
作者&投稿:陀褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

心动剧场 以短篇剧本为主,有完整、曲折的故事情节,通过故事形式给人以剧本欣赏的美感; 非常动漫 与动漫有关的故事,贴合当前年轻人的阅读喜好,兼具趣味性和审美性; 成功之钥:成功法则 智慧之灯 通过智者的睿智小故事,给人以智慧的启示; 另类思考 通过角度独特的故事讲述一种另类的思维方式、生活方式,给人们生活提供...

心动剧场 以短篇剧本为主,有完整、曲折的故事情节,通过故事形式给人以剧本欣赏的美感;非常动漫 与动漫有关的故事,贴合当前年轻人的阅读喜好,兼具趣味性和审美性; 成功之钥:成功法则 智慧之灯 通过智者的睿智小故事,给人以智慧的启示;另类思考 通过角度独特的故事讲述一种另类的思维方式、生活方式,给人们生活提供多...

恽汪17543458009问: 求《乱世佳人》的英语对白英语课上英文电影配音用,要大段的英语对白,有整剧剧本则更好. -
松北区腰息回答:[答案] 这里所选的电影对白是从《乱世佳人》(又名《飘》)中精心挑选出来的,不仅有生动感人的故事情节,而且浅显易懂. 《乱世佳人》改编自美国女作家Margaret Michel的长篇小说Gone With The Wind,影片堪称美国电影史上的一部经典作品,在...

恽汪17543458009问: 乱世佳人剧情介绍 要英文的!!! -
松北区腰息回答: Gone with the Wind Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the...

恽汪17543458009问: 经典英语对白(剧本),最好是有翻译的 -
松北区腰息回答: 1、Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》 "... tomorrow is another day!" “明天又是新的一天!” 【《乱世佳人》(1939)的结尾,命运乖舛的费雯丽站在树下迎向阳光,说出这句百折不挠的名句.】 2、Titanic《泰坦尼克》 Jack: "You must do...

恽汪17543458009问: 电影《乱世佳人》的英文台词 -
松北区腰息回答: 1. Land isthe only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for,worth dying for. Because it's the only thing thatlasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗,为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西) 2. I wish Icould be ...

恽汪17543458009问: 乱世佳人剧本 -
松北区腰息回答: 你好,太多了,贴不上,你从这个连接看吧,就是百度上就有.... http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=18034337

恽汪17543458009问: 《乱世佳人》英文简介是什么? -
松北区腰息回答: 乱世佳人-英文简介 GONE WITH THE WIND is a love story which took place during the American Civil War. The main character is Scarlett, whose father owned a big plantation called Tara in the southern state of Georgia. She fell in love with Ashley, ...

恽汪17543458009问: 乱世佳人的英文台词,越多越好
松北区腰息回答: Gone with The Wind 1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.(土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西) ...

恽汪17543458009问: 电影《乱世佳人》主人公人物分析 英文的简单260——300字即可 -
松北区腰息回答: Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind"Gone With the Wind” is my favorite novel written by Margaret Mitchell, a southerner in the U.S., and the situation is described from the southern point of view. The author, used many stories she heard ...

恽汪17543458009问: 乱世佳人简介英文版 -
松北区腰息回答: The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as ...

恽汪17543458009问: 飘的内容简介中英文对照的 -
松北区腰息回答: <>(据本书改编的同名电影被中文译名为“乱世佳人”,而本书部分中文译本亦书名为“乱世佳人”)是美国著名女作家玛格丽特·米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说.主人公斯佳丽身上表现出来的叛逆精神和艰苦创业、自强不息的精神,一直令读者为之倾心.

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