
作者&投稿:禾贺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2022-11-05 · TA获得超过2983个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:5 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:43 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Think,英文单词,中文意思为想要,认为,考虑等。常用语有think and think (细想)、come to think of it (细想一下)等。 基本介绍 中文名 :想要,认为 外文名 :Think...

think of it 认为 think about it 考虑,认为 think it over 仔细想 think it out 彻底思考,设计出 小结think的几种常见用法 动词think在英语中很常见,用法也很广泛。对于一个英语学习者来说,熟悉其用法是非常重要也是很必要的。现小结如下:一、“think+宾语从句”是think最为常见的用法...

think后面直接加你的观点,比如说i think you are a good boy think of后面可以加一个人和事,是想到的的意思,比如what do you think of it?think about是考虑关于某件事i am thinking about how to do it think over是仔细的思考的意思,课堂上老师常说think it over ...


一道选择题 关于think的用法
我正在考虑到哪里去度假。②think of作想起、认为时与think about不同。如:She often thinks of her old friends.她经常想起她的老朋友。③think over意为仔细考虑、思考。over为副词、代词应放在其前。如:I thought it over last Sunday.上个星期天我仔细考虑那件事。Let me think over this ...

I don't believe that he can translate this book,can he?We don't imagine the twins have arrived,have they?此类句子的回答同”前否后肯“型反意疑问句一样,如上述后一个句子,若双胞胎已经到了,则回答为”Yes,they have“;若尚未到达,使用”No,they haven't“。要点2:当主句的...

think意思是认为。think既可以作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,有认为、以为、思索、思想、琢磨等含义,用作名词有想法等含义,常用语有think and think细想、come to think of it细想一下、have got another think coming想错了、think again再想一次、think aloud自言自语、think better of想到关于...

think的意思是思考、想。关于think这个词的详细解释如下:1. 基本含义:在日常生活中,当我们说“think”时,通常指的是大脑进行思维活动的过程。这是一种认知行为,涉及对信息的处理、分析和判断。“Think”也可以表示对某件事或某个情境进行仔细考虑或思考。这种思考可以是深思熟虑的,也可以是短暂的...

think 是否定转移的次,无论人称是什么都是把否定词放在think之前 I don't think you are right.She doesn't think you are right.

think和think of的区别是什么?
以下是关于"think"和"think of"区别的解答,大家可以先看下面的表格简单了解一下它们:以下是"think"和"think of"的区别:1. 区别:意义和用途"think": 表示思考、认为或具有某种想法的通用动词。- 例子1: "I think it's a good idea to go on vacation."(我认为去度假是个好主意。)- ...

竺筠17832561026问: 求与think构成的短语 -
蓟县宜宇回答: think的短语有:1、think fit 认为…是合适的2、think good 认为…是好的3、think right 认为…是对的4、think again 重新考虑5、think ahead 考虑得长远6、think aloud 自言自语7、think hard 苦思8、think twice 仔细考虑9、think ...

竺筠17832561026问: think的所有词组短语!~~
蓟县宜宇回答: think: [ θiŋk ] v. 想,考虑,想像 [ 过去式thought 过去分词thought 现在分词thinking 第三人称单数thinks ] 例句与用法 1. He thinks business all day. 他整天想着生意. 2. You can't think how glad I am to see you. 你无法想象我是多么高兴见到你. 3. ...

竺筠17832561026问: 辨析一下关于think的词组,谢谢! -
蓟县宜宇回答: 一、think about,(仔细)思考,回忆起 1、If I wee you, I'd think twice about it. .如果我是你,我会三思而后行. 2、Even now when I think about it I feel pain in my heart. .就是现在想起来我心里都感到难受. 二、think of vt. 想到, 考虑, 想象...

竺筠17832561026问: 英语 think的一些短语的意义,用法(最好举个例子) -
蓟县宜宇回答: come to think of it 细想一下 First think, then speak. [谚]先思而后言. I don't think [俚]我倒不相信, 靠不住(加在讽语之后) just think 只想想看(表示惊异) not to be thought of 不能设想 Only think! [口]嗳, 你想想看! 试想一下, 真想不到! ...

竺筠17832561026问: 关于think的词组有哪些?再帮我区别一下thinkof/abo
蓟县宜宇回答: 填think of He is highly think of.他留给别人的印象很好 这算是一个固定用法: think highly of=speak highly of.对……印象很好”. 如: He spoke highly of our city. 他对我...

竺筠17832561026问: think的用法?! -
蓟县宜宇回答: think 既可以作及物动词也可作不及物动词.如:Think before you act .先思而后行.The teacher told me to try to think in English .老师让我们试着用英语思考.当 think 用作及物动词时,其后习惯搭配主要有如下几种句式结构:1 . think+ 从句 I ...

竺筠17832561026问: think of的用法 -
蓟县宜宇回答: think of的用法如下: 1.think of的基本意思是用脑细想和斟酌,也可表示为找到结论而想方设法,还可以表示限定在确定的观点上,即“认为”.引申可表示“关心”“顾及”“体谅”等. 2.think of作“考虑”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用...

竺筠17832561026问: 用所给的单词或短语的适当形式填空think;thing of;think about;think over.1.Don't( )it any more.2.I can't ( )his address.3.We'll( )your suggestion and give you our ... -
蓟县宜宇回答:[答案] 1.think about 2.think of 3.think over 4.think 5.think ,over 6.think of 7.thought,about 8.thinking

竺筠17832561026问: 英语短语填空 -
蓟县宜宇回答: 1.all the time/一直是2.on holiday/度假3.think about/考虑一下4.tried to/试着做5.are waiting for/等候6.have to/不得不7.deep breath/深呼吸8.Are good at/擅长9.something else/别的什么事10.think of/认为

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