
作者&投稿:伊往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I will introduce a kind of food called"the cat's ears".It shaped like a cat's ears, little and dainty, ate with toughness, liqueur. Approach is to use flour, noodles or sorghum flour and dough. The .doug diced into thin slices with your thumb, press, natural into cat ea...


南翔小笼包:作为南翔的传统名点,小巧玲珑,皮薄馅大,蒸熟后口感极佳,是视觉与味觉的双重享受。 蟹壳黄:色泽金黄,口感酥脆,是上海点心中的经典之作。 排骨年糕:上海人钟爱的传统小吃,已有五十多年历史,美味实惠。 箭头汤包:虽小有名气,但其汤包口感清香,不容错过。在美食指南中,小笼包...

4. 德国厨师中,海因茨·温克勒(Aschau)、哈拉德·沃尔发特(Baiersbronn)和迪特·穆勒(Bergisch-Gladbach)位列前三甲。5. 尽管德国饮食与中国相比可能显得单一,但现在在德国,您可以品尝到来自世界各地的美食,包括法式、俄式、意大利式、日式以及中餐等。6. 德国餐饮业已经国际化,不再局限于传统...

or deep fried in mutton fat ("Khuushuur"). Other dishes combine the meat with rice or fresh noodles into various stews (tsuivan, budaatai huurga) or noodle soups (guriltai shol).The most surprising cooking method is only used on special occasions. In this case, the meat (...


1. Chinese Food 2. Exotic flavor 3. Feast since flourished in the Qing Dynasty, Manchu and Han is a dish to form the essence of the history of the most famous Chinese banquet. Feast is a kind of strong national characteristics of a giant feast. The features of both the ...

制作一个用英语写的美食的ppt Make a food written in English PPT

急需一份关于介绍我的家乡福清的PPT或者介绍美食的PPT!!! 求速度...

Making Shrimp Cakes
我告诉Dora,我很乐意帮助她完成课件制作。我们马上商量决定选哪一种美食。经过20分钟的讨论与分析,在当地熟悉的特色美食里,我们挑了“炸虾饼”这一主题,开始了PPT的制作。1.我们参考网上翻译,确定shrimp cake为“虾饼”的英语表达。我要求Dora参考课本2b文章Thanksgiving in the United States寻找这...

夙咏19335216871问: 课堂英语ppt,美食方面的,简单点的,5分钟左右的,高分 -
武平县圣之回答: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/e46720c689eb172ded63b74a.html http://wenku.baidu.com/view/a6b32bcc0508763231121203.html 自己下下来再做一点改动吧~~

夙咏19335216871问: 有没有关于美食的幻灯片(英语的)急用
武平县圣之回答: A country of eastern Asia at the southern end of the Korean peninsula. Part of the ancient country of Korea, it has been divided from North Korea since the end of the Korean War (1950-1953). Seoul is the capital and the largest city. Population, 39,951,000.

夙咏19335216871问: 求一篇火锅的英文介绍,做ppt其中一部分用的 -
武平县圣之回答:[答案] Chongqing Hot Pot: Hot pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing.Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty,which is noted for its peppery and hot taste,scalding yet fresh and tender.People gather around a small pot ...

夙咏19335216871问: 有没有介绍美食的英文课件? -
武平县圣之回答: 你到http://www.pep.com.cn/#1中的小.学PEP去找吧,应该有,其中有个单元是介绍美食的.其中很多课件

夙咏19335216871问: 求一篇英文介绍的老北京小吃,我做幻灯片用;比如炒肝,卤煮火烧,或者焦圈豆汁的,要简单一些的,不用太长3选1 -
武平县圣之回答: Beijing snacks used to be very famous in Beijing in the old days. The kind of snacks is varied, there were approximately more than 200 of them, but the most of the snacks are derived from Chinese Muslims. Bean Soup (豆汁) is one of the ...

夙咏19335216871问: 求一篇关于内蒙美食的英文介绍,急关于烤全羊,焖面,莜面等的英文介绍,每种食物两三行就行,不要涮羊肉的,我要作一篇关于这个问题的英文PPT,需... -
武平县圣之回答:[答案] The nomads of Mongolia sustain their lives directly from the products of domesticated animals such as cattle,horses,camels,yaks,sheep,and goats,and sometimes game.Meat is either cooked,used as an ingr...

夙咏19335216871问: 四川美食英文介绍ppt -
武平县圣之回答: sichuan dishes ,twice cooked,mapo dofu,fish pork,dilicious,boiled beef

夙咏19335216871问: 制作一个用英语写的美食的ppt,,怎么制作啊??过程应该写什么???急啊!!! -
武平县圣之回答: 这个我做过啊! 我做的是世界美食的ppt,每个国家地区的代表性的食物,比如说意大利的意大利面(?),日本的寿司,韩国的泡菜(笑死,我没做这个),美国的各种快餐等等等等……食物最多的还是中国啊这个最好做可惜当时有人抢先做了中国美食真是可惜啊 中间可以配些图片,不一定要写做菜的步骤,最好是有这类料理的寓意啊,起源啊,来历什么的,总之要有趣…… 要先把图片弄出来再显示文字(这个动画应该不难吧),这样可以勾起他们的食欲和兴趣.

夙咏19335216871问: 用英语介绍美食,急求!!!! -
武平县圣之回答: 白切烧肉 、蛋挞 、海鲜火锅 、和牛火锅、 咖喱角、 肉松蛋卷 、双皮炖奶、 燕翅鲍 、鱼旦 、猪扒面White cut roast pork, egg tart and seafood hot pot, pot and cattle, Samosa, Dried egg rolls, double-skin milk stew, Yan Bao wing, Dan fish, pork chop noodles

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