
作者&投稿:傅旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语口语 问外教问题 问什么好?
6. Are British people still very serious about their marriage?7. <Everybody loves Raymond> is very popular in China. Have you watch the TV series? Do you like it? Is the life described in it true?总而言之,问一些其他同学想不到的问题,这样老师才会感兴趣并乐意回答。

13.how long have you learned English?你学英语多长时间了?Two years.14.how often do you go to the park?你多经常去公园?once a week.(一周一次)15.would you like to go to the cinema?你要去看电影吗?Yes, I would like to.16.did you have a good time?你玩得开心吗?Yes,...


Come again, please.请再说一次。Could you repeat that?同上。Sorry, I didn't quite get that.我没太懂你的意思。What do you mean by that? Could you put it in a differnet way?你刚说的是什么意思? 能换个方式解释一下吗?

美国签证官经常问的问题是:1,Hello, how are you?2. Why do you need a visa? Where will you go?3. Have you taken TOEFL or IELTS exams?\/ Did you take any standard tests?4. Why don’t you study in China? 5. Why do you choose this university?6. What is your major...

could you give me some advice on how to improve my English learning?how can i improve my spoken English?is there a better way to improve my reading comprehension than simply doing reading exercises?do you think listening to BBC or VOA will help me improve my English listening ...


OK!有问题可以尽管问我,希望对你有所帮助 建议参考:宾语从句 http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/343.htm 定语从句http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/56536.htm 倒装句http:\/\/baike.baidu.com\/view\/84467.htm#3 补充回答:第八题,不好意思,是完全倒装,说顺嘴了,见谅……第七题,此为特殊情况,为...

1.Why do\/did you choose this subject\/topic?2.What's the meaning and purpose for you research\/study?3.How do you arrange the framework and basic structure in you paper?4.What's the logical relation among all the sections in your paper?5.Did you find any different ideas\/...

1、of to for不能对应汉语的“的、地、得”不然就会完全错掉。2、of to for如果要说区别,那么可以这么讲:of带有包含性,to带有指向性,for带有目的性。of的包含性不必多言,不论是从属还是属性,其实都是包含性的表现。to一般有指向、方向的含义,举例way to school去学校的路,这里的“路”...

仰牧13892785706问: 有什么值得提问的英语
渭南市水杨回答: How is the life in America? How is your family? What do you want to know about China? How is your college(school)? How is your holiday> How is the weather in America? What is your favourite food? What is your hobby? 就是这些日常的 问下美国的生活啊 他的家有多少人啊 最喜欢什么运动啊 食物啊 球星啊 千万不要说什么父母做什么的啊 敏感问题也不要问哈`我们学校到处都是老外 就这些 没错```

仰牧13892785706问: 问几个英语的问题
渭南市水杨回答: (1)"I "is the ninth letter in English! 这个也是可以的:"I" is used to refer to the first person single in English (2)a riverbank (3)It is,and I say not but. 意思是:(它)是这样的,而且我认为(说)还不止这样呢!

仰牧13892785706问: 问一些英语问题,希望有人尽快回答!! -
渭南市水杨回答: 1The teacher said,Don't talk.”同义句转换 The teacher told the students (not ) (to ) (talk ) 2 Mary's father is (a doctor)提问 ( what)does Mary's father (do )? 3peter's brother is (tall and thin)提问 (how )does Peter's brother (look ) (like )? 4...

仰牧13892785706问: 问几个关于英语的问题,
渭南市水杨回答: 1.when we are writing English,we should notice to spell; 2.eat healthy,or cause the diease. 3.have a class more important than go out. 4.when you leave the classroom,please turn off the light. 5.we should plant,because we only have a earth. 6,my ...

仰牧13892785706问: 问几个简单的英语小问题 -
渭南市水杨回答: 1.Who can tell me what that building is in tht picture? 2.The Bigben has a long history,it's a quite typical art classic.It is a very happy thing to go for a tour. 3.Next I 'll take you to a magic Britain journey.

仰牧13892785706问: 几个关于英语的问题
渭南市水杨回答: 1.这可以省略 2.worse 3.可以,后者更好些

仰牧13892785706问: 高一值得问老师的英语题目
渭南市水杨回答: How to study English well 你不是那去提问老师吗

仰牧13892785706问: 问些英语问题
渭南市水杨回答: 主要的问题是出在你是的翻译太汉语化(这叫Chinglish,而不是English),每种文化都有其特点.很多时候是不能直接把中文变成英文再连起来.必需考虑全句,然后再重新组合.我给你翻译一下,看看英文习惯怎么说. 1. To me, the car is not worth to buy. (对我来说这车不值得买) 2. Could you not over cook the bread. (你可以不把面包烤焦么?) 3. Anyone is welcome to my party. (任何人都欢迎来我的派对)

仰牧13892785706问: 问一些关于英语问题
渭南市水杨回答: 1、English is as important as Chinese. 2.Children need a lot of things.Above all,they need love most. 3.He often drops in on me. 4.They are trying out a new reporter for the programme. 5.Can you work out these questions? 6.Remember to fill the ...

仰牧13892785706问: 问几个关于英语的问题 -
渭南市水杨回答: see看见,不说明当前状态,是在看还是没再看.I see him coming 我看见他来了,see you then 明天见 watch盯着看 Just watch closely!盯紧点 notice给予注意力,不强调看的状态,而是强调给予了注意力.Worthy of notice 值得注意的.That detail escaped my notice.我没注意到这个细节.look at 比较一般的看着而已,比watch要弱,也不过分强调注意力. Look at page five please 请看第五页.之类之类吧,随便找了几个例子.其实他们都有些固定语式的.恩.不能一概而论呢.

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