
作者&投稿:倚志 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Be+adj 加从句的句子是宾语从句,还是状语从句?

列举be + adj.+介词的例子
be sure of be afraid of be good at be weak in be busy with be surprised at Be famous for Be known as be proud of be different from be the same with be harm for


某些形容词和用做形容词的过去分词的后面可以跟介词+名词/动名词 通常特定的形容词和分词要求跟特定的介词.所以很难找到规律,很多时候就是单个记忆,凭语感来运用了.我手头有个电子版的牛津语法,里面列举了一些,你要需要的话,我发给你.

be动词+adj形容词+介词 的结构的词组 请举例,越多越好!
be sure of be afraid of be good at be weak in be busy with be surprised at

Be careful to do 做某事的时候要小心。Be careful to across the street.过马路时要小心。Be +形容词+to do意思就是:做什么的时候要怎样。

您好!这是英语中简单句五个基本句型的一个:主+be +adj. (主系表结构)不叫谓语。有疑问可追问,望采纳!谢谢!

倒装语序:So+adj.+be+ 主语+that+句子 举例 a. She was injured so badly that he had to be sent to the hospital.So badly was she injured that she had to be sent to the hospital.b. The novel was so boring that he gave up reading it half way through.So boring was ...

It+be+adj+to do something It is easy to learn Chinese. 学习汉语很简单(表示准备去做)It+be+adj+doing something It is easy playing football. 踢足球很简单(表示兴趣,已经做过)It+ be+ adj.\/n.+ doing(phrase) 动名词作主语,由it作形式主语使句子平衡 It’s so nice sitting here...

求小学英语短语、词组be adj. at\/ for\/with\/to 等,并有解释(最好加例句...
do well in 在 做的好 i do well in English.Look for 寻找 I am looking for my cat.make sure of 确保 Please make sure of the time and place.be good to 对 好 My uncle is good to me Be good for 对 有好处 morning exercise is good for our health.be used to ...

宾宰15011738549问: 主语+be+adj+to do sth 例句 -
文昌市里亚回答:[答案] It's so kind of her to help me. It's too heavy for her to carry.

宾宰15011738549问: 英语主语+be+adj+to do+不及物动词的句型 -
文昌市里亚回答: The noisy surroundings are difficult to tolerate .English is easy to learn .

宾宰15011738549问: be + adj.+ to do…句型造句,一句超过20个英文字 -
文昌市里亚回答: He is old enough to help his parents with his younger sister and get a job of postman to support his domestic economy.

宾宰15011738549问: 主+be +adj. +to do: 不定式一般用主动式,与主语存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以当不定式的动词是不及物动词 -
文昌市里亚回答: There be 结构是一常见的表示“存在”的句型,但是,该结构不表示“存在”意义的现象又广见于书面语及口语,它以否定句的形式出现,用于对某一具体行为和抽象概念的否定.其惯用结构一般有以下三种:一、There is + no + Noun + in ...

宾宰15011738549问: be+adj+to do sth 造句 谢谢 帮帮忙
文昌市里亚回答: He is happy to have o new job

宾宰15011738549问: 主语+be+adj+todo可以省略be吗 -
文昌市里亚回答: 1.有;例如:he is hard to be pleased他很难“被”取悦.2.be不可以省略.3.有be+adj+doing,不过与前面的不同;to do 应该是表动作 强调动作 doing是强调状态

宾宰15011738549问: sth+be+adj+to+do造句 -
文昌市里亚回答: Chinese is easy to learn. (汉语容易学.)English is difficult to learn. (英语难学.)The chair is comfortable to sit on. (那张椅子坐上去很舒服.)

宾宰15011738549问: be +adj + to do -
文昌市里亚回答: 因为这种句型的不定式的逻辑主语是人,只是有时省略了.sth+be +adj +( for sb )to do

宾宰15011738549问: 用press sb,to do sth 主语+be+adj+to do 强调句 only+状语倒装 -
文昌市里亚回答: 1 Don't press me to do my homework all the time! 不要一直强迫我做作业. The boss pressed his workers to work 16 hours a day. 这个老板强迫他的工人每天工作16个小时.

宾宰15011738549问: 主语+be+数词+名词+adj 英语造句 -
文昌市里亚回答: 应该是主语+be+数词+adj+名词 这种句子很多了,就是简单句,例如:You are a good boy !

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