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Mandy 珍珠 May 玫 少女 Melody 音乐旋律 Denise 丹尼丝 希腊 代表花 Selena 瑟琳娜 月光 Toni 冬妮 赞扬的 Spring 丝柏凌 英国 春天 Stacey 史黛丝 希腊 会再度振作起来之人 Tobey 托比 鸽子 美好的 有礼貌的

其实中文名字一般是改不成英文的owo正常的话就是拼音,也有特例, 比如名字代表一些东西,比如“张天空” 天空就可以改成sky, 但是某种意义上这是改变了名字。

钟表匠神之巢英文版下载及游戏介绍对于寻找休闲益智单机游戏的玩家,"Lair of the Clockwork God" - 钟表匠神之巢英文版是一个不容错过的选择。这款由Size Five Games制作的动作冒险游戏,提供了经典的像素艺术风格和独特的横滚屏玩法,让玩家沉浸在丰富的故事情节中。故事围绕着莱尔,一个角色之间的...


拼音:huóxuèzhǐtònggāo英文:活血止痛膏药典标准:品名:活血止痛膏HuoxueZhit... 调经活血片 的总量计,不得少于0.36mg。功能与主治:养血活血,行气止痛。用于气滞血瘀兼血虚所致月经不调、痛经... 更多用到中药活血丹的中成药 古籍中的活血丹 《跌打损伤回生集》:[卷二]总论 香(五分)没药(五分)虎骨(一钱...

彭州牡丹旅游景点介绍英文 彭州牡丹旅游景点介绍英文作文
写一篇介绍牡丹的英语作文牡丹花 tree peony Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)and herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora),is a very beautiful plant originatingin China.The choice of tree peony in 1994as the Chinese national flower was yet anotherhonor to be added to the accolades and honorifictitles be...

帮我取个好听点的英文名,高手来~~~女生 带“丹”字的

Angola 安哥拉 AO 244 -7 Afghanistan 阿富汗 AF 93 0 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 AL 355 -7 Algeria 阿尔及利亚 DZ 213 -8 Andorra 安道尔共和国 AD 376 -8 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 AI 1264 -12 Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 AG 1268 -12 Argentina 阿根廷 AR 54 -11 Armenia 亚美尼亚 AM 374 -6 ...

Fern 勤勉好学又文静 Alice 高贵 Bunny 多姿多彩 友善可亲 Belle 优雅漂亮 开朗热情 Jasmine 花朵和芬芳 Iris 高挑 苗条 细致 Emily 娇小 可爱 文静 Beenle 冰清玉洁的名字 Icey纯净 Angle 天使 Diana 黛安娜 Rose 玫瑰 Moon 月亮公主,宁静的银 Snowy “雪”+y,比白雪公主Snowhite更可爱!Christal 水晶...

弘齐13461837204问: 英文介绍迈克尔乔丹 150字左右要中文翻译.字数不要许多,150字就够.要中文翻译的. -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, having two older brothers and an older and ...

弘齐13461837204问: 急需一片关于介绍飞人乔丹的英语范文 -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17,1963) is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman.His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states,"By acclamation,Michael Jordan is the greatest ...

弘齐13461837204问: 介绍乔丹的英语短文要包括以下内容,1963:出生于纽约.982:成为一名大学生.985:成为NBA球员.:成为"became a member of "NBA's greatest ... -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] "Michael Jordan Above and Beyond" provides a much-needed look at Michael Jordan's fantastic return from retirement in 1995. The first 20 minutes or so recap his retirement, attempt at minor league baseball, and his dealing with his father's murder. ...

弘齐13461837204问: 求一篇2分钟的英文演讲稿介绍迈克乔丹的急用一篇介绍乔丹的稿子,不需太复杂,可以演讲2分钟就可以, -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] 1.List match quarter personal year salary be the tallest,97-98 match quarter be salary USD 34,500,000.2.Unique a Be located on three ex-service player of NBA.(93 year at bull,99 year at bull,03 years ...

弘齐13461837204问: 用英语介绍一位篮球明星 -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] 乔丹 Full name: Michael Jeffrey Jordan Previous Occupation: Professional Basketball Player Position: Shooting Guard Former Teams: Chicago Bulls 1984-98 & Washington Wizards 2001-03 Date of Birth: February 17, 1963 Place of Birth: Brooklyn, ...

弘齐13461837204问: 乔丹英文简介以外貌为主等多方面.200词 -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] In June, 1984 continuously gained university player of the year's Jordan to choose at the Xiu meeting in NBA to select by the first run third cis-position by the Chicago bull team. In May, 1985 28.2 received respectively by average each takes the year new ...

弘齐13461837204问: 用英语描述乔丹.大约90个单词左右.九点半前就要.急 -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall Buaishuohua.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign ...

弘齐13461837204问: 关于迈克尔乔丹介绍的英语作文 -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] Michael JordanFrom Beijing to Bucharest people like Michael Jordan.So when he suddenly retired last week,the news was reported around the world.Michael Jordan is widely considered as basketball's best...

弘齐13461837204问: 求迈克尔乔丹英文简介.RT 不要太长,大概做个daily report的长度. -
清河区佳诺回答:[答案] Michael Jordan, the best known athlete in the world, is a leading scorer in the National Basketball Association (NBA), who led the Chicago Bulls to many recent NBA championships. He is, by far, and wi...

弘齐13461837204问: 求迈克尔 - 乔丹的介绍(英文),有PPT最好! -
清河区佳诺回答: 1.Chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,Al“Scarface”Capone.But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jord...

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