
作者&投稿:訾魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“用介词“被”或“叫”“让”等引进动作施事的一种句式我们称为被”字句。句子的主语是动作的受事。基本结构:名(受事)+被+名(施事)+动+其它 例如:敌人被我们打败了。(我们打败敌人)他被公司开除了。(公司开除他)“被”书面语色彩较浓,口语中常用“叫”“让”;“被”的宾语有时...

形式主动、意义被动的句子也称为意义被动句。又如:This material washes\/ doesn't wash\/ won't wash。这种材料可以洗/不可以洗/不能洗。五、形式被动,意义主动的句子 be done (with)和be finished是特殊结构,它们的主语并不是受动者,而是施动者。When we were done, we went out to the ...

下面是被动语态各种时态的例句:e.g. You are wanted on the phone . 有你的电话。(一般现在时) The railway was built in 1998. 这条铁路建于1998 年。(一般过去时) A new railway is being built in this city. 这个城市正在修建一条新的铁路。(现在进行时) The railway was being ...

各位 懂英语的进来告诉我 教我主动与被动语态的区别 举一些例子。_百度...
1)将主动语态改为被动语态应注意以下三个方面:①将主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语;②将主动语态的谓语动词改为“be+过去分词”结构;③将主动语态的主语改为介词by之后的宾语,放在谓语动词之后(有时可省略)。 2)含直接宾语和间接宾语的主动语态改为被动语态时有两种情况:①把间接宾语改为被动语态的主语,直接...

英语各种时态的被动语态和主动语态的规则是什么 各举2个句子
英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。1.当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,2. 或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。被动语态结构:be + 过去分词(PP) + (by …)在改写中应注意:1.把原来的宾语提到前面作被动语态的主语;2.把动词变成“be + 过去分词”;3.主动语态中的主语变为介词by...

2. 被动语态即我们中文中的被”字句(被、受、由)被动语态的公式:主语+ be done +(by sb.)这里的done是过去分词,为非谓语动词(女朋友),前面的be动词是辅助动词(结婚证),辅助do构成被动语态,be动词+done共同构成句子的谓语动词。二、语态和时态的结合 1. 一般状态下的被动语态 ·一般...

are likely to be let down.你好像很失望。6 The child was named tom.这个小孩叫汤姆。以上几个例子都是从语法书摘抄的。代表了几种不同形式的被动变法。1\\2是不同的动宾短语中宾语变被动;3是一般句子变被动;4是情态动词变被动;5是不定式变被动;6是主—动—宾—补结构的主动句变被动。

英语中“被动表主动”的有:be seated、be hidden、be lost、be drunk、be dressed。1、be seated坐着,就座,相当于seat oneself。例如,He is seated on a bench.→He seats himself on a bench.他坐在凳子上。Please be seated,ladies and gentlemen!女士们,先生们,请就座!2、be hidden...

事实上,这类句子转换后的动词是不及物的,需要一个介词加上名词以使句子意思完整。5.有的介词短语作复合宾语时,也可以用增、减单词方法作主动和被动的转换。Mr Brown is in charge of this construction.—This construction is in the chargeof Mr Brown.布朗先生负责这项工程。(这项工程由...

如: We must take good care of the young trees.→The young trees must be taken good care of. 6)含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动结构时,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面;也可采用另一种形式。可以这样转换为被动结构的动词有know,say,believe,find,think,report等。如: People believe ...

丙秀13255299612问: 求一般现在时的被动和主动语态的句子主动和被动都5个就好, -
伊川县枫蓼回答:[答案] 虽然不太明白你的本意,但希望下面成对的句子可以帮你理解主动语态和被动语态在一般现在时中的同义句意表达要求:主动态 He often helps others.被动态 Others are often helped by him 主动态 Teachers usually ask us questions.被动态 We are ...

丙秀13255299612问: 英语的肯定句,否定句,主动句和被动句的例句 -
伊川县枫蓼回答: 肯:this must be my tie.(这一定是我的领带) 否:she is not her sister.(她一定不是她妹妹.) 主动:I will go to school.(我要去学校了.) 被动:I was brought to school with my mom.(我被妈妈带去学校) 主动句就是主语自己发出的动作,被动句就是主语被动发出动作. 比如“我去了学校”是主动,主语自己去的学校;"我被送去了学校“,主语被动地去了学校.

丙秀13255299612问: 急需关于一些主动.被动语态的句子.定谢!(我9年级)
伊川县枫蓼回答: (1)一般现在时(2)一般过去时(3)现在完成时(4)过去完成时(5)一般将来时(6)过去将来时(7)情态动词 每一个时态造1对句子(一个主动语态和一个被动语态) 1.I take a book. A book is taken by me. 2.I took a book. A book was taken by me. 3.I ...

丙秀13255299612问: 5个被动语态的句子5个主动语态的句子,(英语) -
伊川县枫蓼回答: I gave him an apple . He was given an apple (by me). She directed the film. The film was directed (by her). He wrote the novel. The novel was written (by him). I posted the letter last night . The letter was posted last night (by me). I told him the news . The news was told to him (by me ).

丙秀13255299612问: 英语主动语态变被动语态的句子.要10个.简单的
伊川县枫蓼回答: 1. People speak English in Canada. 2. We founded The PRC on October 1, 1949. 3. Students play football in most middle schools. 4. They don't sell bikes in that shop. 5.Jack will give an English class tomorrow. 6. He is driving a car now. 7.The ...

丙秀13255299612问: 关于主动表被动的两个句子 -
伊川县枫蓼回答: The smell smells sweet. the smell 作名词 表味道、气味 第2个smell作动词 主语是单数 所以要加s :这个味道/气味闻起来很(香)甜 正确 The lock locks easily.' 同上 加s the lock 这把锁 : 这把锁很好用/方便

丙秀13255299612问: 主动语句转被动语句(4句)1.You must not take these magazines out of the reading - room.2.Do you often clean your room?3.Could you carry out the plan on ... -
伊川县枫蓼回答:[答案] 1.these magazines must not be taken out of the reading room. 2.Is your room often cleaned by you? 3.could the plan be carried out on time? 4.It not has to be written in such a hurry.

丙秀13255299612问: 主动被动语句互换(初二)主→被I eat an apple every day.People use knives to cut things.Will he give me a cake on my birthday.I saw that man enter the room.... -
伊川县枫蓼回答:[答案] 过去式\\将来时,全列出来问题补充:主动句呢?被动结构:过去时:一般过去时的:was/were done 过去进行时:was/were being done 过去完成时:had

丙秀13255299612问: 主动和被动的将来完成时句子 -
伊川县枫蓼回答: They will have finished the project by the end of next month.他们将在下个月底前完成这工程. The project will have been finished by the end of next month.工程将在下个月底前完成. 主动:will have done 被动:will have been done

丙秀13255299612问: 英语句子写出5个主动变被动的句子一定要正确一共十个句子! -
伊川县枫蓼回答:[答案] 1.We built the buildings one year ago. The buildings was built one year ago. 2.How to make bread? How is bread made? 3Can I eat it now? Can it is eaten now? 4.The frozen fish is here. Here the fish is frozen . 5Put it in bags. The thing is put into the ...

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