
作者&投稿:羿庙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

New Beijing, Great Olympics The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made....

与国际接轨 3,作为普通市民,要多利用网络来了解他国的文化风俗,学一些外国的语 言,尤其是英语 4.多向国家提出一些可行性的建意,为奥运会的成功举办出谋划策.5.积极参加志愿着活动 6.多做宣传,宣传奥运精神。同时推销奥运吉祥物,张贴奥运标语,北京奥运,让我们期盼并欢迎它的到来 ...

2008奥运会 当我看到中国2008申奥成功的时候,我激动极了。我国从东亚病夫,到洛杉矶奥运会后,许海峰打破0的突破,到现在申奥成功,可见我国体育事业的发展是多么的快。我们也许不会像运动员那样在运动场上展示自己,但我们可以为申奥做出自己力所能及的一份力量。比如我们可以从现在开始,好好学习英语,...

作为主办城市,上海将有更多的机会迅速发展。政府已作出承诺,这将是世博会中的所有其他城市这是最好的主机之一。作为一个在上海的学生,我要学好英语,这样我可以成为世博会志愿者。志愿者要帮助来自世界全国各地的的访问者认为谁将帮助他们了解更多关于上海和中国.我将尽我所能,迎接世博会。 (人译)...

上面那位仁兄你用的及其翻译吧? 读起来根本不是人话 我认为2008年主持奥林匹克运动将会对中国经济有正面作用。首先,那里将是成千上万外国人来到中国观看奥林匹克运动会,这些外国人将在他们停留期间访问中国并在中国消费。例如,他们在餐馆吃食物,住在旅馆里,他们象来中国的旅行家。其次,奥林匹克...

英语作文 同学们,你对2008年的北京奥运会是否还记忆犹新?转眼四年过...

假如我是志愿者 奥运会将要在今年开幕了。我很激动而且觉得这场盛会将会非常有趣。但现在,关键是,假如我是志愿者我该为奥运会做些什么呢?要解决这个问题相当困难,因为现今很多人在为社会做贡献并且你无法轻松地把握机会。因此,只有尽我最大的努力……我们能去英语角帮助他们排水一些自己做的报纸或去...

our dancing and shouting loudy. Our performace are obtained by teachers and basketball players' compliment and praising.今天的运动会,我是一个啦啦队长,我穿短裙是一样的。我们的舞蹈和呐喊的篮球队,我们队终于赢得比赛,因为我们跳舞,大声喊。我们的表演获得教师和篮球运动员的恭维和赞美。

生命在于运动, 在繁忙的学习之余, 我们需要适量的运动来缓解压力 so we can greatly improve the efficiency [iˈfiʃənsi]of learning. Sports meeting,it offers us a good Chance. 这样我们的学习效率才会大大提高.运动会,则为我们提供了一个很好的机会 let us in ...

虽然在此以前已经有使用老式4:1式自行车的(前轮尺寸是后轮的4倍)自行车赛,但现代自行车的出现刺激了自行车赛向竞技体育方面发展。Cycling at the Olympics features three exciting disciplines: road, track and mountain biking.如今,奥运会自行车比赛分为公路赛、场地赛及山地赛三种。

宓承17660897584问: 关于2022年冬奥会的英语作文80到100词 -
任城区奇力回答:[答案] Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou are bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics.The Chinese Olympic Committee sent a formal nomination letter to the International Olympic Committee last ...

宓承17660897584问: 求一个2022的冬奥会英语作文, -
任城区奇力回答:[答案] Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou are bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics.The Chinese Olympic Committee sent a formal nomination letter to the International Olympic Committee last ...

宓承17660897584问: 我的冬奥梦英语作文150单词 -
任城区奇力回答: 我的冬奥梦英语作文150单词带翻译小学二年级

宓承17660897584问: 2010冬奥会英语作文 -
任城区奇力回答: In all the plauds and cheers of enthusiastic people, the Winter Olympics in Vancover finished its more than ten days journal. Outstanding players from all over the world have impressed the audience by their brilliant skills. As a Chinese, I was greatly ...

宓承17660897584问: 北京奥运会英语作文100词加翻译 -
任城区奇力回答: 英文: Olympic Games as the Olympic Games, which will include Xiaao, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Green Olympics and Special Olympics. International Olympic Committee is sponsored by the project include a variety of international ...

宓承17660897584问: 一篇北京冬奥会做志愿者的100字英语作文 -
任城区奇力回答: my good too

宓承17660897584问: 求一篇关于北京奥运的英语作文(100字左右)急! -
任城区奇力回答: We've been waiting for so long,and at last it comes true!The 29th Olympic Games will be held in our great country.It's not only a time to show how strong our altiletes are but also a valuable chance to exhibit how beautiful and thriving our country is! ...

宓承17660897584问: 英语作文2016年冬运会 -
任城区奇力回答: 冬运会是2022年的,亲!Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou are bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics. The Chinese Olympic Committee sent a formal nomination letter to the International Olympic Committee last Sunday and the ...

宓承17660897584问: 求英语作文.超急 (冬奥会的)众所周知,温哥华冬奥会于2010年2月12日开幕.中国选手申雪和赵宏博为中国代表团勇夺花样滑冰首枚金牌.根据提示学一篇读... -
任城区奇力回答:[答案] In all the plauds and cheers of enthusiastic people,the Winter Olympics in Vancover finished its more than ten days journal.Outstanding players from all over the world have impressed the audience by their brilliant skills. As a Chinese,I was greatly ...

宓承17660897584问: 小学二年级,我的冬奥梦英语作业带翻译200字词 -
任城区奇力回答: Recently, on the Chinese dream writing essay activities, especially the fire, so my "China dream" column specially for everyone to collect many art...

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