
作者&投稿:霜狠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我整理的英语话题作文7篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英语话题作文 篇1 以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下: 1.孙老师今年36岁,中等身材。 2.她关心。热爱学生,工作认真负责。 3.她语文课讲得生动。

英语好的 帮我写写作文(80字)谢谢
The first: A letter to Jackson introducing Mr. Zhang Dear Jackson:Long time no see. How are you?I'm writing to you introducing Mr. Zhang to you. He has just been the selling manager for foreign department for your company instead of Mr. Wang. Hope you can enjoy your time...

1. 用英语单词写作文 spring festivelthe Spring Festival is the most important celebration for Chinese people. Although the meaning and the methods of celebration of the Spring Festival are changing with the time, the important status of the Spring Festival is inparable.Chinese Spring Festival has ...

3.提出建议: 刊登指导英语学习的文章 范文 DearEditor-in-Chief,Congratulationson the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror!I’ma regular reader of your newspaper. I like it so much that I hardly miss anycopy.Thereare many advantages of Global Mirror. Firstly, Global Mirror covers both...

4. 三年级 英语作文 happy dayToday I'm very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.It's a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I'm singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both ...

求一篇英语作文。。。:以学习英语写作的难点为题 一篇80字左右的作文...
English essay writing is always a big trouble to the students. Some people feel that it is not easy to write a good essay in a short time, especially during the exams. It is frustrating, in such case that they have memorised a heap of vocabulary, yet they do not how to ...

写作用英语表示为write,读音为英[raɪt],美[raɪt]。 write解析如下: 一、读音 英式发音:\/raɪt\/ 美式发音:\/raɪt\/ 二、释义 v. 写,写作;填写;书写 n. 写作,笔迹;作品,文章 三、词形变化 名词复数:writes 动词过去式:wrote 动词过去分词:written 现在分词:writing 四、常用短语 write down:写...

1. 介绍英语老师的英语作文 初一上水平 70词左右 Hello every one!My name is ……My favourite teacher is my English teacher.Her famliy name is Song.She is forty-……(几).She is very tall and she is very nice.But she is very strict with us.She always plays games with us in her class...

My Best Friend 英语作文,分享学员的英语作文给大家参考:英语作文怎么写才好?没关系,这份英语写作技巧分享给大家,还可以领取免费试听课程,点击领取:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】他们家的外教均持有tesol证书,并是一对一在线教学,一节课25分钟,高频短时,让孩子的英语效果看的见,价格也才是...

6. 以“MyDailyLife"写一篇60词的英语作文 My daily life is routine.I wake up at six in the morning.I brush my teeth and shit.After shitting,I wash my arse clean clean.I take a bus to school.I have lunch in school.After school,I go home to have dinnerwith my mother.I do my home...

莱辰17775515532问: 关于怎样提高写作的英语作文 -
矿区小眉回答: 给你一个模式你去套用吧(希望对你有用):Here are some advice on how to ...Fistly,I think ...Secondly, in my opinion, ...Last,...In a word,... 要提高写作水平,一定要多练啊.

莱辰17775515532问: 关于英语写作经验的80词左右的英语作文 -
矿区小眉回答: English writing is very similar to Chinese writing in many ways.First, we need to read a lot to write a little. Without reading many books and getting to know different styles and writing skills, we can never be a good writer or even a good reader. so ...

莱辰17775515532问: 关于英语写作口困难的原因的英语作文 -
矿区小眉回答: evreyone both have problems,but the most important is how to deal it,because you can find a lot of happniess in the process. i always remenber that when i was young,i hated math very much,even i didn't want to listen any math class.but one day,my ...

莱辰17775515532问: 求一篇关于英语的英语作文,急!!!! -
矿区小眉回答: Dear Bob, I'm very pleased to write you a letter to show you some problems I found during the English learning.I wish you could help me. In the first place, some of the students are not interested in learning English.Secondly, it is very difficult for some...

莱辰17775515532问: 关于 如何提高英语写作能力我要写的是一篇题目所示的英语作文,请哪位擅长英语写作的同志帮我翻译下下面的文段,翻译下面文段:作为中国学生,如何提... -
矿区小眉回答:[答案] As Chinese students, how can we raise our level of English composition? On one hand, we should enhance the training of writing. As it is known to all, the words, which consists of sentences, are the smallest unit of a passage. Thus, to compose a ...

莱辰17775515532问: 求问关于怎么样提高英语写作水平的英语作文 -
矿区小眉回答: 一、提高英语写作能力的原则 一)渐进性原则.要坚持“句—段—篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序渐进.在英语写作的初始阶段,要始终注意培养学生良好的写作习惯,狠抓基本功训练.在学生掌握了基本句型并能写出简单句子后,再要求学...

莱辰17775515532问: 关于提高英语的英语作文 -
矿区小眉回答: Nowadays ,the english is becoming more and more important .As a chinese ,how can we improve our level of english speedly ? 现如今,英语变得越来越重要.作为一个中国人,我们怎么才能快速的提高英语水平呢? First ,we have to make a ...

莱辰17775515532问: “关于英语写作困难原因”的英语作文? -
矿区小眉回答: 1.可能是由于你的单词量不够. 2.语法结构不够扎实,不能够自如的运用. 3.没有战胜心理的障碍,你就认定自己不会写那怎么行呢?要试着尝试着去写,慢慢就会好的. 以上是我的总结,望采纳,加油哦~

莱辰17775515532问: 有关怎样提高英语写作水平的英语作文 -
矿区小眉回答: 多读课文,多记单词

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