
作者&投稿:捷树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

四级英语选词填空 十个空?
1. You can't just sit back and wait for job offers to come to you.你不能坐等工作机会来找你。2. She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.她有一种可称之为吸引力的无穷魅力。3. The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants.移民的到来使文...

Some people believe that the Internet can ___ people's social skills, while others argue that it can ___ them.在这道题目中,考生需要选择两个单词或短语,使得这个句子的意思更加准确。正确答案是'impair'和'enhance'。这个题目的正确答案引起了许多讨论。一些人认为,这个答案很明显,因为'im...


1.到太阳上去,(就是)坐飞机,( 也 )要飞20年 2.( 虽然)我们看太阳只有盘子那么大,( 但是)它的实际体积却大得很 3.(不管)天晴下雨,他( 都 )按时上学 4.这篇课文( 既)生动感人,(又)引人深思,


高级英语 作业中 一道选词填空题(适当形式填空)
1 had kept at(坚持)2 inherent(内在的)3 identify(暴露)4 tumbling(打滚)5 with honors(优异)6 permissible(被允许)7 bloated(膨胀)8 sufficed(足够)9 caters to (迎合)10 take effect (生效)

(1) the exam is coming .that made me 【stressful】.(2) people should save the【endangered】animals.(3) he doesn't knowe about china, 【therefore】he can't advise us about it.(4) guests were 【served】with a wonderful meal.(5) this is a 【scientific】discovery.(...

大学英语四级考试选词填空技巧:技巧练习 EI Nino is the name given to the mysterious and often unpredictable change in the climate of the world. This strange 47 happens every five to eight years. It starts in the pacific Ocean and is thought to be caused by a failure in the trade winds(信...



赧妍13753536256问: 英语六级阅读中选词填空怎样根据选项答题?
巴塘县硫酸回答: 我们应该先看一下选项特点: 1、10个空格考察的全部是实词 2.、词性分配的基本比例: 3~4个名词正确答案 + 1~2个名词干扰答案;3~4个动词正确答案+ 1~2个动词干扰答案;2~3个形容词正确答案 + 1个形容词干扰答案; 2~3个副词正确答案 + 1个副词干扰答案. 根据选线特点我们把选项中的单词分为四类:动词、名词、形容词、副词. 结合空格前后内容,寻找线索 注意空格前后的结构和搭配,在选词时,要保证所选的词的词性、单复数、时态和意义均符合文章上下文要求,从而保证文章前后通顺、流畅.同时在做题过程中可以先确定自己比较有把握的单词,这样通过排除法逐渐减少备选词汇.

赧妍13753536256问: 10道英语选词填空.谢谢了,高手来 -
巴塘县硫酸回答: 1.reputation 2.disguise 3.removed 4.题目好像打错了to改成too,选hesitate 5.served这题不太确定,是推测的. 6.habit 7.eager 8.punished 9.claimed 10.developed

赧妍13753536256问: 英语选词填空.
巴塘县硫酸回答: traveling (like doing sth.) visit by afraid friendly go gets changes map families

赧妍13753536256问: 英语选词填空
巴塘县硫酸回答: 1、stretched 2、involvement 3、launched 4、final 5、emerge 6、detail 7、evolved 8、encountered 9、frontiers 10、general

赧妍13753536256问: 英语选词填空Youngchildrenoftencan't -
巴塘县硫酸回答: Young children often can't _______between TV programs and commercials. A. separate B. distinguish C. compare D. contrast 选B. distinguish 要用头脑仔细区分时用B. distinguish

赧妍13753536256问: 英语选词填空. -
巴塘县硫酸回答: 1. time for2. not necessarity3. get caught in4. take care of5. reach for6. continue on7. leave without8. hand out9. at the moment10. out of

赧妍13753536256问: 英语选词填空题 -
巴塘县硫酸回答: 供选词注释 suspicious(作表语表示“怀疑”), lose one's temper(发脾气), out at sea(航行中/出海), make no effort(不做任何努力), take to(喜欢/求助于), object to(反对), march(前进), drag(拖拽), on show(被展...

赧妍13753536256问: 关于英语选词填空12
巴塘县硫酸回答: 这是一篇六级阅读文,原文如下One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is, of course, the voice of the advertisers. Its shrilling clamour dominates our lives. It shouts at us from the television screens and the radio loudspeakers; waves...

赧妍13753536256问: 英语选词填空 -
巴塘县硫酸回答: ideas,welocme,surprised, usually, visit, friend's, times, that, saying

赧妍13753536256问: 2013年六月英语六级选词填空多少?2013年六月英语六级选词填
巴塘县硫酸回答: 100分,一般都是五道题,如果对你有帮助请好评支持下

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