
作者&投稿:皇砍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

shopping意思是指买到的东西;购买的商品。原级:shop.第三人称单数:shops.第三人称复数:shops.过去分词:shopped.过去式:shopped.基本解释:1.名词购物,买东西; 工作室,制作室; 车间; 家庭作坊。2.不及物动词选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店; 到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它。3.及物动词逛(...

shopping [英][ˈʃɒpɪŋ][美][ˈʃɑ:pɪŋ]n.购物,买东西; 工作室,制作室; 车间; 家庭作坊;vi.选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店; 到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它;vt.逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西;

shopping英音:['ʃɔpiŋ]美音:['ʃɑpɪŋ]名词 n. [U]1.买东西,购物 Mother does her shopping on Wednesdays and Saturdays.母亲在星期三和星期六去买东西。2.所购买的物品 She put her shopping away in the kitchen.她把购来的东西在厨房里放好。3....


shopping 英 ['ʃɒpɪŋ] 美 ['ʃɑpɪŋ]n. 购物,买东西 v. 购物(shop的ing形式)He used to go shopping every morning.他以前每天上午都去商店买东西。The policeman directed me to the shopping centre.警察给我指明去购物中心的路。He never ...

shopping的意思:n.购物;从商店采买的东西 v.“shop”的现在分词 shopping的发音:美 [ˈʃɑpɪŋ] 英 [ˈʃɒpɪŋ]例句:1.Once you are done, you can save it, email it or print it out to use as a shopping list at the ...

shopping的翻译是:购物,买东西。购物,台湾人取其近音俗称“血拼”。指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种 经济和休闲活动。现在网络购物是一种潮流,大的像淘宝、京东,但是现代模式花样越来越多。每个平台的模式都不一样。购即为买,物即为所出售之物品。无男女老幼之分,乃居家生活...

缩写是:shop'in 单词:shopping 英['ʃɒpɪŋ]释义:n.购物,买东西 v.购物(shop的ing形式)短语:Online Shopping网络购物;网上购物;网购;线上购物 词语辨析:department,store,shop 这3个名词都含有“商店”之意。1、department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为...

"Go shopping" 意为去购物或者去商店,可以指逛街或者购买物品,是美国英语和英国英语中常用的表达。【语法、使用方法不同之处的对比】:"Do shopping" 是一个动词短语,常常与情态动词一起使用,如 "can", "should", "must" 等,构成完整的句子。例如:I can do shopping tomorrow."Go shopping"...


沈京18045558562问: 以购物为主题的英语作文不少于五句话 -
芝山区泰托回答:[答案] I like shopping very much especially on weekend, since i think shopping can relax myself completely, i have to work 5 days a week and my job is always full with all kinds of meeting and customer visit...

沈京18045558562问: 谁能帮我写一篇关于购物的英语作文 -
芝山区泰托回答: SHOPPING ON LINE Shopping on line has been more and more popular in the world. The advantage is that it is so convenience that you need not queue and you can shop 24 hours everyday.And it is very easy for you to find what you want. Besides...

沈京18045558562问: 写一篇以购物为话题的作文 -
芝山区泰托回答: 第一次自己去购物 快开学了,该买学习用具了,这次我想自己来买.我算了一下,需要买一块橡皮,一把尺子和五个本子.于是,我把这个想法告诉了妈妈,妈妈说:“好吧,我给你20元钱,你自己去超市买文具吧!”因为我以前没有自己单独买...

沈京18045558562问: 求以网络购物为主题的英语作文,求学霸帮忙,谢谢 -
芝山区泰托回答: I like shopping very much especially on weekend, since i think shopping can relax myself completely, i have to work 5 days a week and my job is always full with all kinds of meeting and customer visits, so i will drive my car with my girl friends to the ...

沈京18045558562问: 求一篇"shopping experience"为题的英语作文.100至200字就行了,在线等半个小时, -
芝山区泰托回答:[答案] Nowadays, people can go shopping everywhere, for instance, people do not have to go out for shopping, they can buy anything they want from online store. Even there are a lot of services which can prov...

沈京18045558562问: 求英语作文写购物的 -
芝山区泰托回答: Shopping in the Supermarket.I usually go shopping with my mother on Saturday morning. We go to the nearby supermarket to buy food for the following week. There are lots of fresh food : meats, fishes, vegetables and fruits. We like to select those ...

沈京18045558562问: 以shopping为题的英语作文,初一水平
芝山区泰托回答: My mother is taking me to the shopping mall now.I'm looking forward to buyying a dictionary becuase my English isn't very good.I want to buy a diary book and note book ,too.Becuase i want to write diary and take notes on class everyday!So i am ...

沈京18045558562问: 请帮我写2篇英语作文,在150字左右就可以了SHOPPING1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2. 描述你所喜欢(或不喜欢)的购物场所,并解释原因.There are ... -
芝山区泰托回答:[答案] shoppingsometimes,people like to go out to marketplace or supermarkt for shoping in weekend or holiday,because at that time,business like making promotion for selling.Shopping is one of my pastimes.My...

沈京18045558562问: Shopping的英语作文, 100字左右,要有以下几点: 1. 观点(颜色,大小,价格……) 2.决定(建议) -
芝山区泰托回答: Going shopping is fun I like going shopping very much!Because it can make me happy and relax.The supermarket is very large,There are all kinds of things.I can buy what I want to buy.I often buy some junk food.Maybe it isn't for my healthy,But I like it ...

沈京18045558562问: 购物 英语 作文以"购物''为话题的英语小作文 八句话 -
芝山区泰托回答:[答案] Last Saturday, Yang Ping went to the supermarket. She wanted to buy something for her sister because that day was her sister's birthday. She walked around the supermarket and saw a very beautiful dress. She thought her sister would like it. The dress ...

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