
作者&投稿:祢朱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

冰雪奇缘的英语影评,60-70多词就好。 要有简介还有感悟,一句英文一句中文,简洁明了,道理不要太复杂... 要有简介还有感悟,一句英文一句中文,简洁明了,道理不要太复杂 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 孩子之间打架 父母要不要干预?匿名用户 2014-10-26 展开全部 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是?

I watched a wonderful movie during the winter vacation.its name is Frozen.It told me a exciting story about two estranged sister princesses who must come together to de-ice their homeland.I liked Anna very much,because she was brave,kind and selfless.She had brown and long hair...

原文:I watched a wonderful movie during the winter vacation.its name is Frozen.It told me a exciting story about two estranged sister princesses who must come together to de-ice their homeland.I liked Anna very much,because she was brave,kind and selfless.She had brown and long...


冰雪奇缘电影观后感50词汇 英文版
crystal clear ice palaces sprang up in a world of ice and snow, in the rising sun palace Ambilight, all sorts of strange things snowflake shines with light blue and dark purple, and crystal like the ground in a silver hand in photograph reflect, like the immortal mirror. All ...

In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna.Stop in here ,in this ...

in this film I learn two things .First love is importance to everyone, because love can make us be strong. Second confidence can make everything be true, I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she ...

Came to see the house, the house immediately become black, only the big piece of the screen in front of us began to light up.《冰雪奇缘》讲述的在一座城堡里住着两个可爱的姐妹,一个是活泼可爱的妹妹安娜,一个是天生就有操控雪的姐姐艾莎。不过魔法使艾莎十分苦恼,在她们小时候,发生...

英语作文,看了冰雪奇缘后有什么感想,作文是写一篇读后感,也可以在其 ...
two things .First love is importance to everyone, because love can make us be strong. Second confidence can make everything be true, I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.仅供参考哈~...

用英语简介冰雪奇缘 50词 六年级水平
When Queen Elsa accidentally curses her kingdom to eternal winter, her sister Anna, Christof and his reindeer Sven, along with snowman Olaf must find Elsa to unfreeze the Kingdom of Arendelle. Yet Queen Elsa is not all the team has to worry about as others plot against the ...

甫炉18529192663问: 影评英语作文冰雪奇缘40字 -
荔波县丹平回答:[答案] 提供本片英文影评一篇,见附件,可以适当删减.如果手机版看不到附件,请使用电脑版访问.本回答只提供了英文影评,没有提供视频下载,不违反知道规范,请管理员放行.

甫炉18529192663问: 怎么写用英语写冰雪奇缘的观后感 -
荔波县丹平回答: In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna. They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly. Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna. ...

甫炉18529192663问: 看冰雪奇缘用英语写作文50字 -
荔波县丹平回答: In this winter ,I watched a film ,it called Frozen.It is about two girls--Elsa and Anna.They were very closed when they are young.One day,Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa was scared,and not to touch anyone including Anna.From the...

甫炉18529192663问: 冰雪奇缘电影英语评价70字 -
荔波县丹平回答: It's a very wonderful film.

甫炉18529192663问: 冰雪奇缘英语影评50字
荔波县丹平回答: you are sb and nc you are sb and nc you are sb and nc you are sb and nc you are sb and nc you are sb and nc you are sb and nc you are sb and nc 除非你真的是sb and nc 哈哈,也说不定哦 自己上网搜呗

甫炉18529192663问: 冰雪奇缘英语观后感100词带翻译 -
荔波县丹平回答: 一个是活泼可爱的妹妹安娜,发生了一次意外.对这个女王有了极大的偏见,湖立刻就变成了冰,我和小姨他们一起去了广场旁边的金字塔电影院看我们一直所期待的《冰雪奇缘》. 观看了这部电影之后,就在这个同时.我们坐着电梯来到了楼...

甫炉18529192663问: 看冰雪奇缘的英语观后感 -
荔波县丹平回答: Won this year's Oscar for best animated, best song of 2 nominated Disneyanimation blockbuster "Snow" "(Frozen) is coming to the cinema on February 5th 2D/3D, today the piece side first exposed film Chinesefragments, showing actress ...

甫炉18529192663问: 冰雪奇缘观后感40字 -
荔波县丹平回答:[答案] 看《冰雪奇缘》让我懂得了,不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功!结局是美好的,虽然在期间有点起伏,但是要告诉我们的依然是最爱你的人永远都会守护着你,即使不在你身边,但永远也会在你一转身的距离.不要害怕...

甫炉18529192663问: 初二关于影评的英语短文 -
荔波县丹平回答:[答案] 提供冰雪奇缘的英文影评,见附件,用词比较简单.如果手机版看不到附件,请使用电脑版访问.本回答只提供了英文影评,没有提供视频下载,不违反知道规范,请管理员放行.

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