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用英语介绍你喜欢的体育运动,不少于四句 最好是打羽毛球的
I like badminton,I always watch matches about badminton,I like a very famous player named Lin dan,I also joined a badminton club.

Hi!Everone!My name is #*&,I'm nine years old. I'm from Wuhan.My favorite sport is badminton,and I like singing too. thanks!

I like sport is badminton, because they can exercise, can find the fun, I like Li Zongwei, like his badminton on the persistent, so I can experience the fun of sports


羽毛球英语为什么叫badminton如下:1873年博福特公爵(Duke of Beaufort)在他位于格洛斯特郡(Gloucestershire)的宅邸伯明顿庄园Badminton House举办的派对上组织宾客玩了这个游戏,结果大受欢迎。于是羽毛球运动慢慢在英国贵族中流行开来,久而久之人们便把这项运动称为badminton。羽毛球介绍如下:羽毛球(...

My name is Lan Xingyan.I'm fifteen,I like singing and playing badminton.这是根据你给出的条件写的,也许少了点,可以自己再补充

你好。谢谢采纳。 The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton. The Badminton court is rectangular in shape, marked with various...

7.羽毛球的英语 羽毛球英语: players双语例句:我喜欢的篮球和羽毛球。 I like playing basketball and badminton.我和我的朋友参加体育运动如打网球,羽毛球和游泳.My friend and I take part in sports like tennis,badminton and swimming.双方用球拍拍打毽子使它来来往往的越过网前,这种游戏就是羽毛球。When ...

hello,everyone!my name is zhou hong!my favorite hobby is tennis.and I hope we are have the same hobby.at last.hope to get along with you.thank you very much!希望对你有帮助哦O(∩_∩)O~

“Badminton”这个词的发音,可以拆分为几个音节进行解读。首先是开头音节“ba”,紧跟着是“d”的发音,然后是“min”,最后以“ton”结束。整体发音时要注意重音在第一个音节上,且每个音节之间过渡自然,不可断句或含糊不清。2. 词义关联:“Badminton”这个词源自英语,直接意为“羽毛球运动”。在...

锻苗19121068516问: 我最喜欢的运动(羽毛球)英语作文,100字就行,最好有中文翻译! -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] Of all the sports ,i like badminton best.I like to watch the TV show about the badminton and I also like to play it.I enjoy the excitement the game brings to my life.Above all,playing badminton can ma...

锻苗19121068516问: 英语作文 我最喜欢的运动 羽毛球不少于80字 -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] Of all the sports ,i like badminton best.I like to watch the TV show about the badminton and I also like to play it.I enjoy the excitement the game brings to my life.Above all,playing badminton can ma...

锻苗19121068516问: my favourite sport 英语作文60词运动:羽毛球 -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] My favourite sport is play badminton.it not only can keep you healthy,but also can make you ralexed.After you doing a lot of homework or having some lessons,you can play badminton on the playground .then you will feel very relaxed.If you are sad,you ...

锻苗19121068516问: 英文介绍我的业余爱好!我的业余爱好是羽毛球 写写 40字左右就行! -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] 英文内容是My hobby is playing badminton,I get up at eight in the morning exercise Badminton at the beginning is very difficult to master do more exercises我的爱好是羽毛球,每天八点起来运动,羽毛球刚开始...

锻苗19121068516问: 我最喜欢的运动..要羽毛球的..英语作文..只要说羽毛球的好处就好了.. -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] Badminton I like badminton very much.Because playing badminton have many advantages.It is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social a...

锻苗19121068516问: 问一下谁能给我一篇《我喜欢的运动羽毛球》的作文是用英语写的!写我喜欢羽毛球的一段话在写我什么时候去的它是一个怎么样的运动它对我有什么帮助 -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is bad-minton. When I was in junior high, I started to play it in school. At th...

锻苗19121068516问: 谁能给我提供一份关于羽毛球 Badminton的英文作文? -
富蕴县双歧回答: The white bird glided a beautiful arc over the blue sky,hit it hard with my racket, it turned back like a bullet aiming a target. "27th " I shouted to my sister.白色的羽毛球在蔚蓝的天空滑下一个美丽的弧,我的球拍重重的击中它,它一转身就像一颗子...

锻苗19121068516问: 我最喜欢的运动.. 要羽毛球的.. 英语作文.. 只要说羽毛球的好处就好了.. -
富蕴县双歧回答: 打羽毛球的好处: (1)经常需要大口大口地吸入氧气,特别是多拍对打,互相调动之后,有利于加大肺活量. (2)经常有爆发性及多变的动作,增加灵活性及心脏和关节的适应能力. (3)步伐要有序,手脚要配合,增加你的全身协调性. (4)经常...

锻苗19121068516问: 英语作文~介绍你最喜欢的活动my favourite sport~字数不限,越快越好! -
富蕴县双歧回答:[答案] 1. I like badminton and basketball,basketball is my favourite sport,I like basketball best. I always wear a T-shirt,shorts and ...a ping--pong ball player.So my favourite sport is ping--pong.Do you like ping--pong 译文:我最喜欢的运动 羽毛球,乒乓球,足...

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