
作者&投稿:宫琴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.The sun rises.2.I wrote a letter.3.I wrote a letter for you.4.He gave me a present.5.I am fat\/tall\/short\/thin.

He gave her a book.\/I passed the him ball .S+V+O+OC(Subject+Verb+Object+Object completment)(宾补)The boss made the works work all day.\/He made me angry.都要的话……He made me angry last night.主语(He)+谓语(made)+宾(me)+宾补(angry)+状语(last night)

1、主谓:He slept.2、主谓宾:I have a dream.3、主系表:She is tired.4、主谓宾补:He kicked him dead.5、主谓双宾:They call him Master.

如下:简单句的五种基本句型:主语+谓语。主语+谓语+宾语。主语+谓语+双宾语。主语+谓语+复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)。主语+连系动词+表语。主谓宾宾补例句:My mother wants me to be a doctor。The teacher asks us to listen to him carefully in class。We made him our monitor。We all call...

我要几个英语的 主谓句 主谓宾句 双宾语 主系表 主谓宾宾补 的句子
7. I'll tell you where to go. (主+谓+宾+宾补)8. He will cook me a delicious meal after he finishes this task. (主+谓+间宾+直宾)9. The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. (主+系+表)10. From time to time, he ...

主谓宾宾补、主谓间宾直宾、主谓宾+后置定语。求例句及判断方法_百度知 ...
要很好理解句子的成分,要在句子中理解,体现。另外,要配合大量的练习,会掌握的更好一些。所以回答你这个问题,就简单了。主谓宾宾补的情况。一些动词,后面,接了宾语,句子并不完整,要加个宾语补足语才行。例如: I think him right.这句话,我觉得,他对,如果不加宾语补足语right 句子不完整。

句子如下:In the morning,I gave my cute daughter a gift In the morning(状语),I (主语) gave (谓语) my cute (定语) daughter (宾语) a gift (补语)翻译:清晨,我给了我可爱的女儿一个礼物

主谓 Lily said that she would come early.LILY曾说她要早点来.主谓宾 The report said that the film star would attend the opening next Sunday.报道说那位电影明星将在下周日参加开幕式.主谓宾宾补 I didn’t know if he would hear Jean singing.我不知道他是否会来听Jean唱歌.主谓双宾 ...

My sister is a nurse.我姐姐是护士。Her room is on the fifthfloor.她的房间在 5 楼。2) 谓语(Predicate)——是主语的主要情况,可表示动作,也可表示状态: She works in ahospital她在一家医院工作。(动作)She knows a little English,她懂一点英语。(状态)3) 宾语(Object)——表示动作...

主语 表示句子所说的是“谁”或“什么事物”,由名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语等充当。Two students meet for the first time at the beginning of term.两个学生在学期开始时初次见面。谓语 说明主语“做什么”,“是什么”或者“怎么样”。Mr Zhu is showing the students of Class 4 the c...

牛狄18844965764问: 含主谓宾宾补结构的英语句子 -
宝应县沙博回答: 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补). 我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补). 她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补). 她给她丈...

牛狄18844965764问: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子 -
宝应县沙博回答:[答案] 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补) 我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补) 她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补) 她给她丈夫做了一顿美味...

牛狄18844965764问: 帮忙写20个主谓结构,主谓宾结构,主系表结构,主谓宾+间接宾语+直接宾语结构,主谓宾+宾补结构的英语句子各种结构的各写二十句(主谓结构,主谓... -
宝应县沙博回答:[答案] 主谓结构,I study. 主谓宾:I like banana. 主系表:I am a student. 主谓双宾:I give a pencil to him. 主谓符合宾语:I make him happy. 1. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) [S + V] 如:The children are playing happily. 孩子们正在高兴地玩. 2. 主语+谓语(及物...

牛狄18844965764问: 主谓宾英语例句有哪些? -
宝应县沙博回答: 英语主谓宾例句:1、He likes singing. 他喜欢唱歌此派蔽2、She is a girl. 她是一个女孩.3、I am a boy. 我是一个男孩.4、I can draw. 我会画画.5、I think you are right. 我想你是对的.6、We would like some water.我们想要一些水.7、The bird sings a beautiful song. 这只鸟唱了一首森州好听的羡码歌.

牛狄18844965764问: 英语有主谓宾的8句话 -
宝应县沙博回答: ①I(主) have (谓) some apples(宾). ②The man who wears black shirt (主)sent (谓)me (宾)a bunch of flowers(宾补). ③I (主)brought (谓)several novels(宾)that you like. ④She (主)dislikes (谓)loud music(宾). ⑤...

牛狄18844965764问: 我要几个英语的 主谓句 主谓宾句 双宾语 主系表 主谓宾宾补 的句子我要几个英语的 主谓句 主谓宾句 双宾语 主系表 主谓宾宾补 的句子 越多越好,不要太简... -
宝应县沙博回答:[答案] 这些够不够? 1.She sends me a message.(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 2.Would you please pass me the book?(主+谓+间宾+直... stopped at the camp gates.(主+谓) 7.I'll tell you where to go.(主+谓+宾+宾补) 8.He will cook me a delicious meal after he ...

牛狄18844965764问: 英语 主谓宾定状补解释并写出例句 -
宝应县沙博回答:[答案] I love the beautiful girl ,Alice,forever. I 主语 love 谓语动词 the girl 宾语 beautiful 定语修饰girl Alice 补语,补充说明the girl forever 时间状语

牛狄18844965764问: 造句50个主谓宾宾结构的英语句子急急急 谢谢大家 好人有好报 -
宝应县沙博回答:[答案] 1.I (主)call (谓)him(宾) Tom(宾补) 我叫他汤姆. 2.She(主) ordered(谓) herself(宾) a new dress(宾补) 她给自己订购了一套裙子. 3.She(主) cooked(谓) her hushand(宾) a delicious meal(宾补) 她给她丈夫做了一顿美味...

牛狄18844965764问: 求英语主谓宾宾补结构例句3个…谢谢…… -
宝应县沙博回答:[答案] The smell made me sick.这味道让我感到恶心 My mother bought me a necklace yesterday.我妈妈昨天给我买了一条项链 I found it difficult to learn English.我发现学英语很难

牛狄18844965764问: 来一句简单点的,主谓宾+宾补的英语句子,并标明 -
宝应县沙博回答: The windows keep the house cool. the windows主语 keep 谓语 the house 宾语 cool 宾补 宾补用来补充说明宾语的动作状态等.

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