
作者&投稿:卷会 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

四年级上册英语书48页读法如下:Let's talk我们说一说。Dinner's ready! Help yourself.晚饭做好了!请自便。Thanks.谢谢。Would you like a knife and fork?你需要刀和叉吗?No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.不,谢谢。我会用筷子。Would you like some soup?你想喝点汤吗?Yes, please!是...

Mike: Hi, Zhang Peng.Did you hear about the party?迈克:嗨,张鹏。你听说聚会了吗?Zhang Peng: No, I didn't.What party?张鹏:不,我没有。什么聚会?Mike: It's a farewell party.There are going to be games and prizes.迈克:它是一个告别聚会。将会有游戏和奖品。Zhang Peng: ...

P48 Read and write参考译文 约翰:你好。张鹏:你好,约翰。我是张鹏。你在干什么?约翰:我在跟你讲话哦。张鹏:来吧,约翰。你在干什么?约翰:我在洗碗碟。。你在干什么?张鹏:我在看书。约翰:你想去儿童活动中心吗?张鹏:当然了。什么时候去?约翰:十点半。张鹏:好吧。待会见。约翰...

三年级上册英语书48页的内容是一个关于What’s this?的对话。在这个对话中,一个男孩问一个女孩:What’s this?女孩回答:It’s a pencil。在这个对话中,男孩问女孩:What’s this?意思是这是什么?女孩回答:It’s a pencil。意思是这是一支铅笔。这个对话是在教孩子们如何用英语询问物品的名...

八年级英语书下册48页的3A 原文
原文:Dear Jack.Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. I love it. In fact I think it’s probably my favorite. I’ve been collecting snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to...

四年级下册英语书48页任教版的翻译如下:1、Robin at the zoo.罗宾在动物园。2、Sarah and Robin are at the zoo.Robin is excited!萨拉和罗宾在动物园。罗宾是兴奋的。3、Sarah:What are you doing here,Robin?萨拉:罗宾你在这里做什么?4、I'm looking at a bear. I'm dancing like a...

可以这样模仿:①There are some special day in may.②What are they?③They are WuYi LaoDong festival andWuSi QingNian festival.④When is the LaoDong festival?⑤It is on may first.⑥It is May day.When is the QingNian festival?⑦It is on May fourth.⑧Wow! May is fun!

please tell me. I’d like to start a snow globe collectors' club. By the way, what’s your hobby?译文:亲爱的杰克。感谢您给我的怪物雪球,我很喜欢。事实,上我认为这也许是我最喜欢的。我一直在收集雪球七年了。现在我已经有226个雪球了。妈妈说,我必须停止收集了,因为我们已经用尽...


四年级上册英语书的48页的lets talk的中文和怎么读。
英文原文:let's talk 英式音标:[lets] [tɔk]

桂支15937335979问: 5年级上册英语书第第48页的对话怎么念? -
利津县小儿回答: uggested its name, and named many of

桂支15937335979问: 牛津五年级上册英语第48页的中文,是Look and read -
利津县小儿回答: Look and say In the park 在公园里 What's that?那是什么?It's a butterfly.它是一只蝴蝶.It's beautiful!它真漂亮!What's this?这是什么?I don't know.我不知道.It's ugly!它真丑.Let's look at a book.让我们查查书.At school 在学校 ]Miss Fang,what's ...

桂支15937335979问: 五年级下册英语第四单元第48页翻译 -
利津县小儿回答:[答案] P48 Read and write参考译文约翰:张鹏:约翰.我是张鹏.你在干什么?约翰:我在跟你讲话哦.张鹏:来吧,约翰.你在干什么?约翰:我在洗碗碟.你在干什么?张鹏:我在看书.约翰:你想去儿童活动中心吗?张鹏:当然了.什么时...

桂支15937335979问: 五年级英语上册第四十八页let 's talk该怎么读 -
利津县小儿回答: 英文原文: let's talk 英式音标: [lets] [tɔːk] 美式音标: [lets] [tɔk]

桂支15937335979问: 五年级下册英语五单元48页let s taik中文意思 -
利津县小儿回答: let s talk让我们交谈 talk 英 [tɔ:k] 美 [tɔk] v. 说话; 讨论; 讲,说; 说闲话 n. 交谈; 讨论; 报告; 空话

桂支15937335979问: 五年级英语第48页是海淀新编 -
利津县小儿回答:[答案] Look and say In the park 在公园里 What's that?那是什么? It's a butterfly.它是一只蝴蝶. It's beautiful!它真漂亮! What's ... 我们看看书吧. It's a cocoon.它是一个茧. How do you spell that in English?用英语怎么拼? C-o-c-o-o-n. [01:07.65]What's a ...

桂支15937335979问: 急急急急急急!!!小学五年级上册英语书48和51页,英语书忘学校了 -
利津县小儿回答: 48:Read and write Zip:Mother Goai is ill.Mankey:We can han heip her.Zip:What can you do?Mankey:I can sweep the fioor.Zip:I can cook the meais.Rabbit:I can wash the windows.Zip:What can you do,Zoom?Zoom:I can water the fiowers!Zip:OK,just ...

桂支15937335979问: 跪求五年级下册人教PEP版英语48和51页的课文和翻译,我英语书忘带了啊!速度速度!!!!! -
利津县小儿回答: P48 john:hello.zhang:hi,john.this is zhang peng.what are you doing?john:I am talking to you.zhang:come on,john.what are you doing?john:l'mdoing the dishes.what are you doing?zhang:l'm reading a book.john:do you want to go to the children's center?zhang:sure.what time?john:10:30 zhang:ok.see you later.john:bye.

桂支15937335979问: 五年级英语对话 -
利津县小儿回答: A:“hello.you do not look well ,what's wrong with you?”B:well,i find it is hard for me to sleep well C:there must be some pressure disgusting you B:yeah.i want to get a high score ,so i can not relax well D:oh,come on.do not think too much of that ....

桂支15937335979问: 小学五年级英语上册第48页,49页翻译 -
利津县小儿回答: 同题仙游观(韩翃)

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