
作者&投稿:桑贵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

介绍牛肉面的英语作文如下The 688 Beef Bowl restaurant in Taiwan currently has the most expensive beef noodles on the market Customers who want to taste their noodles must pay up to 2,000 yuan and even;妈妈做的牛肉面颜色非常好看,而且十里飘雪记得有一次,我放学回家,刚到家门口就闻到...

介绍牛肉面的英语作文如下:The 688 Beef Bowl restaurant in Taiwan currently has the most expensive beef noodles on the market. Customers who want to taste their noodles must pay up to 2,000 yuan and even make an appointment beforehand.目前台湾一家名为“牛爸爸牛肉面”的餐馆拥有市场...

My home is in Lanzhou, the Yellow River passes through our city and has become a unique and beautiful city landscape. Lanzhou is famous melon city, the output of melon fragrant and sweet. Lanzhou beef noodles, famous all over the world, very tasty, come must eat a bowl of 。


这天,我去吃早餐。只见店里的伙计们端着碗筷忙来忙去。于是我找了一个位子坐下了,一位年轻的伙计走了过来,问我要吃点什么,于是我点了一碗青椒牛肉面。很快,一碗面就出来了。我拿起筷子很快地吃完了。在去学校的路上,我还想着那碗好吃的面。英文日记4 Today, I came to the breakfast. ...

到了吃午饭的时间,我点了一碗牛肉面,飞快的将它吃完了。 后来,我又连着坐了3次小飞机,下来之后,我头昏脑涨,都找不着北了。舅舅看到我这副狼狈样,不禁哈哈大笑,我的脸都羞红了! 不知不觉,该回家了,我依依不舍地离开了恐龙园,但愿下次旅游还来这儿! 英语作文 暑假有趣的一件事 One day, Mary went to...

1. 英语作文 写关于鸡汤面 鸡汤 How to make chicken soup? Hello,everybody! Do you know how to make chicken soup?Now I tell you. Firstly,check you have all the ingredients. You need chicken, salt,some shallots(葱) and some water. Secondly cut the chicken and shallots up and wash them ...

1. 跪求一篇写红烧牛肉面的作文 未尝过水煮牛肉以前,我对吃的最爱一直是四川牛肉面.在我们市内存在着一个古老地标,圆环大庙,其边缘小巷内有个不起眼的四川牛肉面老店.它没有醒目招牌,面门也非常平凡.每回 要来到市区,都会情不自禁赶来这里,吃一碗又大又辣的四川牛肉面,那熟悉的牛肉汤香味,早巳飘散在空气中...


·奶黄雪梨果 ·金牌胡萝卜 ·蟹黄小汤包 ·核桃冻 ·葱包桧 ·餐包 ·三丝面疙瘩 ·水晶翡翠饺 ·杭式榴莲酥 ·脆皮马蹄糕 ·豆香麻糍 ·空心南瓜饼 ·刘家玉米香油茶 ·九姓团圆 ·杏仁薄脆 ·香菠血糯饭 ·明良生煎包 ·大华酥饼 ·太子麦蕉 ·贵妃松花饼 ·新丰小吃 ·红烧牛肉面 ...

奚喻15342696474问: 英语作文怎样制作牛肉面60字 -
北流市金抗回答: 1.The first will cook,tomato,red turnip sliced,onion cut into sections,garlic clap broken spare; 2.Boil a pot of water,cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand,will remove extrusion press cook until no blood out.Drain ...

奚喻15342696474问: 谁能帮我写一篇介绍如何做一个美味的牛肉面的英语作文(写得好加分,要初二水平的) -
北流市金抗回答: This is a recipe for beef noodles first cut up the beef ,then,boil the noodles next,put salt,sauce,beef on the noodles.finlly,mix them all up.再加工一下就好了,纯手写啊

奚喻15342696474问: 英语作文怎样做牛肉面带翻译 -
北流市金抗回答: Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef . Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl . Then mix them up. Finally pour them into the bowl.首先把两个西红柿和切一些牛肉. 下一步把一些面条在开水.将两茶匙蜂蜜碗. 然后把它们混合起来. 最后把它们倒进碗里.

奚喻15342696474问: 牛肉面制作过程英语作文,七十词左右,初二水平 -
北流市金抗回答: 引用Do you like beef noodles?I like it and I can make it . First ,we should check your ingredient .We need noodles,beef,tomatoes,salt,a teaspoon and a bowl . Next ,boil the noodles .wash the tomatoes and cut it up .Cut up the beef . After that ,take ...

奚喻15342696474问: 写一个这样制作牛肉面的英语作文,50个词.不要太难理解.初二的就好.最好写完还有中文翻译. -
北流市金抗回答: 煎牛肉.将牛肉切块洗净,煎至双面焦黄秘制料包.用布将八角、花椒等包起来做料包. 炖牛肉.将所有配料下锅,放牛肉,炖煮4个小时.煮面、炒配菜、.清水下面,同时酸菜切丁,与红辣椒翻炒.捞面放酱牛肉Fried beef. The beef ...

奚喻15342696474问: 谁能帮我写一篇介绍如何做一个美味的牛肉面的英语作文(写得好加分,要初二水平的)参考词汇:first,next,then,finally,vegetabies,beef slices,relish,hot ... -
北流市金抗回答:[答案] Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef . Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl . Then mix them up. Finally pour them into the bowl.

奚喻15342696474问: 请以初二上册英语水平写一篇关于牛肉面制作过程的作文,80词左右,谢谢 -
北流市金抗回答: 1 beef washed, cut into small pieces, boil in water well 2 for cooked beef broth boil the noodles. 3 after the noodles cooked down into the green onion, coriander, salt, diced beef

奚喻15342696474问: 用英语写制作牛肉面的过程 -
北流市金抗回答: thefirst thing is to cook flour.it is very important.we put them into.the soup .then we put a lot of thing like salt.then,we put some beef,i like it very much

奚喻15342696474问: 求一篇英语作文,写牛肉面的制作方法,也就是食谱,必须是要牛肉面的制作方法,别的不行. -
北流市金抗回答: 主料牛肉200g 辅料面粉适量鼠尾草籽适量老汤适量鸡蛋适量盐适量辣椒适量 步骤 牛肉面的做法步骤11.鸡蛋中加入少许盐,搅拌均匀. 牛肉面的做法步骤22.加入面粉. 加入鼠尾草籽. 牛肉面的做法步骤33.将其搅拌均匀,成为絮状. 牛肉面的...

奚喻15342696474问: 一篇关于西红柿牛肉面条怎么做的英文作文,,,急求!! -
北流市金抗回答: 方法一: 肉燥面的做法: 1. 红葱头(洋葱)洗净剥皮切粒,倒入烧热的油锅炸至焦黄; 2. 肉绞碎一同炒香后,加酱油及调味料拌匀入味; 3. 加少许水烧开,用慢火炖煮一个钟头; 4. 面、豆芽、虾煮熟捞起沥干,淋下肉燥卤汁即可.方法二: ...

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