
作者&投稿:歧版 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、make sure 确信;证实 2、for sure adv. 确实;毫无疑问地 3、sure of 确信…的 4、sure enough 果然,果真 5、are you sure 你肯定吗;你确定要…6、sure about 肯定;对…确信的 7、not so sure 不太确定 8、as sure as 千真万确地;和…一样肯定无疑 9、be sure of oneself v...

sure of oneself 1. 非常自信 他非常自信。he's very sure of himself.sure thing 1. (非正式)确定无疑的事情 for sure【非正式用语】1. 确切地;毫无疑问地 我们肯定会获胜 We'll win for sure.make sure 1. 弄清楚;确保 让他一定记下来 Make sure he writes it down.to be sure 1. ...

sure thing[英][ʃuə θiŋ][美][ʃʊr θɪŋ]是的,当然;

sure,英语单词,形容词、副词、名词,作形容词时意为“确信的;可靠的;必定的”,作副词时意为“当然;的确”,作名词时意为“(法、印、美、德)休尔(人名)”。短语搭配 dead sure 极之肯定 ; 非常肯定 ; 肯定之极 Sure Start 确保开端 ; 确保开端计划 ; 安稳起步 ; 开端计划 sure adv 的...

sure 什么意思
短语:1、be sure 确信 2、feel sure 确信 3、make sure of 尽力做到,将...…弄明白,保证 sure的用法 adj. (形容词)1、sure表示“无疑的,确信的,有把握的”,指主观上对某事相信无疑,不涉及有无客观根据。在句中作表语。2、“be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,...

英语翻译 带上sure的短语
(1) 和...一样肯定无疑,千真万确地 (2)[口]每次; 每当,无例外 be sure and (=be sure to)[口]务必,一定要 be sure of 注意,一定要做到,使有把握 be sure that 注意,一定要做到,使有把握 be sure of 确信,深信 be sure of oneself 自信; 满怀信心 feel sure of oneself 自信; ...

I'm not sure about English grammar. 我对英语语法没有把握。4. be sure+从句,意为“确信”。例如:I'm not sure that he will come. 我不确信他会来。二、sure用作副词,意为“当然;的确;一定”。例如:1. 常用来回答一般疑问句,意为“当然;的确”,相当于yes或certainly。例如:—...

She is sure of herself when she speaks in public.(她在公共场合讲话时充满自信。)be sure about 的用例:I'm not sure about the time of the meeting.(我对会议的时间不太确定。)Are you sure about your decision?(你对你的决定确信无疑吗?)He is not sure about taking the job...

sure :adj.确信的,确实的;有把握的;无疑的;一定的 adv.当然;确实地;无疑地;那关于sure的短语,你知道吗,下面总结了一些,make sure 确定,证实 for sure 确实,毫无疑问地 adv.sure of 确信...的 sure of oneself 有自信心 这些都是常用到的短语,另外sure多表示主观感觉上...

a 常用于be sure of, be sure to do, be sure that 结构中。如:You may be sure of his honesty.You may be sure that he is honest I'm sure of winning the game.He is sure to be back soon.Be sure not to forget it.b 短语 make sure of\/ make sure about \/make sure ...

豫郊18691523813问: 与sure有关的短语有哪些? -
崇文区辛宜回答: make sure [英][meik ʃuə][美][mek ʃʊr] 把事情弄清楚,核来实或查明某事物自; 设法确保2113出现某事物; 务使; for sure [英][fɔ: ʃuə][美][fɔr ʃʊr] 无疑5261; 准保; (as) sure as eggs is eggs(是)4102毫无疑问 sure of oneself [英][ʃuə ɔv wʌnˈself][美][ʃʊr ʌv wʌnˈsɛlf] (过分)自信; sure thing[英][ʃuə θiŋ][美][ʃʊr θɪŋ] 是的,当然1653;

豫郊18691523813问: 英语翻译带上sure的短语 -
崇文区辛宜回答:[答案] as sure as (1) 和...一样肯定无疑,千真万确地 (2)[口]每次; 每当,无例外 be sure and (=be sure to) [口]务必,一定要 be sure of 注意,一定要做到,使有把握 be sure that 注意,一定要做到,使有把握 be sure of 确信,深信 be sure of oneself 自信...

豫郊18691523813问: 一定物必去做某事sure的短语 -
崇文区辛宜回答:[答案] make sure to do sth be sure to do sth 亲:每天都开心V_V! thanks!

豫郊18691523813问: 关于sure的短语 练习做某事短语 -
崇文区辛宜回答:[答案] be sure to do something practice doing something

豫郊18691523813问: sure的构成词组 -
崇文区辛宜回答: feel sure= be sure确信 make sure 弄明白,查明白 make sure of 尽力做到,将...弄明白,保证 sure about对....确信的 sure of确信...的 sure of oneself 有自信心

豫郊18691523813问: 有关sure的词组有哪些 -
崇文区辛宜回答: make sure

豫郊18691523813问: sure短语以及用法 -
崇文区辛宜回答: 最佳答案检举 feel sure= be sure确信 make sure 弄明白,查明白 make sure of 尽力做到,将...弄明白,保证 sure about对....确信的 sure of确信...的 sure of oneself 有自信心 be sure of sth / doing sth确信 eg. Can I be sure of a profit if I invest? 我要...

豫郊18691523813问: 相信用含有英语单词sure的词组怎么?相信用含有英语单词sure
崇文区辛宜回答: make sure that ; be sure of yourself

豫郊18691523813问: sure这个单词怎么组词组 -
崇文区辛宜回答: makesure确定

豫郊18691523813问: sure的用法
崇文区辛宜回答: 浅析sure的用法 sure一词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词.下面谈谈它的用法: 一、 sure用作形容词,意为“肯定的;当然的;有把握的”.例如: 1. be sure(不接其它词),意为“肯定的”.例如: Are you sure? 你能肯定吗? I think he is ...

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