
作者&投稿:东野耿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on). In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. Perhaps the low ground ...

英语作文睡美人带翻译并简要概括用英文  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 国际油价为何突然跌破100美元大关?匿名用户 2015-05-09 展开全部 Previously, there was a king and queen has no children, they therefore very sad distressed. One day, the queen was for a walk along the river, a small fish ...

求一篇如何避免沉迷网络作文800字 网络是现代高科技,现代社会离不开网络,但有的网络游戏对青少年产生了极大的危害。 网络游戏被现代人称为“电子海洛因”,网络游戏不但使青少年成绩下降,影响视力更会使青少年走向犯罪的道路,误入歧途。 那些贪婪的制造者,制造出一个又一个看似有趣的游戏,而且让众多网迷沉醉于中,网...

I smile,you Laugh at me,and teach me don't giggle

野三坡游记 英语作文带翻译
野三坡游记 周末,我和爸爸妈妈一起去野三坡玩,历经四个多小时的长途跋涉,中午 12 点多,我们终于到了目的地,把东西放在旅馆,吃完午餐,我们就去玩了。今天的活动安排的可真是丰富啊!我们的第一项活动是漂流,坐在小皮艇上 顺流而下,非常惬意,最惊险的是,老爸坐在皮艇边上一不小心就倒翻了...

Today, the sky cloudless, the sun is a good weather sunny, we are one family to the reservoir to play.On the way we have a pleasant talk together, for the magnificent scenery of the motherland greatly. Rolling mountains, clear creek, a wild profusion of vegetation of forest.....

If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas,the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take ...

Mike's living Habits英语作文带翻三单行式
Habits have a great influence on people’slife.Mike has a lot of good habits. He usually arrives at school on time and he always does his homework carefully. Also, he hardly ever stays up late and he often helps with housework when he comes home from school. His eating ...

I have a friend named zhaoliying. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a ...

be careful to our notices.Sorry and thank you.请注意,各位乘客乘坐飞往上海FM 9192次航班 的乘客,我们十分抱歉地通知您,因为浓雾您的航班将会有30分钟的烟雾,请您耐心等待并注意我们的通知,再次抱歉,谢谢合作。有点失礼,不过楼上的回答感觉相当生硬……实话说感觉就是用的翻译软件翻的……...

银翁13934466798问: 关于交通安全的60字的英语作文(内容关于行走时、骑自行车、乘公共汽车的注意事 -
灵石县氟尿回答: In modern life we have many inventions.These machines are very useful.They can make things better and faster than people.A washing machine can help us wash clothes.We have more time to do that we want to doduring this time.A printing ...

银翁13934466798问: 交通安全的英语作文加翻译100词左右 -
灵石县氟尿回答: With the rapid development of the society, people can live a better life in general. So because of the improvement of people' s living standard, more and more people own cars. Traffic jam comes to life. While people in order to be punctual, they ...

银翁13934466798问: 关于交通安全的英语作文加翻译 -
灵石县氟尿回答:[答案] School is our home,we are all live and study here. In order to make ourselves safe,as a student,we should obey the school ... 为了使自己安全,作为学生,我们应该遵守学校的规定,我们应该准时上学,从不迟到.我们必须遵守交通规则,不能单独去游...

银翁13934466798问: 交通安全的英语作文:1.遵守交通规则.2.别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球.3.劝父母不能酒后驾车. -
灵石县氟尿回答:[答案] Traffic safety is very important to us because if we don't pay attention to it, we may get injured and there will be accidents. First, we should obey the traffic rules. We should stop walking when the...

银翁13934466798问: 写一篇有关交通安全的短文不少于八十词英语作文 -
灵石县氟尿回答:[答案] Traffic Safety 交通安全 With the rapid development of the society,people can live a better life in general.So because of the improvement of people' s living standard,more and more people own cars.Traffic jam comes to life.While people in order to be ...

银翁13934466798问: 交通安全英语作文,带翻译,80词左右 -
灵石县氟尿回答: Nowadays,more and more families have their own cars.现在,越来越多的家庭有自己的车.Besides,the number of buses has increased fast.其次,公交车的数量也在迅速增长.So traffic safety become more and more important.所以交通安全变...

银翁13934466798问: 初中英语作文关于交通安全五十字 -
灵石县氟尿回答:[答案] Advice on Solving traffic problems 解决交通问题的建议 With the development of economy,there are more and more vehicles on the streets.Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city. 随着经济的发展,...

银翁13934466798问: 用英语写一篇关于遵守交通规则的作文 -
灵石县氟尿回答:[答案] Traffic Safety (交通安全) Traffic safety is everybody's business.Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However,most of them are the results of careless and reckless ...

银翁13934466798问: 有关交通安全的英语作文 -
灵石县氟尿回答: With the development of the modern technology,private car is no longer a luxurious thing for ordinary people,more and more people drive to work instead of going by bus. The popularization of private car has many advantages.First, it is very ...

银翁13934466798问: 关于学生交通安全的英语作文加翻译 -
灵石县氟尿回答: 关于学生交通安全的英语作文加翻译 English composition about the students' traffic security

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