
作者&投稿:蠹浦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Robert W. Baird Fellowship is awarded to talented students in the MBA program who are pursuing a career in finance and are committed to advancing the interests of women in business.【翻译】罗伯特·W. 贝尔德助学金 此项奖学金是颁发给在商务管理有天赋的学生,他们追求金融事业...


韦恩·布斯(Wayne Clayson Booth),1921年2月22日出生于美国犹他州,芝加哥大学教授,著名文学批评家。2005年10月10日去世。1950年,获芝加哥大学哲学博士学位。是美国文学批评理论史上芝加哥学派领袖R.S.克莱恩的学生。先后在哈弗福德学院和厄勒姆学院任助理教授、教授和英文系主任。1962年,回芝加哥大学...

The Richest Person---Bill Gates In the USA Forbes magazine has published its annual list of the richest people in the world. Bill Gates of Microsoft is the richest man again for the eleventh successive year with a fortune of forty-four billion dollars.There are a record 691 doll...

24 回复:哈利波特5人物介绍 『那个人』 You-Know-Who 魔法世界里的大坏蛋,真正的名字令人闻之色变。法力高强,想要统治整个魔法世界,并用坏魔法杀害许多不服从他的巫师。 佛地魔 Voldemort 魔法世界里的大坏蛋,法力高强,想要统治整个魔法世界,并用坏魔法杀害许多不服从他的巫师,令人闻之色变。 贴子相关图片: ...


英语中常见的缩写词"DDN"实际上代表的是"De Divinus Nominibus",中文可以翻译为“狄维纳斯·诺米布斯”。这篇文章将深入解析这个缩写,包括其对应的英文单词、中文拼音(dí wéi nà sī nuò mǐ bù sī)、在英语中的使用频率(流行度为5083),以及其分类(International缩写词)和应用领域。它在...

基本介绍 中文名 :叙事学 性质:科学学科 成名原因 :形式主义批判 诞生:20世纪的法国 定义,起源发展,国外,国内,相关人物,先驱人物,倡导者,再造观念,符号帝国, 定义 20世纪的叙事学诞生于法国。叙事学(法文中的“叙述学”)是由拉丁文词根narrato(叙述、叙事)加上希腊文词尾logie(科学)构成的。顾名思义,叙事学...


Cedric Diggory 塞德利克 迪戈里;布斯巴顿(Beauxbatons Academy of Magic),校长Olympe Maxime 奥利姆 马克西姆, (是个混血女巨人)Fleur Delacour 芙蓉 德拉库尔; (是媚娃的后代)德姆斯特朗(Durmstrang Institute)在神秘的北欧荒原,校长Igor Karkaroff 伊戈尔 卡卡洛夫,(前食死徒)Viktor Krum 维克多...

花建19533128707问: 用英文简短介绍steve jobs.(5 - 6句话) -
福贡县佐锐回答:[答案] 以下是对 Steve Jobs 的简短英文介绍, Steve Jobs was a famous American businessman and inventor in the world. He was co-founder,chairman,and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the ...

花建19533128707问: 乔布斯英语介带中文翻译40字左右 -
福贡县佐锐回答: 翻译如下 乔布斯是一个天才,他影响了那么多人.史蒂夫·乔布斯重新定义了零售体验.乔布斯是一位改变了多个领域面貌的伟大的企业家和创新者.乔布斯,苹果创始人,去世了.所以苹果公司史蒂夫.乔布斯时代也许已经结束了. He's a ...

花建19533128707问: 乔布斯英文介绍o -
福贡县佐锐回答:[答案] Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ),inventor,entrepreneur,American co-founder,former CEO of Apple Corp.In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc,he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of ups and downs and rejuvenation,has leading and ...

花建19533128707问: 书面表达 介绍"苹果之父" 乔布斯 用英语 100字左右 -
福贡县佐锐回答: OBODY else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs. His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up a “magical” or “incredible” new electronic ...

花建19533128707问: 乔布斯经历英语简介 -
福贡县佐锐回答: Steven Paul (born in 1955) is an American businessman and inventor. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer(CEO) of Apple Inc. Jobs also once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board (...

花建19533128707问: 乔布斯英文个人简介100字内, -
福贡县佐锐回答:[答案] Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco,California to Joanne Simpson and a Syrian father.Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View,California then adopted him.In 1972,Jobs graduated from Homestead High School...

花建19533128707问: 求史蒂芬·乔布斯生平英语介绍. -
福贡县佐锐回答: Steven P. Jobs, the Apple Inc. chairman and co-founder who pioneered the personal-computer industry and changed the way people think about technology, died Wednesday at the age of 56. His family, in a statement released by Apple, said Mr. Jobs "died peacef

花建19533128707问: 乔布斯英文介绍,要一千至两千字的,最好是乔布斯自传的简化版 -
福贡县佐锐回答:[答案] Steve Jobs is the CEO of Apple,which he co-founded in 1976. Apple is leading the consumer technology world with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store,its family of iPod media players and iTunes media store,and its Mac computers and iLife and ...

花建19533128707问: 用英文描述一下乔布斯 -
福贡县佐锐回答: Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.

花建19533128707问: 跪求关于乔布斯的简历用英文带翻译 -
福贡县佐锐回答: Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco,California to Joanne Simpson and a Syrian father.Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View,California then adopted him.In 1972,Jobs graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino,California and ...

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