
作者&投稿:乐正斧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

写英语句子的基本规则有:主谓一致、语序、标点符号、大写字母、时态一致、使用连词。1、主谓一致:句子中的主语和谓语动词应该在人称和数上保持一致。例如:She sings beautifully。(她唱得很好)。2、语序:英语的基本语序是主谓宾。例如:I love you。(我爱你)。但有时可以根据需要改变语序。3、...

这一原则是指,谓语动词的人称和数常常与最近作主语的词语保持一致.常出现在这类句子中的连词有:or,either… or …,neither… nor …,not only… but also …等.例如:Either I or they are responsible for the result of the matter.不是我,就是他们要对那件事的结局负责任。Neither the ...

如:The headmaster and the football player have arrived. 校长和足球队员已经到了。但是,(1)The headmaster and football player has arrived. 校长兼足球队员到了。(2)My classmate and best friend has just called me . 同学兼好友刚打电话给我。以上三句都正确,原因在于the headmaster ...

在each…andeach…,every…and every…,no…andno…之后的谓语动词应该采取单数的形式,所以正确答案应该是B,每一个警察和火警人员都保持警戒状态。我的朋友前几天在奥威斯发展大厦29层进行辅导的,他和我说他的英语口语有明显提高语法方面也不再混乱了,你不妨去试一下。

1、主谓一致是英语句子构成的原则,而汉语中这一点不太明显。2、有些主语到底是单复数需要根据英语的很多习惯确定。3、一般情况下,大于1的用复数,小于等于1的用单数,本句中 One and a half days 是时间,因此当做单数,距离、路程也都是当做单数,这是中高考考试重点,一定要注意。One and a ...

the data【 received from the two spacecrafts (whirling around Mars )】indicate that there is much...【】中为data的后置定语,()中为spacecrafts的后置定语。主语绝对是the data,i而时态又是一般现在时(从is判断),所以当把data看做单数时ndicate决对要加s 另附一例句:All the data is...


--All right, Mum. [福州市] A. is B. are C. was D. were [答案]A.[解析]本题考查"there be"句型中be的数及时态,be在数上要与最近的主语保持一致.句子的主语是不可数名词,所以be应使用单数形式,B、D两项可以排除。 Not only Jim but also his sister __...

one of +名词复数,作先行词时,定从的谓动用复数.3. 这里主语看each one .因此用is 4.因为把时间(A year and a half )当作一个整体来看待.故用单数谓语 5.由form, kind, part, piece, type,series 等词加of形成的短语做主语时,其谓语的单复数 取决于这些词本身的单复数. 此句中 series ...

People like eating fast food。Some students need be taken after。Few people write letter。Children want to dothings that they like。The old live the old's home。The firms employ fifty people。We hurt ourself。We listen the video。We greet our teacher in the morning。Each of you...

叶桦13563542699问: 考点“主谓一致”求例句. -
托里县清热回答: 1.人称、数的一致. [2例句] I am a student . Two books are on the desk .2.不可数名词、不定代词表示抽象概念作主语时,谓语动词用单数.[1例句] there is little water in the bottle .3.主语为people , police,时,谓语动词用复数.[1例句] the police ...

叶桦13563542699问: 主谓一致的英语句子 -
托里县清热回答: 主谓一致是指:1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致.2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致.3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,一般来说,不可数名词用动词单...

叶桦13563542699问: 英语翻译帮忙翻译一下下列主谓一致的句子!,1.他的一系列作品已经被翻译成英文了.2.余下的树被用作了柴火.3.对一位影视明星来说,赢得奥斯卡金像奖是... -
托里县清热回答:[答案] 1.His series of works have been translated into English by.2.The remaining trees were used as a firewood.3.Of a film star, won the Academy Award is a great honor.4.I can spare the time you talk about ...

叶桦13563542699问: 主谓一致的特殊例都有哪些呀 -
托里县清热回答: 总结了一下,应该就是这样了,要是再想起来什么我会上来补充的.呵,希望对你有帮助. 主谓一致是中学英语的一项重要语法内容,也是高考必考的语法点之一.虽然主谓一致涉及的语法规则有多条,但面临高考的同学应特别关注以下几点:...

叶桦13563542699问: 在英语中主谓一致是什么意思?
托里县清热回答: 举几个例子你就知道什么叫主谓一致了 比如 He is in the classroom./They are in the classroom. 这里单数主语“(he )他”对应的谓语系动词就是单数的“is”/复数主语"(they)他们"对应的谓语系动词就是复数的“are” 再比如 He wants to sleep./They want to sleep. 这里的单数主语“(he )他”对应的谓语动词就是单数的“wants”/复数主语"(they)他们"对应的谓语系动词就是复数的“want” 这只是简单的 相信你能看懂 如果你遇到复杂的实例我想我还是可以帮你解决的 祝你好运

叶桦13563542699问: 从下文中找出其中是主谓一致的句子Are you OK,Betty?Your hair looks nice!And you look smart,Daming.My new trousers are a bit tight…Everyone is ... -
托里县清热回答:[答案] 【Your hair 单数主语】【looks 单数谓语】 nice!And 【you 复数主语】【 look 复数谓语】smart. My new trousers are a bit ... Please give a warm welcome to Becky Wang! 这一段话都正确,正确表达中的每个英语句子都符合【主谓一致】的要求. 祝...

叶桦13563542699问: 关于主谓一致的句子.This kind of rose smell sweet while roses of that kind are very attractive.请问这个句子对不对,该改哪里 -
托里县清热回答:[答案] This kind of rose smells sweet while rose of that kind is very attractive.

叶桦13563542699问: plus,besides,in addition to,no less than的关于主谓一致的句子 -
托里县清热回答:[答案] 1.Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable. 2.He has no money beside this. 3.In addition to gene,intelligence also depends on an adequate diet,a good education and a decent home environment.

叶桦13563542699问: 主谓一致的一个句子 -
托里县清热回答: 对的,主谓一致就是,主语是复数habits,对应的谓语要是复数are,主语是单数habit,对应的谓语要是单is ,这个句子是be动词作谓语,

叶桦13563542699问: 主谓一致的用法? -
托里县清热回答:[答案] 用作主语的名词词组中心词和谓语动词在单、复数形式上的一致,就是语法一致.也就是说,如果名词中心词是单数,动词用单数形式;如果名词中心词是复数,动词用复数形式.例如: This table is a genuine antique. Both parties have their own ...

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