
作者&投稿:楚娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

按要求完成句子。 1. 喜欢看电视?(翻译成英文) ...
1. Do you like watching television? 2. Do, like 3. Can, play 4. Can, you, No, can’t 5. Can ,draw, And 6. like, cooking, Can, cook

你喜欢看电视吗?请以“Watching Tv“为题,写一篇70-80词的英语短文,内...
Chinese boys and girls like to watch TV. Some children spend five or six hours a day in front of the TV set. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. Many parents are worried about them. TV programs are like books. A child can learn good things fr...

回答:My mother likes to watch TV. like to do sth或like doing sth

I like watching the television .

1. Yes 2. Teach 3. Go to school 4. Ride 5. Have lunch 6. Go home 7. Like watching TV

I enjoy watching TV because I can often many things from it, it gives me a lot of knowledge, and I can always know what's new and what's going on all around me.我喜欢看电视因为可以增长知识,了解国内外新闻.

他喜欢看电视。翻译为英文是:1. He likes watching TV.2. He enjoys watching TV.3. He loves watching TV.注:完全没有问题!请提问者及时采纳!

like watching TV

she likes watching tv

我喜欢看电视 I like watching TV

氐侍17198431146问: 你喜欢看电视吗翻译
乌兰县缬克回答: Do you like watching TV?

氐侍17198431146问: 你喜欢看电视吗?不他不喜欢.用英语怎么读 -
乌兰县缬克回答:[答案] 英文原文:DO you like watching TV?NO,He doesn't like.英式音标:[duː] [juː] [laɪk] [ˈwɒtʃɪŋ] [ˌtiːˈviː] [nəʊ] [hiː] [ˈd...

氐侍17198431146问: 你们喜欢看电视吗?用英语怎么说 -
乌兰县缬克回答: Do you like watching TV?希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O

氐侍17198431146问: 你喜欢看周日晚上的电视节目嘛 翻译 -
乌兰县缬克回答: 你好!正确答案为:Do you like watching TV on Sunday evening?watch TV 看电视 like doing 喜欢做某事******************************************* ^___^祝你学习进步! 如有疑问,请追问!如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!*******************************************

氐侍17198431146问: 你喜欢看周日晚上的电视节目嘛 翻译 -
乌兰县缬克回答:[答案] 正确答案为: Do you like watching TV on Sunday evening? watch TV 看电视 like doing 喜欢做某事

氐侍17198431146问: 英语翻译A:近来怎么样?B:很好,A:你有什么爱好?B:我喜欢看电视.A:你喜欢看什么类的节目?B:我喜欢看谈话类的节目.A:谈话类?你为什么喜... -
乌兰县缬克回答:[答案] A:Hello,hwo are you these days? B:Good,thank you. A:What' your hobby? B:I like watching TV. A:Oh?What kind of programs do you like watching? B:I like watching the conversation class programs. A:Conversation class?Why do you like them? B:...

氐侍17198431146问: 你对看电视感兴趣吗英译 -
乌兰县缬克回答: 你对看电视感兴趣吗 Are you interested in watching TV你对看电视感兴趣吗 Are you interested in watching TV

氐侍17198431146问: 他喜欢看电视的英文5种 -
乌兰县缬克回答: 他喜欢看电视. 翻译为英文是: 1. He likes watching TV. 2. He enjoys watching TV. 3. He loves watching TV. 注:完全没有问题!请提问者及时采纳!

氐侍17198431146问: 我非常喜欢看电影,你呢? 我喜欢看电视的英文怎么说 -
乌兰县缬克回答: I like watching movies very much, how about you?I like watching TV.你自己翻的也不错了,加上电影(film)就好了

氐侍17198431146问: doyoulikewatchingtvathome?的翻译. -
乌兰县缬克回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Do you like watching TV at home?你喜欢在家看电视吗 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

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