
作者&投稿:展岸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I hardly exercise.唯美英文句子:1、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的,就把它做好。2、Happiness is away station between too much and too little.幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。3、In love folly is always sweet.恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。4、The hard ...

take exercise 音标:英 [teɪk ˈeksəsaɪz] 美 [teɪk ˈeksərsaɪz]释义:运动、锻炼 Doctor : That's a lot! Do you often take exercise?医生:太多了!你经常锻炼吗?exercise释义:n.(身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼,运动;(保持...

锻炼 英文怎么写
“锻炼”英文表达有:anneal、temper、take exercise、exercise等。解析:1、anneal 读音:英 [əˈni:l] 美 [ə'ni:l]释义:n.退火;锻炼;焖火;磨炼(意志)vt.使退火;韧炼,锻炼 But I will cherish this chance to anneal myself.不过,我会珍惜这次磨练自己毅力的机会。

锻炼 英文
exercise,英文单词,主要用作名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼”,作及物动词时意为“锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐”,作不及物动词时意为“运动;练习”。要点详解 1.exercise用作名词的基本意思是“运动,锻炼”。指适用于正常人的一般性的以健身...

He never do exercise. He doesn't do exercise anyway.

英语中锻炼和练习也就是:exercise。1、其含义为:(总称)锻炼时不可数。例句:I should exercise more 我应该多锻炼一些。2、其含义为:练习时可数。例句:The exercises have achieved the anticipated results and have been a success.演习达到了预期目的,是成功的。exercise 读音:英 [ˈeks...

He doesn't exercise any more.这样翻译不准确,这句话翻译出来是他不再锻炼了。可以就翻译成 He does not exercise. does not 不要连成doesn't 以表示强调,突出本来就不的意思,这样比较符合“根本就不锻炼”这个意思

煅炼英语说法1 take exercise 煅炼英语说法2 do exercise 煅炼英语说法3 training 煅炼的英语例句:你应该锻炼锻炼。You should take some exercise.多锻炼会非常有好处。Taking plenty of exercise can be of great benefit.进行一点儿体育锻炼能帮助他改善情绪。A bit of exercise will help lift his...

你为什么不去锻炼身体呢?可翻译为: Why don't you go and take exercise?或者: Why not go and take exercise?

...冰淇淋;不喜欢吃水果和蔬菜;很少锻炼。 用英语怎么说?
Many pupils like eating hamburgers and ice-cream,however,they don't like eating fruits and vegetables,morever,they lack in exercising.

东野的13022207979问: “几乎从不锻炼”翻译成英语
兴安区硝呋回答: 几乎从不锻炼: almost never take exercise

东野的13022207979问: 我几乎从不锻炼 英语怎么写 -
兴安区硝呋回答: I hardly ever exercise.

东野的13022207979问: 他几乎从不锻炼翻译成英文怎么说 -
兴安区硝呋回答: 您好翻译为He hardly do exercise 希望能够帮助你

东野的13022207979问: 翻译 :他不是很健康,因为他几乎不锻炼 He isn't very - ______.Because he - _____ - ______ - _______. -
兴安区硝呋回答:[答案] He isn't very healthy because he hardly does exercise/plays sports. 可把两句合成一句原因状语从句.

东野的13022207979问: 我几乎每天都不锻炼用英语怎么说 -
兴安区硝呋回答: 楼主你好.译为:Almost every day I do not exercise.希望对你有帮助.

东野的13022207979问: 那个男孩很懒,他几乎从不锻炼 翻译成英文怎么说 -
兴安区硝呋回答:[答案] That boy is very lazy.He never does exercieses.

东野的13022207979问: 英语翻译Where do you - _ - __ - __ - your holiday?翻译:他每天吃得很多,但几乎不锻炼He eats a lot every day ,but he - _ - __ - exercises翻译:她们一样高 -
兴安区硝呋回答:[答案] plan to spend almost never They have the same height.

东野的13022207979问: 这位老太太有些不健康,她几乎不锻炼.用英语怎么说 -
兴安区硝呋回答:[答案] This old woman is some illed of health,she does not exercise nearly .

东野的13022207979问: 1如果你牙疼,你应该去看牙医 2吃大量的蔬菜有助于健康 3你父亲多久锻炼一次 4他几乎不锻炼 英语翻译 -
兴安区硝呋回答:[答案] 1如果你牙疼,你应该去看牙医 if you have toothache,you should go to the dentist 2吃大量的蔬菜有助于健康 eating a lot of vegetables do good to your helth.3你父亲多久锻炼一次 how often does your father do...

东野的13022207979问: 很多人忙于工作几乎不锻炼的英语怎么翻译 -
兴安区硝呋回答: a lot of people are busy working.nearly don't do exercises.

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