《海底两万里》英语读后感 -
筠连县葫芦回答: 这样,我怀着一种崇敬的心情,跟随书中的主人翁探险者博物学家阿龙纳斯,乘坐 鹦鹉螺号潜水艇,开始他充满传奇色彩的海底之旅.鹦鹉螺号的主人尼摩船长是个性 格阴郁,知识渊博的人,他们乘坐的鹦鹉螺号以平均每小时十二公里的航速,缓缓行 驶,来到地中海.潜艇经过直布罗陀海峡,径直奔向南极地区.然后又沿拉美海岸北 上,跟随暖流来到北海,最后消失在挪威西海岸的大旋涡中.在途中遇见了许多罕见 海底动植物,还有海底洞穴、暗道和遗址,其中包括着名的沉没城市亚特兰蒂斯这个 拥有与希腊相当的历史文化的文明古国.

公蝶18751232854问: 求《雾都孤儿》或者《海底两万里》的英文读后感 -
筠连县葫芦回答: 《雾都孤儿》读后感 英文: To Regain the Nature of Goodness —— Review of 'Oliver Twist' Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens', is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who ...

公蝶18751232854问: 《海底两万里》读后感心得范文
筠连县葫芦回答: 《海底两万里》是法国著名作家儒勒·凡尔纳的代表作之一,是“凡尔纳三部曲”(另两部为《格兰特船长的儿女》和《神秘岛》)的第二部,下面给大家分享关于《海底...

公蝶18751232854问: 跪求5篇英语读后感!!!!! -
筠连县葫芦回答: 八十天环游地球 This summer, my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books, "Around the World in 80 Days," "海底两万里." The "Around the World in 80 Days" This book is my favorite one of the books. On the main charges in Lisburn. ...

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