
作者&投稿:瞿逄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语手抄报五一劳动节内容如下:1、In the new year, l wish you every success in your career. Realize one's ambition! Prosperous financial resources! Good life is safe!(新的一年,祝福你事业蒸蒸日上,前途无量!大展宏图!财源亨通!好人一生平安!)2、Wishing you a sparkling New Year...

劳动节英语名言 1. The dignity of labor Labor is the source of all wealth and the dignity of labor lies in its contribution to the well-being of the society. This Labor Day, let us acknowledge and celebrate the hard work of every individual and pay tribute to their efforts ...

【 #英语资源# 导语】五一假期真是好,五天小假乐逍遥,开心快乐来开道,好运相伴助你跑,健康平安缠你腰,吉祥如意怀中抱,幸福甜蜜眼前飘,祝你五一劳动节,心情乐陶陶!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.劳动节英语日记 Today is May 5, the fifth day of the golden week. My mother took me...

I go to beijing yerstoday.I see great wall and so on .i'm very happy because i see a old red man. He is 95 years old.i like him because he tel our many story.相关内容如下:国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”“国际示威游行日”(英语:International Workers' Day,May Day)...

Hello!Thank you!How are you?How many books do you have?I am a student.


The May Day holiday is coming.We will have a three-day off then,so I want to make a good plan in order to enjoy my holiday.On the first day, I will go to the Zoo with my parents,and in the afternoon,I would love to finish a part of my homework.The second day,...

The long-awaited Labor Day is approaching, and I've been pondering how to celebrate it.2. "最后,我想到了一个戚段好主意:在家做一次大扫除。"Eventually, I came up with a splendid idea: to give our home a thorough cleaning.3. "以下是关于劳动节的作文栏目为您带来的《劳动节英...

五一劳动节英语作文【1】During those days. I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting.Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit ...

劳动节的祝福语英语 2024五一劳动节的祝福语英语
1、五一到来之际,为你送上一份衷心的祈祷与祝福,祝你与家人过一个痛快而祥和的劳动节!2、五一节到了,你要少喝酒,多吃菜,还有要听老婆的话!3、庆祝劳动节,迎接红五月。我热爱五一节,祝你节日快乐!4、You use industrious hands, and create a better life, today is your day, I wish ...

杨亭15194867226问: 关于五一劳动节的英语句子10句短文(四年级) -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答:[答案] 1.May Day is very near. 五一劳动节很近了. 2.Tomorrow is May Day. We are goint to make a day of it. 明天是五一劳动节,我们准备痛痛快快玩一天. 3.I am stuck with insolence should I wish to fumble amo...

杨亭15194867226问: 求一篇英语小短文《my labor day》不用太长,50到70就差不多了,文题的意思是:我的劳动节.写一写“我”是怎样过节的,不用这么长啊,大概是这个的5... -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答:[答案] my labor dayI spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2n...

杨亭15194867226问: 写一篇英文作文 我的五一劳动节 -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答:[答案] I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday. On Monday,I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle's flat.Our parents were invited to the party.Everybody was excited about the holiday.I ate a lot of ...

杨亭15194867226问: 我要写一篇关于五一劳动节的英语作文,谁有素材能不能参考一下? -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答:[答案] The Holiday of Labor's DayI spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the ...

杨亭15194867226问: 一篇关于劳动节的英语日记. -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答: Sunday May. 1st 2011 sunny I finished my homework earlyer than before because today is the International Labour Day.I swept the floor clean with the besom and folded my clothes.I feel so tired.

杨亭15194867226问: 求一篇英语小短文《my labor day》 -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答: my labor day I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2nd May, I visited my relatives with my parents, we ...

杨亭15194867226问: 英语作文 劳动节请写一篇日记,日期是07年5月1日 星期四 天气晴 内容包括:1今天是国际劳动节 是一个重大的节日2同朋友外出游览,上午去东湖公园玩... -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答:[答案] China has the statutory holidays:New Year (January 1,a day off); the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year,New Year's Eve,the first day,two days off for three days); the Ching Ming Festival (Tomb Sweeping...

杨亭15194867226问: 有木有关于五一劳动节的英语日记,11 -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答:[答案] 写日记一般用过去时.下面一篇供你参考一下. Today is May Day. I am very happy.I went to a park with my parents in the morning . We went there by bus. The bus was full of people. There wer...

杨亭15194867226问: 关于五一节日的英语短文
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答: On May 1sh, I'm going to my grandmother's home.I think that must be very significative.Because she is too old to visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind our. I will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer ...

杨亭15194867226问: 小学四年级英语短文关于五一的 -
罗城仫佬族自治县奥丽回答: I was busy last May Day holiday.On May 1st.I played football and watched TV.On 2rd.I took a trip with my family.We went to Beijing. I climbed and ate good food.On may 3ed.I drank tea with my grandparents.In the afternoon.I went fishing with my new friends.In the evening. I read books. I was tired,but I was very happy.

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