
作者&投稿:富郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

房间用英语读:room; apartment; chamber; house of office 相关短语 单人房间:a single room;双人房间:double room;房间[fáng jiān]1.[room]∶一座建筑物、隐避所或一座住宅内部用墙或板壁分隔开来的单元 2.[chamber]∶住宅中的一个单元 双语例句 1.这就是我们去年住的那个房间。This is the...

“房间”的英语单词读作“room”,详细的单词解析如下。读音:英式读音:[ruːm]美式读音:[rum]释义:1. 名词,房间;空间 2. 名词,住所;寓所 3. 名词,会议室;办公室 4. 名词,教室;学院 5. 名词,机会;余地 6. 名词,空闲时间;机会 7. 动词,为...提供住所;容纳 用法:1. ...

ma mere est XXX et mon pere est XXX.我妈妈是做XX的,我爸爸是做XX的 j'habite avec mes parents,et je suis enfent unique.我和我父母住在一起,我是独生女(子)。。c'est ma chambre.elle est tres jolie.j'ai habite dans la chambre ca fait longtemps.这是我的房间,她很漂亮,...

这是我房间。有一个在中间的沙发上。旁边的沙发阿茨维斯。桌子是在电视机前。有两本书在书桌上。我有一只猫在桌子下。我爱我的房间。这袋上的房子。这支笔是在书桌上。树是旁在沙发上。祖父祖母 cilour树green.thewind是吹树leaves.colour云white.colour蓝色的雨滴。以上的云,雨。我最喜欢的季节...

房间里的每一物都是陪伴着我的喜、怒、哀、乐。 另一个我熟悉的地方就是我家的小花园。花园里有翠绿的小草,争芬斗艳的鲜花。 我还时常在花园里玩耍。我爱我家,爱家里的每一个成员,更爱我家的每一个故事。 2. 小学四年级英语作文大全作文题目:《我的家》 I have a friendly family . That is my fat...

请帮我把这几句日常用语翻译成英语 谢谢
I would like to clear up the room.我要收拾房间了.wait again.再等一下.you have bad halitosis.你的嘴好臭 Get out of the way.让开 Run out of paper towels.纸巾用完了.I walk in the vicinity.我在这附近走走.You fall down and the things I had.你的东西掉在我这了 I did ...

打扫某人的房间英语短语是clean one's room。打扫的相关英语造句如下:1.I spent hours cleaning the house, but there isn't much to show for all my efforts. 我花了几个小时来打扫房子,但费了这么大力气却看不到多少效果。2.No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and ...

回答:My family I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and nice, ...


We have a free breakfast buffet every morning from 6am-9am.我们每天从早上6点到9点有免费的早餐自助餐。旅游英语常用口语之预定房间小编就说到这里了, 大家可以根据自己的需要学习一些常用的句子表达,更多关于旅游英语学习的基础入门知识、能力提升技巧、实用英语方面的相关内容,小编会持续更新。祝愿...

霍试13287165049问: 英语 我的房间 6句 好的有分这是我的房间书和笔记本在我的书橱上照片在我的写字桌上地板上有我的书包床下面有我的衫(jacket)写字桌有电脑这就是我的... -
中江县环戊回答:[答案] 这是我的房间 书和笔记本在我的书橱上 照片在我的写字桌上 地板上有我的书包 床下面有我的衫(jacket) 写字桌有电脑 这就是我的房间 1.books and notebooks are on my bookshelf 2.my picture is on the desk. 3.My Schoolbag is on the floor 4.my ...

霍试13287165049问: 用英语介绍自己的房间6句用my bed - room为题 -
中江县环戊回答: My bed room is very nice. There is a desk near the window. There are many books on the desk. My bed is near the desk. There is a chair beside the bed. There are two pictures on the wall. There is a map of China between the pictures. I do my ...

霍试13287165049问: 关于介绍自己房间的英语作文翻译6句 -
中江县环戊回答: Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It's small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . I like the books very ...

霍试13287165049问: 用英语写篇我的房间.不少于6句话 -
中江县环戊回答: Thisismyroom.Itisveryattractive.Itisthepink.Looked!Thatisthebabykingdom!LovableTidyXiongHethebeautifulbananaplantisbeckoningcomparedtothebabytoyou!Inthebabykingdomalsohasthetoycar,thetoypuppy!

霍试13287165049问: 用英语介绍自己的房间 -
中江县环戊回答: My room Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It's my room. The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It's my favourite color—purple.It's very dreamily color.the dresser is next to ...

霍试13287165049问: 我的房间英语作文七句话 -
中江县环戊回答: my room i have my own room. it is big and nice. there is a bed, a desk and a shelf. the doll is on the bad. the lamp is on the desk. the books are on the shelf. the trash bin is behind the door. the clothes are in the closet. there is a air-conditioner over ...

霍试13287165049问: 《我的房间》英语作文例句,五六句就好. -
中江县环戊回答: My roomLook,this is my room,it's small but tidy.There are a desk and a small bed in it.There is a computer on the desk.I ofter do my homework in my room.I love my room.

霍试13287165049问: “我的房间”用英语写至少要10句 -
中江县环戊回答:[答案] Look !This is my room.There is a bed,a desk,a chair and a computer in it.The desk is near the bed.The chair is in front of the desk.And the computer is on the desk.There is a picture of Yao Ming on the wall.I like my room.

霍试13287165049问: 怎样用英语介绍我的房间 -
中江县环戊回答: Let me introduce my ideal room to you have a small room of my own. The room is decorated with a lot of posters of teen idols. In front of the window there is a desk and a chair. I spend a lot of time in there on learning. I have a bookshelf in the corner. ...

霍试13287165049问: 用英语介绍自己的房间,房间中有被子、夹克衫;钢笔、尺子、苹果在桌子上(要有中文) -
中江县环戊回答: hello everyone, now, i'd like to introduce my room to you.my room is not very big but it has everything: a bed next to the window; a cover ; and a jacket hang on the wall.also i have a small desk on which pen, ruler and an apple are put. 大家好,现在我来为你们介绍我的房间.我的屋并不大,但也是应有尽有,比如:窗户边的床,被子,还有挂在墙上的夹克.我还有一张桌子,上面放着钢笔,尺子,和苹果

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