
作者&投稿:雪湛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

生活垃圾分类志愿者活动英文是Volunteer activities of domestic waste classification。1、垃圾的英语单词还有refuse、waste、rubbish、garbage、trash、junk。2、垃圾英文的短语搭配:垃圾桶refuse bin、垃圾场civic-amenity site、垃圾堆garbage heap、垃圾股junk share、垃圾袋bin-liner、垃圾道garbage chute、...

The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especially among young people.Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society. Take the Wenchuan Earthquake as an example. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play an active role in ...

参加志愿者活动英文介绍如下:Participate in volunteer activities。双语例句:年轻人应该积极参加志愿者活动。The young should take active part in volunteer work.约63%的女性表示自己定期参加志愿者活动,或是一些有意义的活动。Some 63% of the women report regular or significant volunteer commitments...

1、明确你当志愿者的动机和目的One,clear your volunteer motivation and purpose 2、考察自身条件,量力而行Two, on their own conditions,三、拥有成熟稳重的心理素质Three, has a mature and stable psychological quality 四、服从志愿服务团队的领导和指挥Four, obey the leadership and command of ...

当志愿者英文:be a volunteer When it comes to benefits of volunteering, a lot of people think that’s it’s all about the warm and fuzzy feeling you feel after helping someone. As it turns out, that’s far from the only benefit. What a lot of people don’t realize is ...

经过参加各项由学院、系、班级所组织的各项活动,不但使我认识到了做为一个大学生应该以学习为主体,还应该有着先进的集体主义和爱国主义热情,还应该有着奉献的精神。因此我志愿当一名 环保志愿者 问题六:申请一份到孤儿院做志愿者的英语申请书 Dear Editor,We took part in a voluntary activity ...

下乡,go to the countryside,今非昔比,此下乡非彼下乡 三下乡,文化、科技、卫生深入农村基层,服务农民朋友,参与和推动当地基础事业发展的长期活动(说国策也未尝不可)1.Summer Vacational Activity for Volunteers with Triple Services into Rural Areas 2.Triple Services Activity in Summer for ...

这句话英文说法是:Because today, my classmates and I participated in a volunteer activity

我参加了学校上周星期六环保俱乐部组织的志愿者活动 用英语怎么说...
I joined the activities for volunteers organized by School Environment Protection Club last Saturday.

志愿活动的感悟英语怎么说 志愿活动感悟英文版
1、志愿活动感悟1:All along, I want to be a volunteer and contribute to the society. In this voluntary activity organized by the school, I have gained a lot。A lot, a lot of emotion. Although this volunteer service is full of challenges and tiredness, it is the memory of ...

梁柏13971376735问: 志愿者活动用英语怎么说 -
白山市康迪回答: a volunteer/voluntary activity志愿者活动,义工活动Whether you participate in a volunteer activity or offer creative ideas at work,or challenging yourself in a demanding academic program, it is clear your interests are genuine. 无论你是参加义工活动...

梁柏13971376735问: 志愿者活动 用英语怎么说
白山市康迪回答: speck student

梁柏13971376735问: 志愿者活动 英语作文 -
白山市康迪回答: In modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and ...

梁柏13971376735问: 志愿者暑期三下乡活动英文怎么说 -
白山市康迪回答: 下乡,go to the countryside,今非昔比,此下乡非彼下乡 三下乡,文化、科技、卫生深入农村基层,服务农民朋友,参与和推动当地基础事业发展的长期活动(说国策也未尝不可)1.Summer Vacational Activity for Volunteers with Triple Services into Rural Areas2.Triple Services Activity in Summer for Volunteers into Rural Areas——推荐,简洁 供参

梁柏13971376735问: 这就是我们的志愿者活动英语翻译 -
白山市康迪回答: 这就是我们的志愿者活动.This is our volunteer activities.

梁柏13971376735问: a happy day关于志愿者活动的英语作文 -
白山市康迪回答: 1)A happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I ...

梁柏13971376735问: 星期五学校组织了有关保护环境的志愿者活动用英语怎么说?星期五学
白山市康迪回答: 翻译:The school organized a volunteer activity on the protection of the environment on Friday.

梁柏13971376735问: 求一篇关于志愿者活动的英语作文学生会将组织一些志愿者活动.请你根据个人特长,选择参加其中一项活动,并谈谈你选择这一活动的原因以及你的计划1、... -
白山市康迪回答:[答案] Dear Sir/Madam, As a student,I want to be a volunteer to help people especially the old.And I'd like to visit old people's home for I always get along well with my grandparents and I am good at communicating with the old people.Besides,I can help them ...

梁柏13971376735问: “志愿者工作”的英文翻译 -
白山市康迪回答: 志愿者工作(voluntary work) 做志愿者工作(do vunlantary work)

梁柏13971376735问: 学校将组织一次暑假志愿者活动的翻译是:什么意思 -
白山市康迪回答: 学校将组织一次暑假志愿者活动 翻译是: The school will organize a volunteer activity for the summer vacation

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