
作者&投稿:彤葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文翻译 :我确信我是众多给你发电子邮件的人中的一个
I am sure that I was one of the persons who sent your an email

我确信什么也无法阻止他成为一名作家。英文翻译:I'm sure nothing can stop him from becoming a writer.重点词汇释义:确信:firmly believe; be convinced; be sure; be confident; assurance 无法:cannot; unable; incapable 阻止:prevent; impede; keep from; hold back 成为:become; turn into...

翻译:Do you believe that it is true?Do you trust that it is true?Are you convinced of it being true?Are you sure that it is true?解析:believe 是相信的意思,trust 是相信的意思,be convinced of 也是相信的意思,后面接动名词,be sure 也是确信,相信的意思,后面接从句 希望能帮...

Are you sure that we'll succeed?

把它剪短 cut it short 准备食物 prepare food 给你一个解释 give you an explanation 确信 make sure 尽可能的 as ... as possible 黑咖啡 black coffee 团结就是力量 unite is force 众人拾柴火焰高 the more hands, the more powerful 在…起重要作用 play an important role in 准备会议材料...

I'm sure 英文发音:[aɪm ʃʊə(r)]中文释义:我确定 例句:'I'm sure I don't know.' Cook tossed her head “我确信我不知道。”库克一甩头说。词汇解析:sure 英文发音:[ʃʊr]中文释义:adj.确信;确知;肯定;有把握;一定,必定,无疑(将会得到或...

1,The police are checking the scene to get the evidence 2 and he is said to have a well-paying job 3, Mr. Smith insists that he is innocent 4, may be more than one attacker 5, this morning on the way to school, you see anything unusual?,?6, because I am not sure...

其实这个还是非常有趣的题目啦,如果你们这个不是特定的单元配套练习的话,因为有很多答案 1.楼下用的am afraid to 也可以啦,还可以用 am frightened to 不过这两个都不是直译,不敢的话可以用“don't dare to"dare可以是情态动词也可以是实义动词,用法像need一样用就可以了 2.确信简单一点就...

I'm sure that my friend will like this gift

请英语大师翻译1.确信干...2.写三个关于你自己的句子。3.拉小提琴_百 ...
oh my god 为什么不百度翻译呢

前松17785344666问: 请问使某人确信,是confirm somebody of something吗 -
友好区快胃回答: 你好! 使某人确信 convince sb of

前松17785344666问: 确保用英文短语怎么说 -
友好区快胃回答: 单从“确保”的意思来讲,建议使用ensure,make sure.如因语境不同需要有不同的表达,此处给出一些相关的词性解释,希望对你有所帮助.ensure确定,确保:1.The book ensured his success.那本书确定了他的地位2.These pills could ...

前松17785344666问: 辨析两个英语短句 -
友好区快胃回答: convince sb. of sth 是使某人确信某事 persuad sb. of sth是说服某人相信某事,使...被说服,使..信服,有一个劝说的过程

前松17785344666问: 英语翻译1、【提示】remote遥远的【翻译】_____________在遥远的过去2、【提示】convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事【翻译】___________________... -
友好区快胃回答:[答案] 1.in the romote past 2.I tried to convince them of my innocence. 3.I'm convinced that he is guilty.

前松17785344666问: make belive是什么意思啊? -
友好区快胃回答: 使确信

前松17785344666问: convince about,convince of的意思及区别 -
友好区快胃回答: convince sb of 使某人确信 convince about 承认某事

前松17785344666问: 重点短语翻译 1.保证做某事 6.使某人/某物处于某种状态 2.擅长某事 7.帮助某人做某事 3.……的开始 8.确信 4.打扫卫生 9.教某人(做)某事 5.放风筝 -
友好区快胃回答: 1. gurantee to do sth.2. good at doing sth. 3. at the beginning of 4. clean up5. fly a kite 6. Make sb / sth to be in a state of 7. help sb. to do sth. 8. to believe firmly / firmly believe 9. teach sb. to do sth.

前松17785344666问: 对某人满意 用英语怎么说? -
友好区快胃回答: Be happy with sb. 短语:对某人满意 I'm be happy with jimmy. 我对吉米满意.

前松17785344666问: 使某人满意的是用英语怎么说? -
友好区快胃回答: to one's satisfaction.satisfy的名词……

前松17785344666问: be born,be born to do sth.和be born of有什么区别? -
友好区快胃回答: be born:1.出生:He was born in Beijing.他生于北京. 2.生而为,命中注定:He was born a poet.他天生是个诗人.Be born to do sth. 命中注定要做某事.He w...

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