
作者&投稿:宗希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

assistan服务员:Can I help you? (我能帮你吗?)customs:Yes please! May I have that clothes over there? (当然!我可以看看那件衣服吗)a':Of course. Here it's. (当然可以,是这件了。)c':Thank you. How much is it? (谢谢你,这件衣服多少钱?)a':It's ...

服装店常用英语对话一 AHello ,sir, what can I do for you today?先生,您好,需要点什么?BHello, I need a new suit. I have an important interview next week, so I really need to look sharp.你好,我需要买套新衣服。下周我有个重要的采访,所以我得看起来很有型。ANo problem...

英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语口语水平,培养学生的语言交际能力都有很大的作用。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 A:Miss. This evening dress is perfect for me. I like the style, the color, and it's my size. The problem is I will not be paid until this...

买衣服时和售货员的英语对话 初二水平6-7句就行
I'm just looking. 当你走入一家店时,促销员都会问你想买什么,如果你还不知道你想买什么,这是对"Can I help you find anything?"最佳回答。Where are your fitting rooms? 如果你看到中意的衣服,当然要试穿一下,你就可以向售货员提出这个问题。 然而在英国,你要问的应该是changing rooms...

A: hello,what can i do for you B: could i see a new-style pants,please?A: yes,of course.what do you think of this style? It's just from Shanghai.B: this one? It's good,but i don't think it fits me.I prefer sonmething wider.May I see that one please?A: ...

Receptionist: Hello, reception. 前台:您好,这里是前台。 Tonny:Hi, I need to get my suit cleaned urgently. Do you have a dry cleaning service? 托尼:你好,我急需把我的套装洗干净。你们有干洗服务吗? Receptionist: Yes, we do. 前台:我们有干洗服务。 Tonny:I need my suit...

A: Your cloth color looks beautiful! It suit you very much.B: Oh,yeah? It is new and I bought it yesterday.A: How much is it?B: It is cheap,only ten yuan.A: Yeah? Your cloth looks small to me, I want to go buy a big one.

Yuan.一共XXX元 XXX is taken and this is your change and receive 收了您XXX元,这是找你的钱请收好 Thanks for your coming and I hope see again 谢谢您的光临 欢迎下次再来 我以前做过外贸服装销售老板,这些应该够用了 如果是卖鞋子那些把单词改一下就OK了 cheap copy haw haw~~~...

情景教学法在小学英语对话教学中的应用□陈美心英语是一门实践性很强的工具学科,运用英语进行交际是其实践性的主要表现。我整理了关于买衣服的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于买衣服的英语对话一 A:Hello, may I help you?B:Well, I'm looking for some winter clothes. And I notice you have pre-...

I need a suit, well-known brand. 译 :我 要 买 一 套 名 牌 西 装 .Can I try it on? 译 :我 可 以 试 一 下 吗 ?Please show me some others. 译 :请 给 我 看 看 别 的 .Have you any bigger size? 译 :你 有 大 一 点 尺 寸 \/号 码 吗 ?How much is it?

独孤嵇15336335913问: 关于两个人买衣服的英语对话(10句)简单一点 -
长丰县复方回答:[答案] A和B 是朋友 A:I need to buy some clothes. B:Do you wanna go shopping? A:Yes.Do you wanna go shopping with me? B:OK,where shall we go? A:New Mart. B:OK,let's go. A:I like this dress,what do you think? B:It looks good. A:Pink or White? B:Pink is ...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 关于英语购买服装的对话,把衣服,颜色,价钱等交际用语,大约10 - 12句话 -
长丰县复方回答: •This is ….这是…•That is….那是….•How many / much do you want? 你想要多少?•What color 颜色/ size尺寸 / kind 类型 do you want? 你想要什么颜色/尺寸/类型?•Pardon? 能再重复一遍吗?•Hold on 等一等•Please sit down 请坐•...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 去逛街买衣服和老板讨价还价的英语对话,一定给好滴. -
长丰县复方回答:[答案] 【买衣服还价英语对话】 Hello,I'd like to check out that coat. 麻烦看看那件上衣. 小贩 Here you go. 给您. 爱德华 Not bad.How much is it? 不错.多少钱? 小贩 800 hundred yuan.No bargaining. 一口价,八百. 爱德华 Come on.I know you often charge ...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 求:几组在商店买衣服的英文对话 -
长丰县复方回答: 我有一本这方面的书,先给你写一些吧. 希望能帮上忙! Hello,may I have a look at this? Can you do me a favor? How much?/How much does it cost? Are there any leather jackets here? May I try it? I want to buy a coat. This is what I need. OK,I will ...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 谁有关于买东西的英语对话啊(比如买衣服),三至五分钟的. -
长丰县复方回答: a: can i help you ? b: i want to buy a skirt. a:this one suits you. b:oh,it is too dark,do you have a lighter one. a:yes ,this one may be fine. b:oh it is great,how much is it ? a:500 yuan. b:it is dear ,do you hanve any one cheaper? a:it is the cheapest. b:Just let it be , i will buy it

独孤嵇15336335913问: 大学英语情景对话有关买衣服讨价还价的 -
长丰县复方回答:[答案] Hello,I'd like to check out that coat.麻烦看看那件上衣.小贩 Here you go.给您.爱德华 Not bad.How much is it?不错.多少钱?小贩 800 hundred yuan.No bargaining.一口价,八百.爱德华 Come on.I know you often c...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 求关于买衣服的英语对话!!
长丰县复方回答: Amber: This is a neat shop. There are so many fashionable clothes here.这间店不错嘛.衣服都挺流行的. Ethabella: It's one of my favorite clothing stores. Check this out (holds up a skirt) 这是我最喜欢的服装店之一.看看这件(举起一条短裙)....

独孤嵇15336335913问: 跪求英文情景对话,关于在商场买衣服方面的!句子,口语化,角色为三个人的,两个顾客是一起的,一个售货员,时间要能说3到4分钟的,急, -
长丰县复方回答:[答案] 编了一个对话,.看看是否喜欢.不过是卖鞋子的.可以吗?人物:Clerk,Shopper A.Shopper B:地点:.Kenny's shoe storeClerk :Welcome to Kenny's Shoes.Can I help you?ShopperA:I don't know yet.I just want to take a...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 求关于买衣服讨价还价的英语对话 -
长丰县复方回答: 一、Hello, I'd like to check out that coat. 您好,麻烦看看那件上衣.小贩 Here you go. 给您.爱德华 Not bad. How much is it? 不错.多少钱?小贩 800 hundred yuan. No bargaining. 一口价,八百.爱德华 Come on. I know you often ...

独孤嵇15336335913问: 急求一个在服装店买衣服的英语情景对话,要求要使用对话,不要太长了! -
长丰县复方回答: A: hello,what can i do for you B: could i see a new-style pants,please?A: yes,of course.what do you think of this style? It's just from Shanghai.B: this one? It's good,but i don't think it fits me.I prefer sonmething wider.May I see that one please?A: sure....

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