
作者&投稿:叱干饱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what fine weather it is!(标准的)望采纳,谢谢 一楼的那个错了,day是日子不是天气

英语翻译。 今天天气非常好 the weather is very nice today。这个写...
面对这一种问题,最主要的就是分清成分:The weather is very nice today.主语 系动词 状语(程度副词,修饰nice) 表语 副词(时间状语)发现不缺少任何成分,那么句子正确。

今天天气不错:英语 It's a nice day today.It's sunny today.都可以。

求翻译成英语: 今天天气很不错,可是我却觉得糟糕透了。因为我的英语听写...
Today is a nice day, but I feel terrible. Because my English dictation failed, and my math teacher will ask me to talk to him in his office.I have nothing to do but hope tomorrow is a peaceful day.

这些天天气不错 英语翻译
One of these days weather is good \/ bad weather  2 These days the weather is very hot \/ very cool  3 His bad mood these days  4 I think the heavy overcast, possibly going to rain.望采纳 谢谢 3Q 怎么不采纳 快快采纳吧~~~求求你啦 ...

It's a fine day today. Why not go out for a walk?The weather is nice today, why not go out for a walk?希望采纳

The weather is very good today。1. 描述今天的天气:今天天气真好。阳光明媚,天空湛蓝,没有一丝云彩。温度适中,既不冷也不热,使人感到非常舒适。微风吹过,让人感觉清新宜人。这样的好天气让人们心情愉快,精神焕发。2. 享受户外活动:在如此好的天气下,人们纷纷外出,享受户外活动的乐趣。有的...

Today the weather is good, so we decided to go out for a walk.

英语翻译。 今天天气非常好 the weather is very nice today。这个写...
嗯,是正确的,同理,也可以吧nice换为fine,意思相同。面对这一种问题,最主要的就是分清成分:The weather is very nice today.主语 系动词 状语(程度副词,修饰nice)表语 副词(时间状语)发现不缺少任何成分,那么句子正确。

今天的天气真好翻译成英文是Today's weather is very good.today的英式读法是[tə'deɪ];美式读法是[tə'deɪ]。作名词意思有今天;当今。作形容词意思是现在的。weather的英式读法是['weðə(r)];美式读法是['weðər]。作名词意思有天气;气象;...

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天天气真好,用英语怎么写? -
建华区滴加回答:[答案] It is a fine day today. The weather is nice today ! How fine it is today!

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天天气很好.用英语怎么说.? -
建华区滴加回答:[答案] It is a fine day today. Today's weather is lovely! It is a lovely day.

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天的天气真不错?英文怎么翻译 -
建华区滴加回答: what nice weather it is today weather 应该不可数,不可加数词

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天天气真不错 用英语说 -
建华区滴加回答: lt is a nice day

蛮奚13652373450问: ”今天天气很好”英语怎么说 -
建华区滴加回答: It's a fine day today. fine 英 [faɪn] 美 [faɪn] adj. 好的;优质的;精致的;晴朗的;健康的;细微的 adv. 合适地;恰好地 n. 罚款;罚金;结尾 v. 罚款;优化;净化;细化 语法:用作形容词 (adj.) ~+名词 fine feathers 好羽毛,好的外表 ...

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天的天气真好用英语怎么说? -
建华区滴加回答: The weather is fine today.

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天天气真好 译英文是口语那种的,美国人不是经常这样说吗只译 :今天天气真好 -
建华区滴加回答:[答案] A fine day,isn't it !

蛮奚13652373450问: 英语翻译1.好吧,我该说些什么?2.今天天气真不错.3.很高兴与你谈话.4.我已经尽最大的努力用英语与你交谈了.5.希望你能给我一个好成绩,6.希望你能有个... -
建华区滴加回答:[答案] 1、well,what should i say? 2、The whether of this day is good. 3、Nice to talk with you . 4、I have tried my best to use english to talk with you. 5、Hope you can give me a good score ,thanks. 6、I hope you can have a great day.

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天,天气很好,用英语怎么说!
建华区滴加回答: It is a fine day today.Today's weather is lovely!It is a lovely day.

蛮奚13652373450问: 今天天气真好,用英语怎么写? -
建华区滴加回答: It is a fine day today.The weather is nice today !How fine it is today!

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