
作者&投稿:秘重 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

七年级英语作文 篇1 It was Mother’s Day.Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother.He decided to help his mother do some housework.After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home. When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he c...

五年级英语作文 篇1 My life is very simple. On usual, my mother will wake me up at seven o’clock in the morning. And then I start grooming. After that I walk to school for breakfast and then have class. I have maths, Chinese, drawing and singing classes. How busy I am. Half pas...

我的计划是:我想让妈妈给我买一套涂妈妈推荐的蒲公英英语绘本,从自然拼读学起,通过阅读绘本、观看英语动画片和电影来逐步提高英语水平,同时我也要坚持每天阅读,争取这学期能看完看懂英文版《小王子》。 四年级英语作文3 早上,奶奶看见我叽里呱啦、摇头晃脑地背英语,她就冷不丁地冒出一句:“一大早念什么经啊,老...

九年级英语作文 篇1 on the new year’s eve, our family gets together, my parents made the big dinner, we ate dinner at about five o’clock, we talked so happily. after finishing the dinner, my sister and i were so excited, because we planned to see the firework. in my hometown, pe...

五年级英语作文 篇1 I like to read the travel books so much. I can see all kinds of beautiful scenery. Reading someone else’s story makes me feel so excited, I want to be part of them, just take a bag and then go out for travel. So I must learn to be independent, when I grow...

哆啦A梦瞪着他那圆圆的眼睛,故作惊讶:“真的吗?您能为我唱一首英语歌吗?” 二郎神一下子懵了,作为中国的神仙,怎么会唱英语的歌曲呢?这个“蓝胖子”分明是想羞辱自己,可是作为神仙又怎么可以说“不”?于是二郎神眼珠一转,计上心来,笑眯眯地对哆啦A梦说:“小意思,今天我忙得很,明天太阳下山之时你在这里...

七年级英语作文 篇1 The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. My father and I went back to our hometown and our aunts to go to the crane garden cemetery for grandparents to sweep the grave. Xianhe Park Cemetery is located in Yulin City West, us more than 20 minutes to get to ride...


1. 以Introduction About Myself为题,写一篇简短的自我介绍。Introduction About Myself Hello, everyone, now I want to give you a introduction about myself. My name is Gina Green. Gina is my first name and Green is my family name. I am a girl at the age of 12. I like ...

小学一年级英语知识点 1.动词be(is,am,are)的用法 我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。2.this,that和it用法 (1)this和that是...

罗慧15060517038问: 六年级小学生能背过的英语作文,300个词左右 -
五通桥区云芝回答: 第一篇 My Happy Family There're six people in my family—— my parents , my grandparents , my sister and me .My mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in our school. She likes music.My father is a teacher,too.He teaches art in the our school,...

罗慧15060517038问: 六年级下册英语的三篇作文,加上汉语,必采纳 -
五通桥区云芝回答: I have a very nice bedroom, it is not large, but it is warm, the walls are white, the doors are green, windowsy are very bright, below the windows,there is a table, a computer is on the table, there are also some books. my bed is blue, learning tired, I ...

罗慧15060517038问: 六年级英语作文大全 -
五通桥区云芝回答: last sunday, my parents and I went to Beijing tour.The weather was particularly sunny,In the morning, we take a bus to the Badaling. Imposing Great Wall stretches for thousands of miles, and then boarded the go, feel the ancient wisdom and hard ...

罗慧15060517038问: 小学六年级下册英语作文要求3篇.1.写我的介绍(就是开头I was born in xxxxx,然后我在哪里学习之类的)2.写周末干什么.3.写家庭关系可以不用中文翻译,... -
五通桥区云芝回答:[答案] 话说,没有你的情况难道只有写我的啦,亲~~*^__^* ---------------------------- 我于____月_____日出生在_____,今年____岁.我认为是一个活泼开朗乐于助人积极上进的____生.现在我在_____学校上学.我的班级是六年级_____班.在我们班上,大家都非...

罗慧15060517038问: 六年级下册英语作文 Weekend Plan,还要中文意思. -
五通桥区云芝回答:[答案] Hi.My friends.I'm going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday,I'm going to the supermarket by subway.I'm going to buy some bread and chocolates.Then,I'm going to go home and watch TV. On Sunday,I'm going to visit my grandparents with my ...

罗慧15060517038问: 小学六年级下册英语作文、My week -
五通桥区云芝回答: This weekend,my parents and l going to go to my grandparents'home.We will take a taxi to get there.It will take us fifteen to get there.l'm going to play with my cousin in the morning.Then l am going to do my homework.At noon,we will have lunch ...

罗慧15060517038问: 六年级下册,英语小作文. -
五通桥区云芝回答: It's on Saturday. The girl gets up early. She and her mom will go to park. Now her mom are helping her put on her beautiful skirt. She is very glad. She sings and dances.

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