
作者&投稿:高阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、主谓双宾语是一种简单句的形式主谓双宾。I give him a present.c此句就是一个主谓双宾。2、其实也就是某一个动词可以后跟两个宾语。上列中give是动词而他的宾语却有两个一个是him(常称间接宾语)另外一个宾语present(又称直接宾语)。

主+谓+宾: I have an apple.主+谓+双宾:I will give you the book.(you和 the book都是宾语)主+谓+宾+宾补:I will make the classroom clean.(the classroom是宾语,clean是宾补,修饰宾语,补充宾语的状态)

主谓we are students he is a teacher you are beautiful 主谓并 I love you i like conputer he is playing basketball 双宾 Jim gives me a book.Sam passes Talor a pen.Lucy lends Lily some money.

帮忙造一下主+谓, 主谓宾, 主谓双宾的简单句
我走了 小明拿着一个苹果 小话终于找到了姐姐和妈妈,

【注意】①有的动词可接双宾语,间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。这类动词常见的有:give,buy,lend,pass, tell,leave等。如:He bought me a book.Pass me the ball,will you?(间宾+直宾)直接宾语一般放在间接宾语之后,但若把直接宾语放在前面,则要在间接宾语前加适当的介词如to或 for等。

1、主谓:He slept.2、主谓宾:I have a dream.3、主系表:She is tired.4、主谓宾补:He kicked him dead.5、主谓双宾:They call him Master.



I want to give you my advice 我想给你我的建议。give sb. sth. 给某人某物(=give sb. sth.)You can buy your mum some flowers.你可以给你妈妈买些花。buy sb. sth.为某人买某物(=buy sth. for sb.)Bill sent Peter an e-mail..比尔给彼得发送了一封邮件。send sb. sth.向某人...

16. 双宾语动词+sb.+sth.=双宾语动词+sth.+to\/for+sb.17. 主谓宾例句:Ilikeapples.18. Shegavemeabook.=gaveabooktome.19. tell,teach,give,buy,等动词作谓语动词时常后接双宾语结构,构成:tellsomebodysomething告诉某人某事,如:themantoldusthestory。20. 如:ibuyhimabag.

戢利17172566438问: 英语主谓双宾结构例句3个 -
崇州市复方回答:[答案] Jim gives me a book.Sam passes Talor a pen.Lucy lends Lily some money.其中Jim Sam Lucy 为主语gives passes lends 为谓语me Talor Liy 为直接宾语book a pen some money 为间接宾语

戢利17172566438问: 主谓双宾的英语句子 -
崇州市复方回答:[答案] he gives me a book.他给我一本书. she told me a story.她给我讲了一个故事.

戢利17172566438问: 英语主谓双宾结构例句3个 -
崇州市复方回答: Jim gives me a book. Sam passes Talor a pen. Lucy lends Lily some money. 其中 Jim Sam Lucy 为主语 gives passes lends 为谓语 me Talor Liy 为直接宾语 book a pen some money 为间接宾语

戢利17172566438问: 我要几个英语的 主谓句 主谓宾句 双宾语 主系表 主谓宾宾补 的句子我要几个英语的 主谓句 主谓宾句 双宾语 主系表 主谓宾宾补 的句子 越多越好,不要太简... -
崇州市复方回答:[答案] 这些够不够? 1.She sends me a message.(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 2.Would you please pass me the book?(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 3.She told me a joke.(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 4.A young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. (主+谓) 5.A...

戢利17172566438问: 主+谓+双宾
崇州市复方回答: He gave me an apple.他给了我一个苹果. 主语he,谓语gave,直接宾语an apple,间接宾语me. I wish you happy days.我祝你幸福. 主语I,谓语wish,直接宾语happy days,间接宾语you. 宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者.宾语...

戢利17172566438问: 句子主干的5种类型的英语例句1、主系表结构 2、主谓宾结构 3、主谓结构 4、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 5、主语+谓语+双宾语 的英语例句 各2个 急用 -
崇州市复方回答:[答案] 1 He is my sister.She looks like her father.2 I like coffee.The teacher praised me yesterday.3 He will leave soon.My father is smoking.4 I will have my car repaired.I saw the boy playing near the lake...

戢利17172566438问: 关于英语简单句例句 -
崇州市复方回答: 1主谓: Things change.事物是变化的. Nobody went.没有人去. 2主谓宾: We never beat children.我们从来不打孩子. My sister will fix everything.我姐姐会料理一切. 3 主系表:Mr. Turner is an artist.特纳先生是位画家. She became a lawyer...

戢利17172566438问: 英语的句式主谓状.主谓宾.主系表.主谓双宾.主谓宾,状语.主谓宾、宾补.There,be例句. -
崇州市复方回答:[答案] 主谓状.i met a friend while walking on the street.主谓宾.she kicks football.主系表.u are a boy.主谓双宾.i found him a car.主谓宾,状语.i found a car.主谓宾、宾补i found him a honest man..There,be there...

戢利17172566438问: 英语中的五种简单句各举40个句子 -
崇州市复方回答: 1主谓He laughed 2主谓宾I have two book 3主谓双宾We never beat childre 4主系表That sounds good 5主谓宾 宾语补足语I found the book easy

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