
作者&投稿:卞苛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我去XXX地旅行给朋友的一封英语明信片 60~80字初二水平
Dear xxx:How do you do?I went on a trip to Hainan today with my family .We went there by plane. After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim there. There were other people there too. Some people were surfing and some people were...

"postcard" 这个词的英语发音是 \/ˈpoʊst.kɑːrd\/。"postcard" 是一个名词,指的是一种明信片,通常由旅行者或寄信人用来向家人、朋友或亲人发送问候和消息。它通常带有一张图片或景点的插图,以及一些简短的文字。除了发音,关于 "postcard" 还有一些相关知识可以拓展。1. 历史...

best wishes! 短而精悍最好了 别人所在意的是一张可以做纪念的明信片 而不是很长的信件 写多了也不好看 因为国外明信片的话主要是因为去了别的地方旅游 所以寄明信片给朋友以示友谊和纪念 也会有人寄给自己 真正是朋友间的交谈主要是以写信和邮件的形式 追问: 写给老师的明信片又怎么写? 回答: DEAR xxxx I'...

Travelling is a great way to explore the world, immerse oneself in new cultures and meet new people. And when you\\'re traveling, it\\'s always nice to keep in touch with your friends and family back home. One way to do this is by sending them postcards. Postcards are a gr...

Dear Ann,I now travel in Shenzhen.Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International ...

Dear Linda,How are you?I went on a trip to Hangzhou by train .It is a very beautiful place ,and there are many beautiful scenery and historic places .,but the most beautiful place I like is the scenic west lake in Hangzhou,which was quiet cool and downtown ,particularly ...

准确的翻译顺序是 先说你寄明信片 因为这是主要信息 所以是 I will send you postcard when I travel abroad 明信片不是特指 不需要THE


跟着明信片去旅行 旅行明信片

不同于其它信件的是,明信片因为篇幅的关系,不可以写太多字,需要言简意赅。此外,明信片的内容多涉及旅行方面的信息,并相互交流近况。明信片的内容和用词可以写的随意些,口语化一些,因为不是正式的文体。以下是一个明信片范文 Room 303, Unit 1,No. 108 Xueyuan Road Beijing China Dear Li Ming,...

锐李13939703070问: 给你的好朋友写一张明信片,告诉她你在北京旅游的情景 英语范文 -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答:[答案] 这里有篇类似的范文可供参考: Dear mom and dad, I,your dear daughter,am having great fun going on a vocation in Beijing.Educational as the cultrual relics,I sometimes feel tired of the past history of ancient China as one of the 90s.However,I feel ...

锐李13939703070问: 英语旅游明信片 -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答: English tourist postcards 是要翻译吗?

锐李13939703070问: 英语作文:假如你是Mary,你乘火车去了杭州旅行.请给你的朋友Linda写张明信片,向她讲述一下你的旅行经历.70字单词左右. -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答:[答案] Dear Linda,How are you?I went on a trip to Hangzhou by train .It is a very beautiful place ,and there are many beautiful scenery and historic places .,but the most beautiful place I like is the scenic...

锐李13939703070问: 英语作文 假如你乘火车去了杭州旅行.请给你朋友Linda写张明信片,向她讲述你的旅行经历.70个单词,急求!~ -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答: Dear Linda You know I go to hangzhou by train.Now let me tell you something about my holiday. Tour guide prodded us in the morning , are in a rush to finished eat breakfast, started visit the west lake. We spent ten minutes in going there.The ship ...

锐李13939703070问: 英语作文 假如你乘火车去了杭州旅行.请给你朋友Linda写张明信片,向她讲述你的旅行经历.70个单词, -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答:[答案] Dear Linda You know I go to hangzhou by train.Now let me tell you something about my holiday. Tour guide prodded us in the morning , are in a rush to finished eat breakfast, started visit the west lake. We spent ten minutes in going there.The ship finally...

锐李13939703070问: 用英语写明信片的正确格式 -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答:[答案] 英语明信片首先,我们要搞清楚书写明信片的目的,这样有利于写出条理清晰的明信片.一般来说,明信片的书写有以下几个目的: 1. 告知自己旅游的状况. 2. 告知别人自己的新住址. 3. 寄送节日祝福. 4. 传达想念. 5. 询问对方近况. 6. 告知一些必要信...

锐李13939703070问: 假设你是李磊,正和朋友们在北京旅游.请写一个明信片给你的父母,告诉他们你正在做什么.初中英语短文,要求格式正确,不少于六十词. -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答:[答案] Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing this e-mail to tell you my trip to Beijing. Beijing is very big. Every morning I go for a walk with Danny and Jenny at Tian'an Men Square. Yesterday we went to the Great Wall. The weather was a little bit hot but we still had ...

锐李13939703070问: 英语作文:假如你是Mary,你乘火车去了杭州旅行.请给你的朋友Linda写张明信片, -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答: Dear Linda, How are you? I went on a trip to Hangzhou by train .It is a very beautiful place ,and there are many beautiful scenery and historic places .,but the most beautiful place I like is the scenic west lake in Hangzhou,which was quiet cool and ...

锐李13939703070问: 英语作文(假如你是David,正在深圳旅游,现在请你给Ann写一张明信片,说一说你的旅行情况 -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答: Dear Ann,I now travel in Shenzhen.Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it ...

锐李13939703070问: 一篇英语明信片写的是在深圳 北京 上海选一个介绍自己在其中一个地点中的景物旅游!急 -
峨山彝族自治县丙酸回答:[答案] Mary, 1-17-2010 Suprise. I am in Shenzhen now. You cannot believe this place was a small fishman's valliage only a decade ago. I just arrived by a coach bus and out of the station, you can find taxis, subways and buses. There are huge business ...

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