
作者&投稿:巫丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

内容包含各类题型,适合学生暑期自我预习使用 通过预习,能有效提升开学后学习效率,建议学生收藏保存 码字不易,如觉有用,请支持,点击点赞 试卷内容详实,覆盖英语学习重点,有助于学生提前掌握 暑假预习能够为新学期英语学习打下坚实基础,不容忽视 关注优质学习资源,持续提升自我,是每位学生应有之责 ...


A. 听句子 (每小题1分,满分5分) 1-5:ACBAB B. 听对话(每小题1分,满分10分) 6-10:BCCAC 11-15:BAACB C. 听短文(每小题1分,满分5分) 16-20:ABCBC II.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 21-25 ACBBC 26-30 CBCCA 31-35 BBBAA III.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 36---40BCBCA 41--...

We’re sure that we will have a wonderful winter vacation. 初二英语上册期末模拟试卷答案 听力:1-5 ACBAA 6-8CBC 9-11BAB 12-15 A C A C 单项:16-20 CAADD 21-25BACDD 26-30 D B B D C 完型:31-35 BBCDD 36-40 CBDCB 41-45AACAC 阅读:46-50 D A A C C 51-55 A A C...

牛津版初二上册英语期末模拟检测试题 一、单项选择(题型注释) 1.–Whatcolouristhis? -It’sorange.It’sorangeshirt. A.\/;anB.an;\/ C.an;anD.a;an 2.—___ is the weather in Nanjing today? —It’s windy and cold. A. What B. Why C. When D. How 3.You had better ___ wine because ...


初二下英语期末试卷 人教版的
初二英语期末测试题 I、语音(10分)1. A. nobody B. today C. open D. no 2. A. how B. now C. know D. brown 3. A. think B. math C. athletic D. father 4. A. white B. where C. what D. whole 5. A. take B. Canada ...

初二英语第二学期期末质量检测试卷 第I卷(共60分) I、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.She lives in a house,but she never feels . A. alone,lonely B. lonely,alone C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely ( )2. I forgot to take the map. So I had difficulty ___the way. We had...

初二英语期末试卷答案 听力部分 一. 对话理解:(5分)1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 二. 短文理解:(5分)1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 三. 缺词填空:(10分)1. Online 2. an 3. levels 4. character 5. different 6. travel 7. each 8. knowledge 9. designed 10. s...

初二上学期期末英语试卷 【135分】 一、单项填空(15分) 1. There are about five ___ students in our school. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of 2. Saturday is the ___ day of the week. A. first B. second C. last D. third 3. Get up early,___ you'll catch ...

荀垂15837246280问: 求初一英语期末试卷 -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 初中英语试卷一 选择题(40分)1 ( )—I'm____. A ok B good C Mrs D Hello2 ( )---What are you? ---____. A Fine B A boy C Policeman D A nurse3 ( )How many ____are there in your family? ...

荀垂15837246280问: 初一上册英语期中考卷 -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 第一学期期中考试卷七年级英语试题(总分100分,时间90分钟)Ⅰ.听力部分:(20分)A)、听句子选择正确的图画,将图画的序号填在横线上.5分(每句念两遍)CA BC D ...

荀垂15837246280问: 初中七年级英语试题,速度!(要难一点的)要答案 -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 一,选择填空.(15分,一题1分) 1,( C,to live ) I'd like ______ next to my school. A,live B,live in D,to live in 2,(D,in,with ) ... mine.Mine is ______. A,from,biger B,of,bigger D,between,small 6,(B,between )Can you tell me the differences ______ the two ...

荀垂15837246280问: 一份初一下学期英语试卷!最好是试题及答案 -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 笔试部分 一、选择填空(15分) ( )1. The teacher with a girl ______ into the classroom. A. come B. comes C. coming D. ... 7. 在工作 ____________ 8. 在星期六 ______________ 9. 关于英语 ____________ 10. 乘飞机 ______________ (5-10题...

荀垂15837246280问: 初中英语试题1.I ( )[stay]with my friend last night.2.By the end of last year I( )[live]in Beijing for 10 years3.She ( )[work]in Beijing for ten years before she came to ... -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 1.stayed 2.had been living 3.had worked 4.was builded 5.was stealed 6.was eated 7.will be taught 8.be made 9.be finished 10.be sent 选择题B、B、A、A

荀垂15837246280问: 英语试题(初一)根据句意及首字母完成单词1、Mr. Green studies C---- - in a Confucius Institute2、This is a book about the h---- - of Chin;it can help you know ... -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 1 Chinese 2 history 3 end/ finish 4 calling 5 to play 6 Is 7 play with 8 go to bed 9 hours 10 busy 11 for 12 C 13 B .

荀垂15837246280问: 谁有七年级上的英语试卷? -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 初一上英语期末模拟卷 Speaking 说(另行安排)(共15分) Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容, 选出相应的图片): (共5分) A B C D E II. Listen and choose the best response to the ...

荀垂15837246280问: 初一英语下册期末试卷 -
揭西县斯特回答: 笔试部分一、选择填空(15分)( )1. The teacher with a girl ______ into the classroom. A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come( )2. The music teacher teaches ______. A. we to sing B. us to sing C. our sing D. our singing( )3. There are ...

荀垂15837246280问: 谁帮出一套初一英语试题 -
揭西县斯特回答:[答案] 初一英语试卷 听力部分一、 听录音,从A B C D四个选项中,选出能回答你所听到的问句的答语. 1.A. She's near the door. B. They are new. C. They are near the door. D. It's under the bed. 2. A. I can see it. B. Yes, I can. C. I can't see it. D. Yes, it ...

荀垂15837246280问: 谁有初一英语期末试卷及答案? -
揭西县斯特回答: 初中英语试卷 一 选择题(40分)1 ( )—I'm____. A ok B good C Mrs D Hello2 ( )---What are you? ---____. A Fine B A boy C Policeman D A nurse3 ( )How many ____are there in your family? A people B peoples C some people D any people4 ( )...

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