
作者&投稿:柞钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



杭州亚运会英语海报内容:口号 The slogan of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 is Heart to Heart, @Future.吉祥物 The mascots of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 are a group of robots. The name of the combination is Memories of Jiangnan, which is derived from a poem by Baiju...

JoinusintheSchool'sGames Supportourmorethan200athletesin20events,includingswiming,trackandfield,etc.Time:8AM-12AMand2PM-5PM,May8-May9 Place:theSchoolPlayground 写一篇初一关于运动会的英语海报,带上翻译 KeepYourDirection坚持你的方向 Whatwouldyoudoifyoufailed?Manypeoplemaychoosetogiveup.However...

运动会英语手抄报 1、超越对手,更要超越自我,追求卓越是我们的目标,是我们的信念,在清爽的秋季,在喧嚣的赛场,你们点燃似火的热情,无论成败,你们永远是我们的`骄傲,我们都为你们感到自豪!2.汗水,泪水;笑声,歌声;俺们尽情挥洒。开幕式上,运动场上,俺们尽情展现,多少艰辛,多少困苦,俺们勇敢承担。因为...

Join us in the School's Games Support our more than 200 athletes in 20 events, including swiming, track and field, etc.Time: 8AM-12AM and 2PM-5PM, May 8 - May 9 Place: the School Playground


画了个超大的奥运五环,然后在中间黑色的环中画上中国印,写上“Beijing 2008”。剩余的四环中你抄一些文章。标题可以在五环下面,空的地方画了一些简笔画,很简单,并写上英文。

In order to call on all teachers and students' to take enough exercise and keep fit,our school has decided to hold a sports meeting from this Wednesday to Friday on the playground .We ask 见评论

画了个超大的奥运五环,然后在中间黑色的环中画上中国印,写上“Beijing 2008”。剩余的四环中你抄一些文章。标题可以在五环下面,空的地方画了一些简笔画,很简单,并写上英文。2008北京奥运会吉祥物福娃英文介绍 The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Like the Five Olympic Rings ...

祖骆18650016911问: 迎亚运英语手抄报资料(要翻译) -
平山县蒲地回答: 16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the ...

祖骆18650016911问: 亚运英语手抄报,求素材 -
平山县蒲地回答: 英语:16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou China and Guangzhou is China's second city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing had in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be located ...

祖骆18650016911问: 英语亚运手抄报资料(五年级至初一年级水平,要翻译) -
平山县蒲地回答: 16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou, China, and Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing held in 1990 in the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events, ...

祖骆18650016911问: 4年级迎亚运的英语手抄报怎么做 -
平山县蒲地回答: 先用中文起好草稿,然后再用“金山词霸”进行翻译

祖骆18650016911问: 求一份英语的手抄报一份英语的手抄报内容:关于 奥运会 或 亚运会 的可以最好是内容简单易懂一点的给一些内容(英语的)给我也可以,给一些奥运或亚运... -
平山县蒲地回答:[答案] 我是大作家(英语作文) 妙语连珠泡(英语好词妙句) 争当口语家(音标发音) ………… 加插图(颜色要你好,先用铅笔轻轻地在版面上画上横线和竖线,横线和竖线的距离都是一个字的距离,这样就会有一个个小格子,每个格...

祖骆18650016911问: 迎亚运的英语口号 -
平山县蒲地回答: Action Asia, touching the world!动感亚洲,感动世界 Cooperation, competition and development合作、竞赛与发展 Green and peaceful Asian Games Asian Games Asian civilization祥和亚运 绿色亚运 文明亚运 Contractor idea承办理念 Contractors slogan承办口号 Office will Standard办会标准

祖骆18650016911问: 广州亚运最雷人标语. -
平山县蒲地回答: 标语1: 讲文明,迎奥运— Speaking civilization ying-Asian Games在广州体育西地铁站内,这个巨幅亚运宣传海报十分醒目,但走近一看却让人哭笑不得,简单一句“迎亚运”.“迎”的翻译用的汉语拼音而“亚运”又用英文翻译,不中不洋.难怪这幅海报被网民戏称为“广州最雷人的宣传标语”. 标语2 让我们的广州充满爱— Let's make love everywhere in our Guangzhou

祖骆18650016911问: 有关于英语运动会的海报设计 -
平山县蒲地回答: In order to call on all teachers and students' to take enough exercise and keep fit,our school has decided to hold a sports meeting from this Wednesday to Friday on the playground .

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