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IQ , it is an intelligent robot and about 1 meter high. It has a round head, the body is silver-gray.He is a magical robot, he can chat with me, but also play many songs that I like to listen,I like it very much.翻译 我有一个机器人,我父亲从美国给我买的。它叫Dr...

Robot Its eyes are so big and light, even wihtou any blink. Its behavior seems so interest, most of us like to imitate it. Specially, it never feel hungary.

Robot success should be attributed to human, if not the existence of human is no robot in the era of the robot, robot will change in the future, our life, robot can bring convenience to people

(1)出示:它是个快乐的机器人。一有人走近,它就会冲你微笑。如果你挡了它的道,它会说:“劳驾”。如果你触摸它的头部,它就会诙谐地说:“哦,好痒”。看到你穿得漂亮,它甚至会温柔地说:“我喜欢你漂亮的衣服。” (2)默读,看看这段话是围绕哪句话写的? 是啊,灵灵不仅充满热情,懂礼貌,还很幽默,温柔,从这...

1、Advantages:(1)First, roborts make our life more convenient.We can do many thing that we didn't have the ability to do in the past by using roborts.That makes our life more effective.(2) Second, roborts can be used in industry produce.Factories can reduce the cost of...

教学难点:朗读指定的句子,并能够说出自己的感受。 教学过程: 一、导入 师:听说上节课你们认识了几位新朋友,看!它们又来到了我们身边,就是这些机器人导游,(板书:机器人导游)你还记得它们吗?那就请你大声地喊出它们的名字吧!(板书:灵灵莹莹童童哈力) 二、感悟“有趣” (一)快速浏览课文,回忆一下这些机器人导...

1.描写机器人外貌的句子 A robotic laser cutting system consists of a servo-controlled multi axis mechanical arm, with a laser cutting head mounted to the faceplate of the robot arm. The cutting head has focusing optics for the laser light and an integral height control mechani *** . An ass...

My robot五句句子?
My robot is broken by my little brother.我的机器人被我弟弟弄坏了。


4. 这支笔很神气。当你在不知不觉中写错字时,笔端的小红灯会亮起来,好像在说:有敌人,有敌人。5. 中华儿女心连心,遇到困难共打拼,和谐社会同携手,祖国母亲少烦忧!6. 我穿上衣服,吃完饭,把自己关在工作室里,开始研究我的新发明飞碟。7. 万能机器人保姆是一种高科技机器人,可以做饭、...

张定19791443740问: 怎么用英语介绍自己的机器人最多三句话 -
鞍山市妇可回答: 为您解答 My robot is very useful. It can help me clean the house and help me with my homework. I like it very much. 我的机器人很有用处.它可以帮忙做房屋清扫,还可以帮我辅导作业.我好喜欢它.

张定19791443740问: 描写机器人的段落 -
鞍山市妇可回答: 实用上,机器人(Robot)是自动执行工作的机器装置.机器人可接受人类指挥,也可以执行预先编排的程序,也可以根据以人工智能技术制定的原则纲领行动.机器人执行的是取代或是协助人类工作的工作,例如制造业、建筑业,或是危险的...

张定19791443740问: 六句话英语作文介绍机器人 -
鞍山市妇可回答:[答案] 六句话英语作文介绍机器人 With the rapid development of the high technology,we know that one day a lot of our work with be taken over by robots.As the matter of fact,the robots are already everywhere around us in everyday life.Many factories are ...

张定19791443740问: 写一篇介绍机器人的短文(不少于六句)谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 -
鞍山市妇可回答: 美国国防部高级研究计划署(DARPA)在加州阿纳海姆市的年会几乎成了机器人的海洋,斯坦福大学是最大的赢家,位于展厅中央的Stanley就是最好的证明.进入展厅,你首先看到的是一只“大狗”——拥有四只脚的机器人,来自波士顿动...

张定19791443740问: 用英语介绍未来的机器人少于60个字 -
鞍山市妇可回答: We can imag­ine that all the house­work, in­clud­ing wash­ing dish­es and clean­ing the win­dows and many kinds of things like this, will be done eas­i­ly and au­to­mat­i­cal­ly. It is just be­cause we have ro­bots. As long ...

张定19791443740问: 一段话机器人的作文大全 -
鞍山市妇可回答: 清晨,我们来到二十三世纪机器人居住的地方.科技可真发达啊!未来的机器人居住的地方有许多机器人,有的机器人在给树木浇一些奇怪的液体,有的机器人正在做一些事情,他们干的可认真了!我听人类说,机器人给人类干活从不出一点差错,从来都是忠心耿耿,人类叫他们干什么他们就干什么.人类有个习惯就是随便扔垃圾,在未来的世界里,随便扔垃圾就是在给空气化妆…… 人类很少出门,在家里就能看见外面的场景,只要按一下鼠标的右键,一切问题迎刃而解…… 在23世纪,所有的机器人都不再是人类的奴隶,而是人类的朋友,他们可以为人类出谋化策,解决人类无法解决的问题…… 这真是一个美妙的世界……

张定19791443740问: 初三水平的 介绍机器人样子的英语短文
鞍山市妇可回答: Chroino is a small humanoid robot with friendly appearance and sophisticated movements. A newly-developed outer covering that serves also as a frame is called a “monocoque frame” and is made of carbon and plastic, giving Chroino a friendly...

张定19791443740问: 谁有英语介绍的机器人? -
鞍山市妇可回答:[答案] A robot is a mechanical or virtual,artificial agent.A robot is usually an electro-mechanical system,which,by its appearance or movements,conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own.The word robot can refer to both physical robots and virtual ...

张定19791443740问: 英语日记模仿介绍robot -
鞍山市妇可回答: Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to shoushan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the ...

张定19791443740问: 介绍机器人的作文 -
鞍山市妇可回答: 2020年,我已经成为一位博士,我共发现了一万多种东西,其中最出名的是机器人. 现在的世界,已经看不到人类了,却随时可以看到机器人在街道上走来走去.原来机器人里面什么也没有,只有操纵器和一个透明的东西,从里面看得到外面,从...

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