
作者&投稿:邲姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语作文 孩子在这个城市得到最好的教育
唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》曰:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气氛。 清明节,又叫踏青节,按阳历来说,它是在每年的4月4日至6日之间,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游(古代叫踏青)的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的习俗。

We got home very late and terribly exhausted. But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend’s outings.出游 上周末我们去农村野餐,我们买了一些蛋糕带上做午餐。我们很早就出发了,这时路上车辆不多。两小时后我们来到了一个好地方,这地方靠近一条河,河边...

诺维15773393234问: 关于郊游的英语作文21 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: Today, my friend and I go hiking, we arranged to see the mountains at 7:30. We play of very happy. 今天,我和我的朋友去郊游,我们约好在七点半在大山见.我们玩的很快乐.

诺维15773393234问: 关于写周末去乡下游玩的英语作文急 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答:[答案] We put off the family decided to go to Enshi to play.To Enshi, we decided to go to Lantau Peak to go to the park to play.At the beginning, we step by step, do not know tired. At the ghat Road, roadside trees intersect together, like a large patio, tree ...

诺维15773393234问: 求郊游的英语作文..附带中文解释..原创哦,很简单.8句以上就行了... -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: Sunday,May 1st I got to school very early.Our class took a special bus to Cuihua Mountain at 8:30.We got off the bus.Our classmates were very excited. The mountain is so beautiful .We can see flowers and grass here and there.The air ...

诺维15773393234问: 随便写一篇关于郊游活动的英语作文 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: ellow Senior one students,May I have your attention,please?We're going to the exhibition museum and plant garden in November 25th.We will meet at 7 o'clock and then we will go there by bus.We are going to have a picnic on the mountain,so we ...

诺维15773393234问: 英语作文日记记述一次郊游 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: Date:sunday Weather:sunny Yesterday,I together with my parents went out to tour around in the mountain.The sunshine was very warm,and the air in the forest was very clean.In the noon we had a picnic on the grass,after that we lay down on the ...

诺维15773393234问: 关于郊游的英语作文400字 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: Yesterday, melike teacher said our class organization a picnic activities, let classmates oneself combination, and division, tomorrow bring materials to school to have a picnic. Spear teacher the words sound just fell and schoolmates would excited ...

诺维15773393234问: 一篇关于郊游英语日记假如你是生活在城市的一个高中生,今天是9月25日,星期六,天气晴,你们班去农村的一个小镇郊游!要求小镇优点:舒适、安静、... -
墨竹工卡县活血回答:[答案] Today is Sunday,I and my friends out picnic.Good morning,we agreed to a collection of 7:00 in the school entrance,and then traveled to the zoo,where we saw a lot of familiar animals and some we have never seen animals,the zoo administrators and we...

诺维15773393234问: 英语作文写一次郊游不少于120单词 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: Last week,I had a wonderful picnic with my friend and I like to share the story with others. The date we had our picnic was in Sunday,which was in the morning at seven o'clock.My friend came to my house with all the foods and drinks she had brought....

诺维15773393234问: 英语作文 上周末我参加了一次郊游 时间:上周末 参加者:我和我的好朋友 地点:北山公园 活动:骑自行... -
墨竹工卡县活血回答: I joint an outdoor day trip with my best friend last weekend at Beishan Park. The day was full of activites. And a large group of people also showed up at the event. We went biking and hiking in the morning. For lunch, we had a barbeque picnic.Later...

诺维15773393234问: 写一篇关于上周郊游的英语作文80词左右 -
墨竹工卡县活血回答:[答案] A Happy Time The weekend of the National Holiday,I went to Dalian with 7 students and had a happy time.At 6:30 we beginning,we went there by car.It was fun.We went to the Sea World,Universal Studio and the beach. There are a lot of sea animals at...

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