
作者&投稿:辕园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'm finding my wallet now,but I have't got it.She has been with the company for eight years. She will also dry more years there.Two-year college, you have it? Yes, we are now learning advanced English.I will go home after class.Do I pass the exam?She will glade to ...

我是个英语老师,批卷子的时候,会发现大家在表达“好”的时候,用“good”特别多,这就太普通了,‼️今天给大家分享的“good”的5种高级说法,用在你的英语作文里面,让人眼前一亮。excellent 极好的 amazing 令人惊奇的 wonderful 精彩的 pleasant 愉快的,舒适的 marvelous ...

1 when i couldn't sleep in the evening,i talk to a friend imaged,till i laughed or fall asleep.2she thought that he no longer had interest to go to university for whites. I said he should know this new and decide whether to go to university.3many people believed that ...

BEC高级里的句子:If you don't cut it, you're toast pretty fast._百 ...

高级英语语法:状语从句 一、主句和从句的助于保持一致,称为分词作状语。 (1)条件:状语从句,前后主语一致 (2)形式:分词作状语在句首+分词作状语在句后 (3)省略方式:省略从句的主语,关系词(可保留)+动词形式变化(主动语态-ing\/被动语态-ed) (一)时间状语从句:when、after、as soon as eg. When the mouse...

比如考研英语2005年关于养老足球比赛的大作文中,as a result, the old are neglected and even abandoned when growing weak and helpless(when+现在分词做时间状语)。Consequently, the old are neglected, and even worse, abandoned when they are becoming weak and helpless.运用不同的句子表达方式...

关于高级英语作文汇编五篇 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是我精心整理的高级英语作文5篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 高级英语作文 篇1 一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As fa...

【 #英语口语# 导语】英语作为世界通用语言,在中国已经普及,很多人在大学期间都会选择英语专业和商务英语学习。以下是 整理的高级英语口语考试内容,欢迎阅读! 1.高级英语口语考试内容 第一项:询问个人信息 本项考试的时间:3分钟左右。 本项考试的形式:由考官逐个向考生提出问题,考生进行回答。 本项考试内容:涉及个...

回顾我的创作,我发现,什么时候缺乏政治目的,什么时候我就会写出毫无生气的书,就会坠入华而不实的篇章,写出毫无意义的句子,卖弄矫饰的形容词和堆砌一大堆空话废话。 And looking back through my work, I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betray...


蛮黛17741225166问: 用英语介绍一个朋友,不少于10个完整的句子. -
义县惠百回答: My best friend is Tom.He's 12 years old.he is a tall.He is go to school alaways by bike.He likes reading a book and listening to music.He hobby are ice skating ,fishing and hiking.Mary is good at study,but he is better at study. This is Tom.My best friend.

蛮黛17741225166问: 要三个英文的,关于朋友的句子. -
义县惠百回答: 1、I with the help of my friends out of the failure of the shadow 2、I like making friends, it can increase my knowledge 3、The friendship is the most true

蛮黛17741225166问: 描写自己朋友的4或5句话.(用英语句子回答!) -
义县惠百回答:[答案] I have a good friend named XXX,she is beautiful and good at English.She has long curly hair and her eyes are big and bright.There she is whenever I need her help.

蛮黛17741225166问: 《我的朋友》比较级英语作文 -
义县惠百回答:[答案] My friend. I have a good friend.Her name is Betty.She is 12 years old.I'm one year older than her.Her eyes are bigger than ... 我50公斤,所以她比我瘦.贝蒂是个漂亮的乐于助人的女孩,她的英语学得比我好,她经常帮助我学英语.我们将永远是好朋友....

蛮黛17741225166问: 描写朋友的英语作文(描写朋友的头发、体型、身高、着装、打扮、带眼镜,为什么喜欢她……)(80到100词) -
义县惠百回答:[答案] My Good Friend I have a good friend and his name is Zhang Mingwei.He is thirteen years old.He is not very handsome but kind,friendly and generous.He likes reading very much.That's why he is the most knowledgeble person I have evern met.( He ...

蛮黛17741225166问: 朋友间感人肺腑的英语名家句子 -
义县惠百回答: 1:a friend is a loving companion at all times.朋友是永久的知心伴侣.2:爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子.朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人. love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. when the lamp is off,you...

蛮黛17741225166问: 求几句关于朋友英语的名言或句子? -
义县惠百回答:[答案] Maybe you forget those who laughed with you; But you will remember for ever those who shed tears with you.——Kahlil Gibran和你一同笑过的人,你可能把他忘掉;但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远无法忘记.——纪...

蛮黛17741225166问: 英语作文:My best friend要有比较级和最高级的句子 -
义县惠百回答:[答案] 1.I have a best friend.Her name is ****.In some respects,we look the same,but in some ways,we look different.We all have black eyes,black hair.I'm taller than her,but she quieter than me .She is very serous.I am very lively ,and I am wittier than her.We all ...

蛮黛17741225166问: 求于朋友有关的英语短句 -
义县惠百回答:[答案] A bosom friend afar brings distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交.

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