
作者&投稿:溥贤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely come and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting 还有个是这个,这个是英文电影:The story happened during the Second World War.Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency[1]...

写作思路:介绍电影类的作文可以先写电影的介绍如导演是谁,电影是什么类型,然后写电影讲了什么故事,最后写一下电影的幕后制作,具体如下:Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen.《一代宗师》...

is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely come and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting 译文:我最喜欢的电影是《功夫熊猫》。这部电影是关于平谷美丽的风景和,住着一群武林。但不同的是,和武林广场、平谷是所有的动...

My favourite movie is transformer. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects. I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us. ...

这部电影让我了解到,不管做什么事,都要坚持到底,即使只有一丝希望,也不能扎鞋栓绳结-指半途而废,才不会前功尽弃.电影中的叶问,是我最欣赏的人,因为他可以为了发扬中国武术,即使被逼到走投无路,也会跟西洋人拚到最后,他的坚持与决心,让我刻骨铭心. 【篇五】我最喜欢的电影初中英语作文 When I watched th...

Movies have become popular in modern world. They are one of the most important components of entertainment industry.Movies can satisfy most people's creation need and serve as meanful approach for learning more about the society. For instance, they can introduce other culture by ...

写作思路:确立中心,围绕选材,确定重点,安排详略,选材时要注意紧紧围绕文章的中心思想,选择真实可信、新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,具体如下:When I first saw Paul,I was thinking that it is ...

青春励志电影同桌的你英文介绍 About twenty years ago, Gao Xiaosong wrote the lyrics of the classic folk song My Old Classmate and touched millions of hearts. Now, as the producer of the new youth film of the same title, he is trying to do it again.二十多年前,高晓松创作了...

In the League arranged by members of the Shao-Bai Qing government finally shattered the assassination plot, finally safe to leave the Sun Yat-sen in Hong Kong, but we also paid a heavy price, as we all shed blood, and sacrifice我自己写的<十月围城》是一部相当不错的电影,其中...

2. 谁能给我三篇英语作文,关于一部电影的 写一篇关于生化危机的电影的英语作文I watched a film which named Biohazard.It was a ghastly film.Its story is about a kind of virus brought a biochemistry disaster. A city was destroyed by the zombies.At last ,the government used a nuclear weapon,bu...

费甄18582848125问: 求一篇初二的英语作文关于电影的 -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] JUST LIKE HEAVEN-- THE MOVIE WHICH I LIKE BESTJust Like Heaven is just about the best movie so far this year,and I've seen about fifity of them.As a comedy it's funnier than Bewitched or The Man,not q...

费甄18582848125问: 初二的介绍一篇有趣的电影的英语作文. -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] My favourite movie—Titanic A precious stone which called "The Heart of Ocean"brought a love story between Rose and Jack. They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.On the way to love,they came across many obstacles but surmounted....

费甄18582848125问: 急 用英语写一篇50字左右的介绍电影作文 要求:初中水平 2.可以写观后感或介绍!!!!! -
子长县氨糖回答: TitanicT film brought a love story between Rose and Jack. They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big accident happened.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved ...

费甄18582848125问: 求一篇英文作文~急快以初二的水平,写一篇关于介绍电影的短篇作文,100词左右,围绕以下5个问题写(初二上册英语书第83页的第5个问题,有英语书的... -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] Last week ,I went to the cinema to see the film 2012.The story happened on the earth in 2012.Many disasters will happen then because of human beings 'effects .In this film ,the part which impressed me most is the pictures of polluted earth .By seeing the...

费甄18582848125问: 关于电影的英语作文关于电影的初二英语作文,尽快(⊙o⊙)哦 -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] Do you know the movie Titanic.That is one of my favorite movies.It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on a ship called Titanic ,and then they fell into love immediately .On the night of April 15,1912 ,the Titanic had an accident on the way to ...

费甄18582848125问: 用英文介绍你喜欢的电影,要点1电影的名称2故事情节3主角4精彩片段初二的是作文. -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] 去掉汉字,其余的自己稍微加工一下:【片名】功夫小蝇【译名】Eega【上映日期】2012年7月【国家】印度 【类别】魔幻/科幻/爱情--------------------------------------------------------------------...

费甄18582848125问: 求英语作文写一篇英语作文介绍自己最爱的电影!(60——80词) 初二水平,要原创! 禁抄袭! -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] 1.Money and Happiness Philosophers rarely necessary because of the money because they believe that money can bring happiness is very limited.As Epicurus said:more money will not be more than happy to make money has been achieved limited ...

费甄18582848125问: 求一篇初二英语作文(我最喜欢的电影)60~100词最好翻译一下 -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] 1、My favourite movie is transformer.This film was made in America.It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects.I ... 给你这两篇,两篇作文的水平不一样,第2篇有点难度~ 2、我最喜欢的电影—(My favourite movie—Titanic) A precious stone ...

费甄18582848125问: 用英语写一个关于介绍影片不要太难了 我才初二. 文中要有影片的名字,Where does it take place? Who is in it? 是个怎样的故事 一个怎样的结局? -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] I am a film fan because I have seen a lot of movies.Also I love many films.Several days ago,I saw an American movie and I ... also I love the two wonderful song in the film. I recommend this film to anyone who is a film fan,or to anyone who is a romantic at ...

费甄18582848125问: 用英语介绍一部电影,80字左右,初二水平能读懂的就行, -
子长县氨糖回答:[答案] 狮子王 There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives ... He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot. He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a ...

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