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初中英语作文范文1. How to make friends It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.Don’r be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best.Look a...

【写作要求】Mary在学校参加了一个Buddy Club,从那以后,她改变了很多。请你结合下面所给的提示,写一篇英语短文。In the past Now Personalities shy, quiet, get nervous easily brave, outgoing Hobbies reading reading, singing Abilities good at dancing, singing 要求:1.覆盖要点,可以合理增加细节...

范文:The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited.Fox came onto the ice and bowed. Everyone cheered.Then Fox began to skate. Fox skated forwards and backwards and sideway...

Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?【题目要求】假设你的名字叫小明。你很喜欢旅游,你和家人去年夏天去了长城。请以“The visit to the Great Wall” 为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。【优秀范文】The visit to the Great Wall My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last ...

I\\'m Sam. I\\'m afraid I can\\'t go to school today or tomorrow, because I\\'m very ill now. I don\\'t know if I can go to school tomorrow Go to school.Thank you, Sam.中文翻译:失物招领一个叫杰克的男孩丢了一辆自行车,他很着急,同时杰克得到了一块手表,请用手机联系他...

展开全部 篇一:介绍自己的特长Introduce Your Speciality I like sports and I'm good at playing basketball. Every day,I practise basketball with my classmates after school.I also enjoy listening to music but I can't sing well. I'm afraid of singing in front of people. I hope our school ...

兴趣爱好英语范文1 I like play football very much.I think it is one of the most popular way to relax.And it can help your body grow more strong.I often play football on PE lesson and after school.In this way I make friends with a lot of football-liker.we always play ...

小学英语作文《ma holiday》范文 7句以上,带翻译 急急急!!!
I had a busy holiday .In the morning,I cleaned my room .In the afternoon,I did my homework.It was a litter diffcult .Then,I played soccer with my classmates.At night ,I watched TV.I saw an interesting talk show.I think my holidday is fun.翻译; 我的假期 我有一个繁...

英语书信的格式 范文 篇一:求职信 Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great op...

behind fallen trees planted finish ramp.Immediately after transplanting irrigation, rain-free day and night should not exceed one pour water over the head. Water must be irrigated, the soil absorb enough moisture to help root and soil in close contact in order to ensure survival....

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7全部梗概 -
荥经县欣坦回答: 典范英语7的梗概为when derek gets green stuff on mr such's new white trousers,and janey tries to help clean it off ,things go from bad to worse.

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7原文 -
荥经县欣坦回答: 1,海象会做什么? 每个人都在北极感到非常兴奋.有将是一个展示,任何人都可以在它.说:“我会做滑冰,北极狐. “我在这! “我会做翻滚,说:”北极熊“.没有人跌倒我很喜欢! “我会尽唱,说:”密封“.大家说,我有一个很细的声音! “那我就做潜水,说:”鲸鱼“.我在学校获了奖的潜水,你知道吗! “他们都看着海象.你会做什么? “他们问.”但是,海象是不擅长什么.他不擅长滑冰,他不擅长翻滚.他唱歌,太可怕了,当他试图潜水,他总是有他的鼻子的水.他坐在那里伤心地咀嚼他的胡须. “没关系,说:”北极狐. “你可以看我们.”好好练的北极狐,北极熊,海豹和鲸的大秀.海象躲在雪堆里,看着,并咀嚼他的胡须.他希望自己擅长的东西.

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7坦白主要内容 请用英语概括每一章节并附上中文 -
荥经县欣坦回答: 如下: 原文:有一个老师总穿一条脏裤子,然而为了一次家长会老师换上了一条他很喜欢的新裤子和配套的新上衣. 译文:A teacher always wears a dirty pants, however for the sake of a parent will the teacher made change a new pants and the ...

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7好句,15个左右, -
荥经县欣坦回答:[答案] If you don't build your dream,someone will hire you to build theirs!如果你没有梦想,那么你就会被别人招去完成他们的梦想. ... 优雅地迎接成功,勇敢地面对挫折. It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all ...

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7 - 15,7 - 16,7 - 18翻译. -
荥经县欣坦回答: 是这个吗? 典范英语7-16(Doohickey and the Robot 杜西奇与机器人) 典范英语7-17 (Doughnut Dilemma 炸面圈的两难处境) 典范英语7-18 (Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine 废铁人与神奇飞行器 ) 典范英语8-1(Waiting for Goldie 等候高蒂)

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7 坦白的梗概 -
荥经县欣坦回答: 就是Derek 和 Janey把老师的裤子弄上了颜料,就想带回家洗,可没想到却把胶水当成了洗衣粉,就打算拿到干洗店去洗,却忘在了公交车上.不得已向老师坦白,刚要说,厨房就着火了,老师就把他的衣服盖住了大火.这下都脏了,老师要再去买, Derek 和 Janey建议他买绿色的.

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7 1到4本 故事情节翻译或全文翻译 -
荥经县欣坦回答: 1、刺猬女孩艾蜜当艾蜜冲进家时,她妈妈正在厨房里.“在学校里怎么样?好吗?”哈里斯太太问道,并期待着会有个像往常一样的回答.“很好”, 艾蜜叫喊道,“一位女士给我们讲了野外的动物,并给我们看了一只刺猬.我想成为一个研究刺猬的专家.”“一顶帽子?”哈里斯太太说.“一位研究刺猬的专家.一个了解刺猬所有知识的人.” “那很好”,哈里斯太太说,“你需要到图书馆看看能否找到点书.”“噢,亲爱的妈妈”,艾蜜抱怨到,“我必须去请教佩克先生”.佩克先生是孩子们的图书管理员.他是个刻薄讨厌的人,就住在艾蜜家隔壁.当艾蜜到达时,图书馆几乎空无一人.于是她沿着书架,试着找关于刺猬的书.“你在做什么?” 一个人在她身后厉声说道.

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7 Titanic Survivor The Story of Harold Bride主要内容 -
荥经县欣坦回答:[答案] Harold Bride是一个无线电报务员,他乘坐了泰坦尼克号.那儿共有2,200位乘客,而救生艇却只有1,178艘.有一天晚上,HaroldBride 早上很忙,所以晚上的时候很早就睡了.天还没有亮的时候,他醒来,他的朋友告诉他,船撞倒冰山了...

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7 - 2 -
荥经县欣坦回答:[答案] this is so difficult question! 望采纳

凤曹15729623274问: 典范英语7 《Bertha's Seceret Battle》 概要典范英语7 《Bertha's Seceret Battle》(搏杀的秘密) 概要速求答案 -
荥经县欣坦回答:[答案] Bertha and her twin sister were wrestlers.Bertha got tired of being booed when her twin sister was always cheered.Bertha managed to fight back with some secret battle.Things changed completely and Fiona started having those awful feelings that ...

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