
作者&投稿:包徐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例句:She give me a beautiful dress.(她给了我一件漂亮的衣服)注:表示人的名词只能做间接宾语。

英语基本句型造句 S+V(主+谓) S V O(主+谓+宾) S V P(主+系+表)_百度...
S V 主 谓 【例】Time flies. I see. You can. He says.S V O 主 谓 宾 【例】I have a pen. I have an apple.S V P 主 系 表 ,表语可以是形容词或介词 【例】They are wonderful. 或 I am here. 或 The book is interesting....

I'm watering the flowers in the garden now.He played computer at home just now.She was reading the book at school 1 hour ago.Tom played the piano in class yesterday.Jim called mom in the morning at home.

1.No matter how he tried, he failed at last.无论他怎样努力,最终还是失败了。2.Neither her hat nor her shoes match her clothes.她的帽子和鞋都跟衣服不搭配。3.Jim has a lot of hobbies, for example, he likes playing football, vollyball and chess.吉姆有很多爱好。比方说,他喜欢...

英语造句 简单
1.I have been to Beijing before.我以前去过北京。2.We have a great time at the party.我们在舞会上度过了愉快的时光。3.He will go skating this Sunday.他这周日要去滑冰。4.I heard of his name before.我以前听说过他的名字。5.In fact, the student's excuse is nothing but a ...

用英语单词造句就要明确英语的各种句子成分。一、主语——多表示人或事物,是句子里被陈述的对象,在句首能回答“谁”或者“什么”等问题。可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担。如:My mother is a doctor.I am her mother.The rich aren't always happy.To ...

英语造句 she和her we和us they和them . 主格和宾格造句 ..造句内容简...
she:She is my friend.她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary.她的名字是Mary we:We are students.我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway.在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference.我们在会上看到他们 ...

1. 主语+ 系动词 + 表语 These books are great.2. 主语 + 谓语 + (状语)The first book came out in 2003.3. 主语 + 谓语+ 宾语 My father loves pictures of cars.4. 主语+ 谓语+ 简接宾语+ 直接宾语 His hobby has brought ...

1.单数主语:A boy is coming towards us.单个动词不定式、动名词短语及句子做主语:To see is to believe.Seeing is believing.That he won the race is true.2. 复数主语:The students have finished their homework.用AND或BOTH"""AND连接的动词不定式短语、动词短语及主语从句做主语:Both listening...

twins:We are twins..apple:I like apple.4.right:You are right!5.look:This loook isn't prety.6.love:I love you.7.can:I can water the flowers.8.will:I hope you will get better soon.9.but:She is prety,but isn't smart.10.if:If you like.11.father:My father is a ...

焦齐19612856350问: 用“主+谓”句式,造一个句子,是英语 -
霞浦县冻干回答: I am a student I 是主语 am 是谓语

焦齐19612856350问: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子 -
霞浦县冻干回答:[答案] 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补) 我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补) 她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补) 她给她丈夫做了一顿美味...

焦齐19612856350问: 主谓,主谓宾,主系表,结构的英语句子没种十句,简单点的来. -
霞浦县冻干回答:[答案] 主谓结构: I win.我赢了. He failed.他失败了. The sun rises.太阳升起来了. He came.他来了. She left.她走了. He laughed.他笑了. She cryied.她哭了. The car stopped.车停了. The old man died.那位老人死了. The baby is born.婴儿出生了. 主谓宾: I love ...

焦齐19612856350问: 10个主谓结构的英语例句 -
霞浦县冻干回答:[答案] the car stopped. he came . he left He is my friend My right arm hurts She lived happily The sun rises every morning .

焦齐19612856350问: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子 -
霞浦县冻干回答: 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补)我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补)她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补)她给她丈夫做了一顿美味的饭. 4.He(主) brought(谓) you(宾) a dictionnary(宾补)他给你买了一本字典. 5.I(主) showed(谓) him(宾) my pictures(宾补)我给他看我的照片.

焦齐19612856350问: 英语的主谓结构怎么造句? -
霞浦县冻干回答:[答案] 主谓宾结构主谓宾结构为一种文法的语序,即语法顺序为主语—谓语—宾语的结构,像英文的"I eat apples"就是一个例子,在此范例中I为主词(主语),eat为动词(谓语),apples为受词(宾语).汉语也是以主谓宾结构表达.“...

焦齐19612856350问: 英语的主谓结构怎么造句? -
霞浦县冻干回答: 汉语也是以主谓宾结构表达.“我爱你”这三个字,我是主语,爱是谓语,你就是宾语. 虽然使用主谓宾结构的语言在事实上没有使用主宾谓结构的 语言种类多,但是也是相当多的,且许多克里奥尔语都使用主谓宾结构为主要语序. 主谓宾定...

焦齐19612856350问: 主谓结构的英语句子 -
霞浦县冻干回答: 主语+谓语动词 就是主谓结构,谓语动词必须是不及物动词.eg:The car stopped. 区分:动词+宾语 就是动宾结构 eg:kiss her主+系动词+表语 表示状态 I am hungry. I

焦齐19612856350问: 主谓结构的英语句子,10个单词左右,四五个就行 -
霞浦县冻干回答:[答案] Here are the qualities I feel contribute most to a successful, durable, and happy teaching career: 1. Successful teachers hold high expectations: The most effective teachers expect great accomplishmen...

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