
作者&投稿:闫安 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

unit 1 book 书 bag 书包 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pancil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 sharpenre 卷笔刀 school 学校 hello 喂 hi 嗨 l'm=lam 我是 my 我的 name 名字 goodbye 再见 bye 再见 what什么 is 是 your 你的;你们的...


“统一”的英文是:unity 词语分析:音标:英 ['juːnəti]     美 ['juːnəti]n. 整体;统一;一致;结合 短语:achieve unity 取得一致 bring about the unity 实现统一 destroy unity 破坏团结 例句:These works, taken together, are essentially a unity.这些作品...

uni有两种含义,一种是游戏,一种是虚拟歌手。 1. Uni是CIRCUS发行的一款游戏。 这一次,CIRCUS斥巨资打造了这款新作《uni》,这是一款老少皆宜的美少女爱情游戏。 剧情介绍:品行好学业好的女孩有问题。 - 带有 uni 前缀的单词:unified、unisex、unimaginable、unimportant、uniqueness、unisys、...

spoken English

英语中表示"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9"的词根有哪些?
1、semi-, demi-, hemi-表示 “半”semimonthly半月刊(semi + monthly月刊)semiconductor半导体(semi + conductor导体)semicircle半圆(semi + circle圆)hemisphere半球(hemi + sphere球)2、uni-, mon-表示“一个,单一”uniform一贯的,一致的;制服(uni + form形状)unique独一无二(uni + ...

2.university意思:(综合性)大学;高等学府 二、用法不同 1.college用法:college可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。可用在名词前作定语。2.university用法:university与of连用时,其前的the通常不可省略。在英式英语中,university可表示“大学全体人员”,包括学生和教职员工。表示“上大学”“读大学”...


把单词拆开来分词根和后缀来记 universe 是宇宙和经验领域的意思 所以university 就是可以学习很多众多领域的地方,所以是大学

为什么university 中的U不是发元音字母中的U吗,为什么不加AN呢...
u发的是字母音,但不是元音开头啊,是[ j ]呀,就是辅音开头了呀。所以用a

浑音18733416433问: 初二上册英语Unit7的写作例文人的一生中会有许多第一次,如第一次做饭等等,请你以第一次.为题写一篇作文.(词数60至80)要求:1.要写出所需步骤,2.... -
鹿寨县苦参回答:[答案] For the first time to cook Remember it was the fifth grade,because the parents did not have time at home,on their own with a shovel to do fried rice,start the ignition,oil,and then directly on the Xiafan As a result,fired a paste,but to eat after their own Ah feel...

浑音18733416433问: 写一篇英语短文,关于八年级上第七单元的作文!这个周末你和你的好朋友准备开一个party,你准备亲自做一道拿手菜并在party上展示给大家,那么你打算做... -
鹿寨县苦参回答:[答案] 你可以说在左边有什么什么东西 右边有什么东西之类的啊 运用问路上的方位词来写作文

浑音18733416433问: 初二上册英语Unit7的写作例文 -
鹿寨县苦参回答: For the first time to cookRemember it was the fifth grade, because the parents did not have time at home, on their own with a shovel to do fried rice, start the ignition, oil, and then directly on the Xiafan As a result, fired a paste, but to eat after their ...

浑音18733416433问: 八年级上册英语第七单元作文 -
鹿寨县苦参回答: 我现在是一名英语家教老师,全面负责初一至初三的英语课外家教,你说的是:write a travel dairy 范文如下:Saturday, May 26 Windy Saturday again. How time flies! Another week has gone.This afternoon, I was often absent-minded in class, for I...

浑音18733416433问: 英语八上 Unit7 self check作文
鹿寨县苦参回答: 第一部分: 1. cut up 2. put 3. pour 4.mix up 5.Turn on 第二部分:作文: First,chech you have all ingredient. You need green onion,relish,sause,roast duck and pancakes. Next put ingredients into a pancake. Then roll the pancake. Finally, you can enjoy it. 希望楼主能采纳!谢谢!

浑音18733416433问: 八午级上册英语书7单元作文 -
鹿寨县苦参回答:[答案] 是这个吗?3C Write about your life 20 years from now.Use 3a and 3b to help you.是 ,我就给你答案. In 20 years,I think I 'll be a teacher.I 'll live in Xi'an,because it's a wonderful city.Lots of people from China and other countries visit that city,so I'll meet ...

浑音18733416433问: 八年级 英语上册第七单元关于”我”的未来的作文 比如成为什么 住在哪 60词 谢谢 -
鹿寨县苦参回答: My future is a doctor, help more people. I think the future of the building is tall, gorgeous, and there are a lot of flying car in the sky, will make our life more beautiful.翻译:我的未来 我的未来相当一名医生,救治更多的人.我想未来的建筑是高大的,华丽的,并且有很多会飞的汽车在天上,会让我们的生活更美好.

浑音18733416433问: 八上英语Unit7最后的作文
鹿寨县苦参回答: First, check you have all the ingredients.You need green onion ,sauce,slices of duck and pancake. First,put ingredients into a pancake .Next ,roll the pancake .Then you can enjoy it .

浑音18733416433问: 新目标英语八年级(上)7单元self check的作文怎么写 -
鹿寨县苦参回答: 很好写,内容如下:First ,check you have all the ingredients.You need green onion , sauce,slices of duck and pancakes. Next,put the ingredients into a pancake.Finally,rollthe pancake.Now, you can enioy Beijing Duck.顺便请教一下因式分解的8年级上册数学和旋转对称图形.

浑音18733416433问: 人教版八年级上册英语第七单元作文 -
鹿寨县苦参回答: A new term began. Students all returned to school met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was happier. I couldn't wait to tell my story. Now it's my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress.They ...

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