
作者&投稿:殷勤苏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在某方面有问题 1 have problems with 2 have some problems with

"我有一个问题想请教一下你"或"我有个问题想问一下你 的英语怎么...
英文为:I have a question for you.词汇解析:一、have 英 [həv;hæv] 美 [həv;hæv]1、vt. 有;让;拿;从事;允许 2、aux. 已经 二、question 英 ['kwestʃ(ə)n] 美 ['kwɛstʃən]1、n. 问题,疑问;询问;疑问句 ...

存在的问题 英语怎么说
存在的问题的英文:Existing problems 短语 The existing prominent problems 主要问题和解决途径 the existing problems 存在的问题 ; 现状问题 ; 面临的问题 ; 有着不足 solve existing problems 解决存在的问题 例句 1、In this paper, the present state, existing problems and solving methods of ...

问题的英语是什么 "Problem"和"issue"是常用的英文词汇来表示"问题"。1. "Problem"这个词通常用来指一个需要解决的实际困难或难题。例如,数学题目、计算机编程中的错误或是某个需要解决的物理难题都可以用"problem"来表示。它强调的是事情存在的错误或障碍,需要采取措施进行解决。例句:"I have ...

If you have any questions, please tell me.

have problem with english

I have a question to ask.我有一个问题想问一下。词汇解析:1、have a question 英文发音:[hæveˈkwestʃən]]中文释义:有个问题 例句:I have a question about the procedure.我有一个关于程序上的疑问。2、ask 英文发音:[ɑːsk]中文释义:v.问;询问;要求...

我有几个问题想请教一下 I have a few questions to ask.注:questions 英 ['kwestʃənz] 美 ['kwestʃənz]n. 疑问; 询问,疑问,问题; 问题( question的名词复数 ); 怀疑; 议题;v. 问(某人)问题( question的第三人称单数 ); 对(某事物)表示[感到]怀疑;[...

key to the solution of a question;问题的关键 essence of the problem [question];3.问题的实质 (事故或意外) trouble; mishap; sth. wrong troubleshooter;解决麻烦问题的能手 without any mishap;没出什么问题 4.(重要之点) the point; the thing:That is not the point.问题不在这里。

How many hours of lecture do you have every week?How many tests do you have every month?How many terms do you have in one year?Do you have summer vocation or vinter vocation? If so, how long?Do you like chinese food? Can you get Chinese food around compus?Do you have ...

丑菁15777489159问: 用英语问别人十个问题 不要那种太简单的 什么你叫什么名字你几岁之类的 -
岚山区藿胆回答: What are you going to do on Sunday? What is your favourite hobby? How often do you usually go swimming? Why do you like watching movies? When is your mother's birthday? What is the weather like today? How about going to climb mountain? ...

丑菁15777489159问: 你有问题吗?用英语怎么说? -
岚山区藿胆回答: 你有问题吗? 用英语表达 翻译如下: Have you got any questions?[例句] 你有问题吗?我很乐意回答. Have you got any questions? I shall be very pleased to answer them.

丑菁15777489159问: 你怎么了用英语怎么写? -
岚山区藿胆回答: "你怎么了"的英语是:What's wrong with you. "你怎么了"用英语还可以表达为: 1、What is wrong with you; 2、Is that what you got; 3、What happened to you; 4、What's the matter with you. 在“What's wrong with you”中:“What's ...

丑菁15777489159问: 你有问题,的英语怎么答 -
岚山区藿胆回答: what's wrong with you?你有什么事?换句话说就是;你有病啊!!! Do you have some questions?你有什么问题?这是比较正常的文人有什么问题要问的.

丑菁15777489159问: 英文“ 有什么问题 ”怎么说 -
岚山区藿胆回答: 有什么问题What's the matter?;What is the problem?;What can I do for you?更多释义>>[网络短语]有什么问题 Any questions;What is the problem;have problems with something有什么问题吗 Any questions;What questions do you have;answprk dlTsl有什么问题么 What is the problem;Do you have any questions

丑菁15777489159问: :What questions do you have 这个英文是什么意思啊?
岚山区藿胆回答:你有什么问题? 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

丑菁15777489159问: 如果你有什么问题,请随时举手 英文翻译 -
岚山区藿胆回答: If you have any questions, please raise up your hand.

丑菁15777489159问: 不要打断他的讲话.你有什么问题可以在会后问他.英语怎样翻译 -
岚山区藿胆回答: Do not interrupt his speech. Do you have any problems can be in after asking him.

丑菁15777489159问: 这是我的朋友 你有什么问题问他 用英语造句 -
岚山区藿胆回答:[答案] She(he) is my friend,if you have any question,ask her(him).

丑菁15777489159问: 英语翻译翻译 1、如果你有什么问题,请向老师寻求帮助 2、男孩喜欢向妈妈要玩具 3、请打电话找我 4、请给我发电子邮件到…… 5、李磊擅长英语 6、地上... -
岚山区藿胆回答:[答案] please ask teacher for help if you have sone problems the boy like to ask toys from mother

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