
作者&投稿:温邦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于去购物英文对话篇一 A:Sure. Here is nice gold necklace. Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount.B:It's very elegant. I'll take it.A:All right. Is there anything else you want?B:Will you show the that key ring?A:Yes. H...

关于购物英语对话短文篇1 A:How about we go to the flea market today?我们今天去跳蚤市场怎么样?J:Great. I have long been looking forward to there.太好了,我盼望去那里很久了。A:Me, too. There are so many cheap but nice things.我也是,那里有很多物美价廉的东西。J:I can't ...

有关购物英语情景剧对话1 John:Do you like to shop online?你喜欢在网上购物吗?Lily:Yeah. It's really convenient to shop from home. It also saves time.喜欢。真的很方便,不用出门就能买到东西,还节省时间。John:I worry about identity theft online. It is easy for theives to ...

关于商场购物的简单英语对话一 A:Can I help you, Miss?小姐,需要点什么?B:I would like to order 2 office-style cabinets and desk calendars. We want office-style cabinets in white. The catalogue number is 90-f-2356.我要订购两个办公柜和两份台历。办公柜要白色的产品编号是90-...

关于和朋友去购物英语对话一 john:hello, i want to buy a newspaper. which one do you recommend?您好,买报纸。您推荐一个吧?lily:it depends on what you're interested in. there are different categories such as science, economy, politics and so on.这看您喜好了。种类多着呢,科...

1、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?B:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。A:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去。B:Let's get a shopping cart. 我们去拿一辆手推车吧。A:Good ideaA 好主意。B:What are ...

1、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?\\x0d\\x0a\\x0d\\x0aB:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。\\x0d\\x0aA:Wait a few minutes and I'll go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去。\\x0d\\x0aB:Let's get a shopping cart. 我们去拿一辆手...

1 AExcuse me, sir, this is the express check-out lane for people that have fifteen items or fewer. It looks like you have more than fifteen items there.先生,很抱歉。这是为购物15件或少于15件而设的绿色通道。你买的东西看起来多于15件.BOh, e on! I have sixteen items! Cut ...

乔伊:我们就买这件吧,我要你也试试这一件。 路易:好吧,好吧。 乔伊:我帮你打扮你应该感到高兴。 如果让你自已逛,你一定不会买任何东西。 路易:也许吧。但我还是喜欢逛街购物,有比较多的东西可看。 对不起,我就是不喜欢购物中心。 和朋友买东西英语对话二 IVY: I want to buy some running shoes. Maybe...

下面是一些有关打折的英语口语对话。(1)A:Do you offer any quantity discounts?大量购买有折扣吗?B:No, we don’t.不,没有。A:Then give us three cases of this.那么这种的就买三箱好了。(2)A:You could save a lot if you would order a little more.如果你单子下得多一点,可以省...

任沈15657853800问: 初一英语作文 购物对话全文差不多要20句 -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] A:What can i do for you? B:I"m looking for a sweater. A:Let me show you.What about this one? A:It's too big for me and I don't like the colour. B:Let me show you another.This is the most beautiful in my shop.Think abou it,please.It's noy too expensive.It's...

任沈15657853800问: 写一段购物对话(英文) 约60词即可最好初一水平 -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] Karen walks into a boutique. She wants to buy a scarf. Sales Assoc: Hi, are you being helped? Karen: No, I'm not. I'm interested in some scarves. Sales Assoc: All our scarves are in this section. What...

任沈15657853800问: 初一英语购物对话6句 -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] Can I help you? Yes,I want a hat! What color do you like? Red Okay,how about this one? Oh,it's too small! Sorry,try this one. Yes,I pay for this one!

任沈15657853800问: 初中一年级英语六人对话短文(购物)要分角色!请各大朋友帮帮忙,6个人对话要分角色,如店长\店员\顾客等,Thank you very much! -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] 我编了一个4人对话,是卖鞋子的.你要六人的对话,那就自己给这两人加写话吧.人物:Clerk,Shopper A.Shopper B Shopper C 地点:.Kenny's shoe store Clerk :Welcome to Kenny's Shoes.Can I help you?ShopperA:I don't...

任沈15657853800问: 初一英语作文 购物对话 -
那曲县利血回答: A:What can i do for you? B:I"m looking for a sweater. A:Let me show you.What about this one? A:It's too big for me and I don't like the colour. B:Let me show you another.This is the most beautiful in my shop.Think abou it,please.It's noy too ...

任沈15657853800问: 初一英语作文:你在服装店和营业员谈论衣服的颜色,价格,大小等,以此为主题编写一段对话(50词,句不要过于单调) -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] Hello! May I help you? Yes,do you have smaller size of this T-shirt?My size is 34,but this is 38. Oh,let me check.Which color would you like? I just want this color,white! Ok,got it.Would you want to try? No need,how much of it? It is 99RMB. Ok,thank you,I will ...

任沈15657853800问: 用英文写一篇两个人买东西讨价还价的对话 -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] can i help you? yes,i am looking for a shirt. how about this one? oh yes,i like it.how much is it? 100 yuan. can you give me a discount? ok,let's make it 90 yuan. ok,i'll have it.

任沈15657853800问: 关于买东西的英语对话,起码要十句以上,越多越好,初一水平的,拜托了 -
那曲县利血回答: Sales Assoc: Hi, are you being helped?Karen: No, I'm not. I'm interested in some scarves.Sales Assoc: All our scarves are in this section. What do you think of this one here? It's made of silk.Karen: Hm, it looks nice, but I'd like to have something...

任沈15657853800问: 初一关于购物的英语作文(有对话的) -
那曲县利血回答: A:Excuse me,Can I help you?B:Yes,Pease.I want a T-shirt.A:what color do you want?B:red.A;Here you are.B:How mach is it?A:Ten yuan.B:I'll take it.Thank you.A:You are welcome. 刚忘了登陆了,所以又弄了一遍

任沈15657853800问: 英语购物对话,语法要正确啊!你列了一张购物单,准备买一些玩具,一些巧克力和一个南瓜,下面编一段对话(你与营业员之间),至少80词. -
那曲县利血回答:[答案] Shop Assistant:SAConsumer:CSA:Hello,what can I do for you?C:I want to buy something follow this list about some toys,one chocolate and a pumpkin.SA:Ok,wait a moment.C:Thank you.SA:These are the things...

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