
作者&投稿:昔巩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

display\/ show off one's beauty\/charm\/glamor

初中英语作文 写一个人的优秀品质的 各位网友哥哥姐姐们拜托了,今天...
Since we were born, many people help us a lot. We should be grateful to their kindness. But the ones we should show our greatest appreciation are our parents. From the first day we appear in their lives, they give us all their love and care, but never expect anything in ...

fashion show ,是否可以去服装、时尚网站查询、收集

口语是:Wonderful 英['wʌndəfl]释义:adj.极好的,精彩的,绝妙的;奇妙的;美妙;胜;神妙 短语:It's a Wonderful Life 风云人物;美好人生;生活多美好;心想事成 词语用法:adj.(形容词)1、wonderful表示“精彩的,极妙的,使人惊奇的”,常用作定语。2、wonderful还常用作...

Helping others by offering English interpration is more than a kind of virtue.

Life is a continuous process of fighting and one cannot achieve success without effort.Sparing no effort shows that one fears no difficulties.Striving for a definite goal with such perseverance and determination is a valuable quality.One should not stop trying until one has obtained one...

时装秀 用英语怎么讲
fashion show


When it comes to learning English,different people have different ideas and ways to share with others.Here are my point of views.On the one hand, in order to study English well,such good qualities as modesty,diligence , perseverance and easygoingness are of great importance.Only ...

pretty 用来形容长的清秀男子,很多人以为它只能修饰女的,其实不然 有首歌叫pretty boy 审美观是aesthetic

温何19180635471问: 品质优秀的单词? -
黄埔区脑立回答: 优秀的品质的英文表达:talented 有才能的;能干的;outstanding 杰出的;fantastic 极出色的;humorous 幽默的;marvelous 了不起的;绝佳的gorgeous 美丽动人的,艳丽的;excellent 卓越的;杰出的;intelligent/clever/smart 聪明的;brilliant 闪耀的;才华横溢的;attractive 有魅力的;吸引人的;

温何19180635471问: 优秀的 的英语单词 -
黄埔区脑立回答: excellent 英 ['eksələnt] 美 ['eksələnt] adj. 杰出的;优秀的;极好的 副词: excellently 词语用法 adj. (形容词) excellent的基本意思是指优于其他事物,常用以指在品级评定中属于最高级者. excellent所表达的意思含有“绝对无疑”的意...

温何19180635471问: 品质的英文是什么 -
黄埔区脑立回答: quality 英 ['kwɒləti] 美 ['kwɑːləti] n. 品质;才能;特质 名词复数: qualities 词语用法 n. (名词) quality的基本意思是“质量”,指产品、商品或工作的优劣程度,也可用于人,指品质.可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词. quality用...

温何19180635471问: 用英文说出美好的品德有哪些 -
黄埔区脑立回答: 谦卑(Humility)荣誉(Honor)牺牲(Sacrifice)英勇(Valor)怜悯(Compassion)精神(Spirituality) 诚实(Honesty)公正(Justice)

温何19180635471问: 写一篇英语书面表达关于“一个好学生应该具有的优秀品质,选择下面的两个进行书写”1.Passion 2.Self - discipline -
黄埔区脑立回答:[答案] A good student should have many good qualities,such as passion,perseverance,selfdiscipline and a sense of responsibility If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a good student

温何19180635471问: 形容产品质量好的英语单词都有哪些 -
黄埔区脑立回答: 形容产品质量好的英语:做工精细exquisite workmanship 、质量优秀 superior quality 、质量稳定 stable quality、质量可靠 reliable quality、经久耐用 durable in use 词组解释: 一、exquisite workmanship 1、exquisite 英 [ɪkˈ...

温何19180635471问: 急求英语作文一篇Good Qualiy一个好的学生应该具有许多优秀的品质Good Qualiy,如热情passion,毅力perseverance,自律selfdiscipline,责任... -
黄埔区脑立回答:[答案] There are always many good students around us ,and we often call them “good students”.But why should we call them like that ? and what good quality do they have, on earth? Maybe ,they are passion,perseverance,selfdiscipline,or honesity. However, ...

温何19180635471问: 学习人物的优秀品质用英语怎么说 -
黄埔区脑立回答: learn the fine qualities of character

温何19180635471问: 人的品质用英语是可数的吗? -
黄埔区脑立回答: 人的品质可以用quality这个单词,如果说某人有3种优秀的品质:比如善良、细心、乐观,这时可以用可数复数形式,eg; Many different qualities go to the making of a teacher.一个老师需要具备很多不同的品质.

温何19180635471问: 英语翻译拥有守时可靠、诚实可信的优秀品质. -
黄埔区脑立回答:[答案] 可翻译为 Have the excellent quality of punctuality,reliability,honesty and credibility.

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