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关系代词 造句
3.关系代词which的先行词可以是一个句子,例如: He said he saw me there, which was a lie. 他说在那儿看到了我,纯属谎言 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 评论 18 1 cxy6305 采纳率:23% 擅长: 暂未定制 为您推荐: 关系代词的使用 什么时候用关系代词 英语代词 用关系代词造句whose 用关系代词that造句 ...

relative pronouns造句
1.关系代词同时起两个作用.像其它代词一样,它们用作动词的主语或宾语;同时像连词一样,它把从句与主句连接起来.What's the name of the blonde girl?She just came in.What's the name of the blonde girl who just came in?在第二句中who代替she成为came的主语,同时把两个句子连接成一句.2....

关系代词 造句 谁能帮我造几个句子呀,有关系代词的
He said he saw me there,which was a lie.他说在那儿看到了我,纯属谎言

1. Who Who通常用来代替人,作为主语或者宾语出现在定语从句中。My sister, who is a doctor, works in a hospital. (我的姐姐是位医生,她在医院工作。)The man who I met yesterday is my neighbor. (我昨天遇到的那个人是我的邻居。)2. Whom Whom同样用来代替人,但它只能作为宾语出现在定...

关系代词 造句
1.This is the pencil whose point is broken.这就是那个折了尖的铅笔。(whose 指物,在限定性定语从句中作定语)2.He came back for the book which he had forgotten. 他回来取他丢下的书。(which指物,在限定性定语从句中作宾语,可以省略)3.关系代词which的先行词可以是一个句子,例如:H...

用关系代词、关系副词造句 急!!!
This is the school which(关系代词) I graduated from.This is the school from which(关系代词) I graduated.This is the school where(关系副词) I graduated.

I like books that can be bought online.I hate the film that thrills me.i like shops that are near me.i like people who like me.it is fun to do something that I like.i don't eat anything that I hate.the best day was at an exciting place that I love....

la personne~vous connaissez est tombe malade您认识的那个人生病了 Je n'aime pas la voiture~tu as achetée. 我不喜欢你买的车子 C'est lui~j'attends. 我等的是他 Vous vous êtes trompé d'adresse, ~je crois. 我想您是搞错地址了 l'été qu'il a fait si chaud如此炎热的那个夏天...

I like the house whose windows face south.I know the man whom you love.I know the time when he was born.I know the place where he lives.I know the reason why you were late.who\/whom\/which\/that\/whose\/when\/where\/why 8个 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,...

1. First(首先):这个词可以用来表示某个事件或者对象在一系列中的第一个,起到强调的作用。2. That(那个):这个词是一个关系代词,引导一个定语从句,用于指代前面提到的特定的女孩。3. The(这个、那个):这个词是一个定冠词,用于特指或泛指特定的人或物。4. Girl(女孩):这个词指的是...

严鸣18386701025问: 谁能帮我写15个定语从句?要求:关系代词是which或that,其中5个要求关系代词用which或that都可以的句子,5个关系代词只能用which的句子,5个关系代词... -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] 1.who指人,在从句中做主语(1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One.(2) Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way.2.whom指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略.(1) Mr.Liu is the person (w...

严鸣18386701025问: 关于关系代词的一些题目求答~把两个句子用关系代词(who/whom/whose/which/where)连接起来.1.Mr Smith had a heart attack.He was warded.2.The lift ... -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] Mr Smith who had a heart attack was warded. The lift which broke down yesterday has not been repaired yet. John bought an expensive watch which turned out to be a fake.That is the boy whose pet was ru...

严鸣18386701025问: 英语造句题要求:用关系代词(who、whom、that、whose、which)和关系副词(when、where、why)这8个词“各”造 2 个句子.我是初三的,词汇量比... -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] 1.who指人,在从句中做主语 (1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One. (2) Yesterday I helped an old man ... (2) Mr.Ling is just the boy whom I want to see. 注意:关系代词whom在口语和非正式语体中常用who代替,可省略. 如果在从...

严鸣18386701025问: 定语从句所有省略问题.关系代词及先行词可省略和不可省略部分分别造句举例说明.看到有人说从句做主语时不能省略,The boy who is standing at the door ... -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] 定语从句中关系词省略的6种情形 关系词有时可以省略,但这只限于限制性定语从句中,在非限制性定语从句中,关系词则不可省略. 一、关系代词作宾语时的省略 当关系代词who,whom,which和that在定语从句中用作动词宾语或介词位于句末时的介...

严鸣18386701025问: 3个含有关系代词的句子 -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] The book that is on the desk is mine The man who is talking is my father The watch that he bought is very dear.

严鸣18386701025问: 英语造句题要求:用关系代词(who、whom、that、whose、which)和关系副词(when、where、why)这8个词“各”造 2 个句子. -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] My cousin,who is a painter,is in Japan at present.That's the man who came to our house yesterday.I don't know to whom I ought to address the request.That is the man whom I met in Beijing last year.Whe...

严鸣18386701025问: 用关系代词或关系副词完成句子 关系代词:which,who,whom,whose,that 关系副词:where,when why -
汤阴县韦安回答: 系代词有who,whom,that,which,whose,关系副词有where(地点),when(时间),why(原因). 总体来说关系副词在定语从句中做状语 他们和关系代词主要的区别是where,when,why=介词+which eg:This is the house in which (where) I lived last year. This is the reason for which (why) he was late for school. That's the day on which (when) I met him in the street.

严鸣18386701025问: 英语,关系代词 -
汤阴县韦安回答: 英语,关系代词 关系代词 1) 关系代词用来引导定语从句.它代表先行词,同时在从句中作一定的句子成分,例如:The girl to whom I spoke is my cousin. 跟我讲话的姑娘是我表妹.(该句中whom既代表先行词the girl,又在从句中作介词to的...

严鸣18386701025问: 用关系代词连接下列句子The teacher is Miss Green.She teaches us Englishwe live in a house .Thehouse was built in2003The factory is my uncle's We are ... -
汤阴县韦安回答:[答案] The teacher who teaches us English is Miss Green. We live in the house which was built in 2003. The factory which we are going to visit on sunday is my uncle's. The girl whose eyes are blue is Tom's sister. This is the room,in which I was born 30 years ...

严鸣18386701025问: 用关系代词that,which,who连接句子 -
汤阴县韦安回答: 1、Mike bought a camera that was made in Japan. 2、The boy which I know is very nice. 3、I know the girl who is going out with my cousin. 4、The shoes that my grandma bought are too big 5、You are sitting on a bench on which the paint is still wet.

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