
作者&投稿:朱育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

琳达•米勒是一位三个孩子的母亲,她了解这样的压力。“在一些家庭中,竞争从很小就开始了,一直持续到子们长大她说,“妈妈们把 孩子们送去上各种各样的课程。他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。这太疯狂了。我认为这是不公平的。他们为什么不让孩子做回孩子呢?人们不应该对自己的孩子这么苛刻。...

三年级上册英语38页:Page 38 三年级上册英语38页的内容是:Look, a panda! 看,一头熊猫!Look,Zoom! 看,Zoom.What's that? 那是什么?It's an elephant. 那是一头大象。Cool! I like it. 酷!我喜欢。What's this? 这是什么?It's a bear.这是一头熊。What's this?这是什么?It...


三年级英语上册38页至39页:Look, a panda! 看,一头熊猫!Look,Zoom! 看,Zoom.What's that? 那是什么?It's an elephant. 那是一头大象。Cool! I like it. 酷!我喜欢。What's this? 这是什么?It's a bear.这是一头熊。What's this?这是什么?It's a duck.它是一只鸭子。What...

三年级下册英语书38、39、40页怎么读  我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览1 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 三年级下册 英语书 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中...

人教版初三上册英语五单元sectionB 3a第38页翻译
38页 3a 原文:Our neighborhood used to be very quiet. However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy. Zhou Gu, the local school teacher is extremely worried. When he was interviewed by the local newspaper, he said, “Every night we ...





镡卖15194205177问: 人教版初三上册英语五单元sectionB 3a第38页翻译 -
歙县麦味回答: 38页 3a 原文: Our neighborhood used to be very quiet. However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy. Zhou Gu, the local school teacher is extremely worried. When he was interviewed by the ...

镡卖15194205177问: 求翻译英语七年级上册38页短文 -
歙县麦味回答: dear jack: hi,how are you ? there is a winter camp,i want to invite you to join . i think it will very interesting,we can skiing ice-skating games and staying with an American family.it is in Los Angeles in January30,2008--February3,2008.i hope you can ...

镡卖15194205177问: 九年级英语38页3b怎么写?3b问题是:Write another paragraph about Bell Tower using t...九年级英语38页3b怎么写?3b问题是:Write another paragraph ... -
歙县麦味回答:[答案] These days,something unusual is happening in my neighborhood.Mr.Chu often hears footsteps in the hallway at late night.His wife thinks it might be the neighbors.Lao Zheng,a retired worker,saw someone ...

镡卖15194205177问: 九年级英语38页3b怎么写 ? -
歙县麦味回答: These days, something unusual is happening in my neighborhood. Mr. Chu often hears footsteps in the hallway at late night. His wife thinks it might be the neighbors. Lao Zheng, a retired worker, saw someone trying to get in the window one evening...

镡卖15194205177问: 七年级上册英语书38页2e翻译 -
歙县麦味回答: Can I help you 我能帮助您吗 Yes please I need a sweater for school 是的 我需要一件学校穿的毛衣 ok what color do you want 好的 你想要什么颜色? Blue 蓝色 How about this one 这一件怎么样呢 I look nice houw much is it 看上去不错 它多少钱呢 ...

镡卖15194205177问: 初三上册人教版英语第三单元2b 翻译 -
歙县麦味回答: 答案是:

镡卖15194205177问: 九上英语书第38页2b缩写成小短文 急用 -
歙县麦味回答: This is a beautiful garden .Some children are playing in the garden.They are very happy.You can see some trees ,some beautiful flowers and some birds.There are some boys and girls.They are playing games and theyare very happy!

镡卖15194205177问: 英语九年级上册第二单元2d怎么翻译 -
歙县麦味回答: 具体如下:Clara: guess what? I'm going to Chiang Mai in two weeks. Clara:猜什么?我打算两周后去清迈. Ben: Oh, that sounds interesting! But I know April is the hottest month of the year there. 本:喔哦,听起来好有意思!但是我知道四月是...

镡卖15194205177问: 初三英语二单元课文翻译 -
歙县麦味回答: 28页3a i'm really shy and 翻译:我真的害羞,不能去聚会, i just don't enjoy parties . 我不知道应该怎么说和做 i don't know what to say or do i get nervous before big parties 在大的聚会之前我非常紧张就 and then i get pimple .They look 会长丘疹...

镡卖15194205177问: 人教版初三上册英语书Module2 Unit1课文翻译? -
歙县麦味回答: Unit 1 课文翻译 Section A 杰克:安妮,我有点紧张.我得读完一本32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333363383961书并在下周一做读书报告. 安妮:那听起来并不太糟糕嘛. 杰克:但是,我是一个书读得很慢的人. ...

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