
作者&投稿:左娅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

全优课堂 很棒的一本书

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英语全效学习,我也有 ,是的话就采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢

高中全品学练考好还是五三好?我整理了相关内容,快来看看那吧!全品学练考好吗 全品学练考出版于2010年,仅仅三年的时间,已经打破记录,发行全省,这本书不仅内容丰富,还有更精彩的题型,这本书有(新思维)(作业手册)(听课手册)三种方式供读者使用,是中学生复习不错的选择。五三练习册好...



八年级下册英语全品学练考听课手册人家版新课标答案  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?蛊毒邪恶 2015-08-25 知道答主 回答量:22 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:2.7万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 追答 这个答案中不 追问 你发答案可以看看吗 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个...

I. 1-4 CABA 5-8 BACA II. 1. careless 2. angry 3. dirty 4. quickly 5. clearly 6. minutes 7. nothing8. ready III. 1. in a minute 2. is themeaning 3. Don’t shout 4. What is, for IV. 1. is angry with 2. shout at 3.do my best 4. With the teacher’s ...


就适当背一些。照我这样会慢一点。我就是这样过来的,还是贵在坚持。我做这些工作的时候都不是刻意在看电视剧的时候学发音,看报纸的时候看人家的语法。都是无心为之,这样会很轻松。但是真的碰到老外我又能用到,因为这些语言,用法已经到我的脑子里了~我这是懒人英语。哈哈~希望采纳 ...

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年级下册的英语第三单元全练考卷的答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: 2. B A B B B3. 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B33. 2 4 3 142. Chinese dictionary post card magazine comic book newspaper3. 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B53. Where are you buy What are you going to buy When are you going at61. 1) B 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) B 6) A2. read ...

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年级下册英语学练考第47页第三题 -
东丽区严弗回答: Tree Planting Day12th MarchYes,I like it.Planting Day is interesting and it does good to the environment.People plant trees that day.

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年级下册英语课课练答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: Ⅰ.1. upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience6. original 7.nervous 8. chance 9. decision 10. impossible Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13.happily 14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work20. playing Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. ...

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年下册英语练习与测试答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: Test for Unit 2 一、 1. Your hair is too long. 2. Are they free now? 3. Please fold it with me. 4. Where is the ice? 5. The shoes fit me. 6. What's on the plate? 7. That's an easy job. 8. Don't come out of the room. 9. The car doesn't drive away in ...

达奚峡18953209719问: 小学6年级下册英语练习册答案(人教版) -
东丽区严弗回答: 1)was (2)thought (3)hold (4)was (5)wasn"t (6)going (7)wasn't (8)would (9)told (10)wasn't

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年级下册英语分册所有答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: 选择题1.What's this English? It's eraser.A.in, an B.for, a C.in, a 答案:A2.The boy is a blue coat. The coat looks very nice him.A.on, in B.in, in C.in, on 答案:C 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空.(每空一词)1.The girl's and the boy's are Lucy and Tony. (名字) 答案:names2.Jim is a new member of the Club. (dance) 答案:dancing

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年级下册英语全品小复习专项复习四语法四答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: 一.读写部分.learnEnglishdancedtookpictureclimbedamountaineatgood二.补全对话.wherewhowhenhowwhat三.选择正确的答案.ABABA四.配对.1---B2---A3----E4---C5---D五.阅读短文,回答问题.1.WewenttoTaiShanmountain.2.Lastsummber3.Wesanganddancedonthewayhome.4.Bytired.我先有事,下一次在告诉你.886

达奚峡18953209719问: 六年级下册课堂练习册英语答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: I. 1-4 BABB 5-8 BAAC II. 1. weekends 2. healthy 3. popular 4. hour5. pretty III. 1. to hike 2. are, going todo 3. to keep4. healthy 5. does, go IV. 1. much 2. spend 3. a 4. pretty/very 5.good 6.be 7. What 8. jump

达奚峡18953209719问: 五四制六年级下册英语非练不可答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: 选择题1.Tomwithherfriends________intheplayground.They________playingbasketball.A.is,areB.are,isC.is,isD.are,are答案:A2.Helikesplaying________football,butshelikesplaying________piano.A.a,aB.the,theC.the,/D./,the答案:D翻译句子1.花花为孩子们买了什么?答案:WhatdidHuahuabuyforthechildren?2.它尝起来多么美味啊!答案:Howdiliciousittastes!

达奚峡18953209719问: 同步训练六年级下册英语答案 -
东丽区严弗回答: 选择题( )1. He asked me ________________. A. if I will come B. how many cars I want to have C. they help us do it D. what was wrong with me 答案:A( )2. My mother told me that light __________ much faster than sound. A. is traveling B. will ...

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