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教学能力 Teaching ability 例句:因此,培养音乐教育专业学生课堂教学能力是很必要的。Therefore, training of professional music education student teaching ability is very necessary.


问题六:“你教什么课程? ”用英语怎么说? What courses do you teach ?问题七:专业课 用英文怎么说 专业课, major courses, professional cl抚sses 联合国的高官,senior officials of the United Nations, UN senior officials 自由职业者 self employed 问题八:校本课程 用英语怎么写 school...

问题一:教育学用英语怎么说? Education Pedagogics Pedagogy 都可以 问题二:大学专业中的专业用英文怎么说 专业 梗ajor 英语专业 English Major 我是学英语专业的,你学什么专业吗?I majored in English and what was your major?问题三:专业课用英语怎么说? specialized course 专业课 major ...

跪求 英格兰教育制度的简介,全英文的,上英语课急用.谢谢。
Education in England is overseen by the Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. At local level, local authorities take responsibility for implementing policy for public education and state schools.Full-time education is compulsory for all children ...


[xiào]校本课程(school—based curriculum)即以学校为本位、由学校自己确定的课程,它与国家课程、地方课程相对应。因为是根据英文“school”翻译而来,所以是[xiào]。

国情教育这门课程英文怎么说 英文
National Situation就可以了。

during the four years of studying,i noticed that i 'm fond of math ,what's more,i recognised i'm enthusiastic about education

教育培训 [词典] Education and training [例句]1、We should strengthen and improve education and training of officials to enhance their competence.加强和改进干部教育培训,提高干部素质和能力。2、Education and training is the key that will unlock our nation's potential.教育培训是发掘我们国家...

宣俘13497851118问: 上体育课用英语怎么说 -
沙河口区信可回答:[答案] have PE lesson

宣俘13497851118问: 上体育课(用英语翻译) -
沙河口区信可回答:[答案] have P.E class

宣俘13497851118问: 体育课用英语怎么说?体育课用英语怎么说?
沙河口区信可回答: physical education class

宣俘13497851118问: 体育课英语 -
沙河口区信可回答: 立正 手臂放两边站好 整理服装 向右转 (左右)转 向前看 稍息 快步走

宣俘13497851118问: 英语翻译在体育课上用英语怎么说是“在体育课上”,不是翻译体育课呀,介词要用哪个啊 -
沙河口区信可回答:[答案] In the physical education 例句: 1、 From the physical constraints, I was in physical education on home, ease. 摆脱了体能的约束, 我居然在体育课上混得如鱼得水, 轻松自在. 2. We often play football in PE class. 我常常在体育课上踢足球.

宣俘13497851118问: 职业棒球手,体育课,用英语怎么说 -
沙河口区信可回答: 职业棒球手_有道翻译 翻译结果:Professional baseball player 体育课 PE;physical education class更多释义>> [网络短语] 体育课 gym class;physical education;PE 一节体育课 a PE lesson;A PE Class 体育课的时间 Physical education class time;Physical education time

宣俘13497851118问: 什么时候上体育课用英语怎么说 -
沙河口区信可回答: When we will have P.E. class? P.E. 是physical education 的缩写,表示体育课.

宣俘13497851118问: 我们在星期二上体育课.【用英语怎么说】 -
沙河口区信可回答:[答案] 我们在星期二上体育课 We have PE class on Tuesday.

宣俘13497851118问: 上英语课丶数学课丶语文课丶科学课丶体育课用英文怎么写 -
沙河口区信可回答: have English class /math class /Chinese class /science class/P.E.class

宣俘13497851118问: 体育课,音乐课,数学课,科学课,美术课用英语怎么讲 -
沙河口区信可回答: Physical education, music lessons, math, science lessons, art classes

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