
作者&投稿:但郭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

count from 10 to 20 从10数到20 She works from two o'clock to ten o'clock.她从两点钟工作到10点。给予 I want a present to give to my wife.我要送我妻子一件礼物。(表示拥有关系)归于,属于 the key to the lock 这把锁的钥匙 与…相比,比 The score was 9 to 5.得分是九...

be\/become \/get accustomed to惯于,有….习惯.You will soon get accustomed to the job.你很快就会适应这项工作。be engaged to和…订婚 Jack is engaged to Linda.捷克和林达订婚了。get down to着手做 Let’s get down to business.我们言归正传。lead to 导致 All roads lead to Rome.条...

look forward to期盼 be used to习惯于 pay attention to注意 stick to坚持 according to依照 get down to开始认真做 see to照料,负责 take to喜欢上 admit to承认 object to反对 respond to回答 都是自己积累的,文章中看到to后可以加名词的一般就是当介词(即可加doing)

He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应坚持调查事实。Soon he took to sleeping late. 不久他就养成了睡懒觉的习惯。二、动词+宾语+介词to+动名词专心致力于做某事把……献给做某事9. devote oneself to ...

介词 prep. 到;向;往 word that shows where someone or something is going,etc.· We walked to town.我们走路进城。· He leads us from victory to victory.他领导我们从胜利走向胜利。· Point to the blackboard.指着黑板。· That road leads to Beijing.那条路通向北京。· The ...

lead to \/devote to\/manage to\/refuse to\/mean to\/ be determined to\/be forced to\/be obliged to\/ be ready to\/stick to\/refer to \/want to \/hope to wish to\/intend to\/try to\/like to\/promise to\/ be forward to\/dare to\/need to\/ought to\/used to\/ ...

1.stop to do\/ doing 停下来做另一件事 停止做某事 2.forget to do\/ doing 忘记做某事 忘记做过某事 3.remember to do\/doing 记住做某事 记得做过某事 4.go on to do\/doing 继续做另一件事 继续做某事 5.like to do\/doing 喜欢做某事(临时、长期)6.love to do\/doing 喜欢做某事 (...

adj.\/adv.+enough to +v.足够...而能做某事 ;so +adj.\/adv.+that从句 如此...以致 。2、后跟的adj.\/adv.的位置不同。too……to和so……that后跟adj.\/adv.时,都放在too和so的后面,而enough接adj.\/adv.时要前置,即放于enough的前面。3、三者的形式不同。too……to和enough都属于短...

be used to 习惯于(但used to表示过去经常,to为不定式符号;be used to 表示“被用来……”时,to 也是不定式符号)on the way to 即将成为 (但表示“在做某事的路上”时to是不定式符号)以下动词后接动词不定式作宾语的常见动词和短语:一、 want.hope .decide .agree ,choose ,would like ,...

...concerntrated to .be devoted to 结构的词组。。
百度 首页 下载知道APP第一时间解决难题 英语中哪些常见带to的动词短语to是介词??2010-04-29 希望劲可能的详细,最好有汉语意思@_@……谢谢啦~~作业不会,学霸帮你立即下载 满意回答 恩,确实,这需要重视 be used to doing,习惯于 object to, 反对 devote oneself to, 致力于 stick to, 坚持...

徭美18782086091问: 有关to作介词的短语说几个,越多越好. -
汝城县妇炎回答:[答案] get/be used to be equal to object to look forward to contribute to submit to prefer to pay attention to access to 只能100字,还有很多

徭美18782086091问: 带to的短语 -
汝城县妇炎回答: go to school

徭美18782086091问: 关于to 的常用短语 -
汝城县妇炎回答:[答案] goto

徭美18782086091问: 含有介词to的短语 -
汝城县妇炎回答: 奉献于 contribute to be addicted to 沉迷于..... be adjacent to 接近...... adhere to 依附于..... be used to be likely to

徭美18782086091问: 关于英语介词TO的短语 -
汝城县妇炎回答: be used to doing,习惯于 object to, 反对 devote oneself to, 致力于 stick to, 坚持 pay attention to,注意 respond to, 回答 look forward to,期盼 see to, 照料 contribute to,帮助 submit to, 服从 adapt to, 适应 apply to, 运用 accede to, ...

徭美18782086091问: 帮我多找几个 “to” 做介词的 短语
汝城县妇炎回答: 现将常见的介词带to的短语归纳如下: be / get / become used to 习惯于 be given to 喜欢;癖好 be related to 与…有关系 be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾 be opposed to 反对 devote oneself to献身于;专心于 be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于 be ...

徭美18782086091问: 有关to作介词的短语说几个,越多越好. -
汝城县妇炎回答: get/be used to be equal to object to look forward to contribute to submit to prefer to pay attention to access to 只能100字,还有很多

徭美18782086091问: 初中阶段常见的短语是以to为介词的有哪些? -
汝城县妇炎回答: get /be used to pay attention to prefer doing to doing

徭美18782086091问: 高中时期关于to的介词短语整理 -
汝城县妇炎回答: 反对:object to/习惯:be,get used to/希望:look forward to/着手做:get down to/坚持:stick to/注意:pay attention to/

徭美18782086091问: 关于to的各种用法和介词to后加动名词的所有词组 -
汝城县妇炎回答: 用法:1.(表目的 ) 为了 He'll come to see you 2. (表时间)在------之前; 差 -- It's five to five. 3.(表结果)至 He laughed to death. 4.(表方向) 到-----去 He went to Canada last year. 在某范围之外 Japan lies to the east of China. 5. (表比较) ...

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